
Cheng Xintang was angry.

But Ji Chen had already sat down.

Everyone in the square was shocked by Ji Chen's dominance.

His strength frightened everyone. A Holy Son who was the successor of the Holy Land would kill as soon as he was told, without considering the consequences at all. His murderous nature and ferocity were fully revealed.

Combined with the record of killing thirty-six kings in one night a few days ago, everyone was shocked to realize that this was really a killing god.

They had not seen the killing of the thirty-six kings that night, but they had seen the killing of the Holy Land's successor, the Holy Son, and they were able to kill them with just a few swords. It's like killing a chicken.

The entire square was silent, and no one spoke.

At this time, Ji Chen spoke again, "Why are you silent? Isn't it time to elect the leader of the alliance? Since everyone is silent and Mr. Ji is not talented, he recommended himself. What do you think?"

After he finished speaking, he looked around at everyone, his eyes like daggers, but no one dared to look at him.

Cheng Xintang's face was already livid. Ji Chen was seizing power, trying to control the entire power of Dandong.

Their original plan was to have Yu Hongmo from the Ceres Sect be the leader and Zhao Xinlan be the deputy leader.

Yu Hongmo is the young man in white who has been sitting there, using him to check and balance Ji Chen, and then using Zhao Xinlan to check and balance Yu Hongmo, controlling the direction of the entire alliance.

I just didn't expect Ji Chen to stand up and start seizing power.

This turn of events caught him off guard.

The young man in white, Yu Hongmo, also looked at Cheng Xintang with a confused expression. This seemed to be somewhat different from what they had discussed.

The scene was silent, and the atmosphere was a little subtle. For a while, no one stood up to speak.

Ji Chen's eyes were sharp and electric as he sat back on the chair.

"Whoever has an opinion can stand up. I am the most reasonable person. As the leader of the alliance, of course I have to convince everyone."

Everyone's face is twitching. You are reasonable. If you were reasonable, you wouldn't kill people casually.

"Master Zixia!"

A voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Someone actually spoke. Among the Xingxiu Sect, the middle-aged man in black clothes spoke.

"do you have any opinion?"

Ji Chen's eyes narrowed and he asked.

"I don't dare to express my opinion. I am just stating the facts. Tianxing Cult leader Jian Zhinan just raised a question and was directly killed by you. Are you too domineering and ruthless? As the leader of the alliance with such a personality, I am really worried about whether you can lead everyone to resist. The invasion of monsters.”

"Are you overbearing?" Ji Chen raised his eyebrows, "A Tianxing Sect that no longer exists, and now a leader suddenly appears. I seriously suspect that he is a spy sent by the demon clan. If you don't kill this kind of person, you will still be there. New Year’s Eve?”

"Master Zixia, you are being unreasonable. He is the successor of the Holy Land of Dongming. Everyone knows how he could be a spy of the demon clan."

"So, you are going to stand up for him?" Ji Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, flashing with murderous intent.

"I don't dare. I'm just stating the facts. The position of alliance leader is of great importance. We must choose someone who can lead everyone and convince everyone."

Ji Chen said coldly: "You believed him when he said he was the leader of the Tianxing Sect. Now I say I am your father, do you believe it?"

The man in black was immediately angry and said, "You are making excuses and making nonsense!"

"I'll pester your mother!"

Ji Chen slashed directly at the man in black.

In an instant, the sword energy was fierce, the astonishing sword intention enveloped the area, and the bright sword light released a terrifying killing intent.

The whole air vibrated, and the light of the sword fell down like a divine brilliance.

The fierce demonic energy fell with the light of the sword.

With one strike, the whole world became miserable.

Everyone in the Xingxiu Sect had panic in their eyes. They felt the breath of death on this knife and could not resist it at all.

A trace of panic and panic flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black. He couldn't resist, couldn't resist at all. Divine light exploded from his body, soaring into the sky, and he retreated crazily.

However, it was too late after all. The sword light fell from the sky and passed away like a flash of lightning.


The man in black was split in half and fell from the air.

Blood sprayed out, chilling the hearts of several people in the Xingxiu Sect.

Several people from the Xingxiu Sect turned pale, and their souls were all gone, and they didn't even care about the blood on their bodies.

They were still immersed in the knife attack just now.

That knife was so terrifying that it was impossible to resist.

At that moment, they seemed to see hell.

The entire square was filled with deathly silence. A powerful Yuyu-level master was killed by Ji Chen with one blow.

Everyone was shocked!

"Ji Chen!"

Cheng Xintang was angry, but before he could speak, Ji Chen spoke first, "Vice President Cheng, the overall situation is the most important thing. Today is the Dandong Cultivation Circle Alliance. Don't delay the overall situation because of trivial matters."


Cheng Xintang looked very ugly.

At this moment, everyone actually saw that the Demon King Ji was here for the position of leader of the alliance. Anyone who dared to object would be killed directly. It was unreasonable at all.

"If you have any opinions, just put them forward directly, and I will continue to reason."

Ji Chen sat down immediately after saying a word, placing the Tianxuan knife on the table.

Everyone was silent, trying to reason, how should I say it?

Do you preach with the sword in your hand? Carve the word on one side and reason on the other.

That's the truth.

Although Cheng Xintang and Zhao Xinlan were angry, they were helpless.

The development of the matter was completely beyond their control. At this point, it would be impossible not to elect Ji Chen as the leader of the alliance, otherwise he would keep killing them until the alliance failed this time.

The key is that they can't do anything to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen is from the Demon Suppression Division, and now he controls a great sect in Dandong.

Once this alliance fails, it is very likely that the demon clan will invade Dandong and directly affect the battle situation in Beihuang. That would be the biggest sin.

"Master Cheng, the overall situation is important, so choose him!" Zhao Xinlan spoke to discuss with Cheng Xintang.

At this point, Ji Chen can only be chosen as the leader of the alliance. Otherwise, the alliance is likely to fail today, and it will be difficult to bring these forces together next time.

"But this Ji Chen is reckless, reckless and bloodthirsty. He is a madman and is not suitable to be the leader of the alliance at all.?"

Cheng Xintang has concerns. In his opinion, the Demon Suppression Division is a group of demons who are impulsive and reckless. Let them kill demons, kill demons, and lead troops. It's not that he looks down on them. Anyone he picks at random is better than Ji Chen.

Zhao Xinlan said: "Now you can see the situation of Dan Dong. All sects are afraid of him. Even if they choose someone else to be the leader, I'm afraid it will be difficult to manage. Why not push him up and let him be the leader?" Alliance leader, you can use this to restrain him."

"If there is a problem in Dandong and it affects the war in Beihuang, we can directly question him. Even the Holy Emperor will not be able to protect him."


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