The news spread quickly, causing shock and discussion.

It is no longer a secret that the descendants of the City Lord's Mansion have returned. All the major forces in Dandong know that the City Lord's Mansion has actually been controlled by the troops of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom.

On the surface, the invitation was sent by the city lord's palace, but in fact it represented the Daxia army.

The major forces may not care about the city lord's palace, but they must consider the Daxia army. After all, no force in the entire Dandong territory can compete with the Daxia army.

The invitations issued by the City Lord's Palace were sent to those behind the scenes who actually controlled these forces.

They are also discussing the benefits and gains and losses of this alliance. All the forces in Dandong combined together are definitely an extremely powerful force. Once you have it in hand, it is equivalent to mastering the entire Dandong.

"This force must be controlled in our hands!" From a certain force, a man in white held an invitation in his hand and showed a faint smile. He came from a certain supreme religion and was very confident.

There was a handsome man next to the man in white, with a cold smile, "Others are easy to say, that Ji Wudi probably won't give up easily, he is a very strong enemy."

"Just the day before, he went to the City Lord's Mansion and came out half a day later. I suspect that he has reached an agreement with the City Lord's Mansion. The alliance is very willing to make a wedding dress for him this time. In that case, the gain outweighs the loss. It would be better to Don’t join this league.”

The man in white smiled and said: "Don't forget that he also has another identity, the general banner of the Demon Suppression Department. This is a department that makes officials from all departments in Daxia fear. The Daxia army will not really reuse him, let alone fight with him." Deep friendship.”

"Because he is now the leader of the Zixia Sect, letting him go is just to take the lead in supporting this alliance. I believe it won't be long before the Zixia Sect will be the first to speak out in support of the alliance."

"I believe that other forces will not let him easily become the leader of the alliance. If he wants to control Dandong, he will be blocked by many forces and parties."

He was very confident, as if he already knew everything.

"It's time for us to take action. Let's go out for a walk and meet the people behind the other forces. We also need to pay a visit to the City Lord's Mansion. We should show our goodwill appropriately and move closer to them. The position of the alliance leader is basically confirmed. .”

"Also, go to Li Changzhi's place. Although this loser is of little use, he still has an official status and has a certain say in the army. Moreover, he seems to have a gap with Ji Mowang. This can be taken advantage of."

Other forces are also discussing the same topic.

"Dandong Practitioners Association, this is an opportunity. This force must be in our hands."

"Danzhou has been without an owner for a long time. Many people have forgotten the past glory of this place. I will transform in this land, gather the fortune of this land to prove the truth, become the master of this land, and let him once again brilliant."

The man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, tall, heroic, and very powerful. His pale gold pupils shoot out rays of light. In his hand, he also holds the invitation that was just delivered to him.

In a secret room somewhere, a middle-aged man looked at the invitation and said with a smile: "Since the invitations have been sent out, let's go there. With the current situation in Dandong, it will be impossible for the alliance not to go there."

"Yes! If Dan Dong is lost, I'm afraid we won't be in a better position?"

"This alliance may not be as simple as imagined. With such a large force, many people are watching!"

Zixia Sect also received the invitation. The great elder found Ji Chen with the invitation and handed it to him.

Ji Chen looked at the invitation in his hand and smiled. It was an invitation issued by the city lord's palace, and it said it was personally signed by Taoist Zixia.

It seems that the city lord's palace does not want him to participate in this alliance as the general banner of the Demon Suppression Division, but as the leader of Zixia.

"This will make it easier!"

Soon, the Zixia Sect was the first to stand up and declare its support for the alliance.

The Zixia Sect's statement was expected by everyone and did not cause much commotion.

Immediately afterwards, several major religions and some small and medium-sized forces in Dandong spoke out one after another, expressing their agreement to form an alliance and not allowing the demon clan to step into Dandong.

The time for the alliance is set at the City Lord's Mansion three days later. Leaders, elders, and sect leaders of all major forces can attend.

Tianxing Sect.

Among the ruins where the mountains collapsed, two figures came from a distance and stood on the ruins.

One of the men was wearing white clothes. He was very handsome, with long flowing hair, and his eyes were shining with brilliance, as if there were stars floating in them.

Another woman was accompanying him. She was holy and graceful, with no flaws on her face. She was stunningly beautiful and had a perfect figure.

"After all, it was too late. The Tianxing Sect was destroyed and the junior brother was killed!" The young man's eyes flashed with light, staring at the broken battlefield, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The woman next to him said: "I heard that Demon King Ji killed thirty-six kings in one night and is now known as Ji Wudi."

"Invincible, who dares to claim to be invincible in this world. When the great age comes, the geniuses will rise together, and all the heroes will compete. If no one dares to claim to be invincible in this great age, then he will become the target of challenge from all the geniuses."

The young man's eyes kept searching in this ruined mountain range, and finally settled on a certain place, so he turned into a stream of light and came to that place.

Pieces of broken pieces of the suit floated up from the ground, and were collected by the young man in his hands.

"The Yin Yang Jade Pendant was taken away by him!"

"Who is it, Demon King Ji?" the woman asked.

The young man's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the cold breath filled the entire ruined battlefield. "That jade pendant was given to me by the master. I gave it to my junior brother. I must get it back and avenge my junior brother's revenge."

The woman frowned slightly, "But if we come forward to help our junior brother get revenge, wouldn't it just be exposed that we are supporting the Tianxing Sect behind the scenes? When the time comes, the Holy Emperor will..."

"It's just the Holy Emperor. Not all holy places are afraid of him. He has too much time to take care of himself now. It just so happens that Dandong is going to hold an alliance meeting. It seems to be very lively. We just happened to go and join in the fun." The young man didn't care. He was very confident and seemed to know something. secret.

"This is an internal alliance in Dandong. If we go there rashly, we will be ostracized."

However, the woman felt something was wrong and was a little entangled. Demon King Ji killed thirty-six kings in one night and was now as powerful as the Holy Sons of the major holy places. She did not want to provoke him as she was worried that the young man would not be able to defeat him.

The young man glanced at the woman and said: "We are not going as the Holy Land of Dongming, but as the Tianxing Sect. The Dandong Alliance will form a good force. If we can hold it in our hands, it will be even better than Tianxing Sect. If you don’t want to go, you can go back to the Holy Land first.”

The woman approached the man and snuggled into his arms, "I will be by your side, senior brother, no matter where you go."


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