
With this blow, the weapons collided, creating sparks like lightning. The divine sound was so shocking that the eardrums of everyone in the Sirius Sect buzzed and almost burst.

This blow was incredible, simply unbelievable.

This was the voice of everyone. They were extremely shocked. They had never seen a battle of this level before.

The fight between the two was shockingly violent and violent, and this fierceness was enough to shock all those watching.

The black halberd slashed down one after another, as if cutting through the void. His movements were too fast, like a ball of light blazing, and he attacked with the halberd.

The sound of clanging was endless, sparks sputtered, fairy lights bloomed, magic lights criss-crossed, various lights flashed fiercely in the air, and the two people also engaged in a fierce confrontation.

Ji Chen held a sword in one hand and used the Nine Demon-Destroying Swords. The demons danced wildly and all the demons returned to their clan.

He used these two moves with great proficiency, but he retained the last one. Even if the place was shrouded by a formation, he chose to retain it. No matter at any time, he must have a life-saving trump card, which can save lives at critical moments.

Who knows if there are old monsters who are proficient in formations who can penetrate the formations and see the situation here, although this situation is unlikely to happen.

But precautions still have to be taken.

The sword energy of magic light intertwined and collided with the black halberd.

"All demons return to the clan!"

Ji Chen groaned, and slashed out nearly ten thousand swords in an instant. In an instant, the ten thousand swords merged into one, and the astonishing magic sword shone down, and the whole world was shaken.

This is the true return of all demons to the clan, all demons unite into one, and a single sword shocks the sky, tearing the world apart.

At this moment, Ji Chen was like a demon walking in this world, trying to cut this world apart.

The stunning sword light seemed to fly from the sky and struck the black halberd.


The Black Panther King was chopped and flew away, staggering, and there was a crack on the big halberd.

Suddenly, an extremely tragic aura appeared between the heaven and the earth, making people's souls and bodies tremble. It was like an ancient ferocious beast had broken free of its seal and came to this world, with endless killing intent swirling high in the sky.

"This is!"

Everyone was shocked, staring at the halberd in the Black Panther King's hand. The dark weapon was shining with a dark light, which was breathtaking. The tragic aura was emanating from this weapon.

"Demon Dragon Halberd!"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing this halberd.

Legend has it that this Demonic Dragon Halberd was a generation of demonic soldiers. A powerful Holy Lord among the demon clan killed a black demonic dragon, refined it with his demonic bones mixed with rare metals, and sealed the soul of the black demonic dragon in in.

Later, this weapon became the weapon that the Holy Lord of the Demon Clan used to kill all his life.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect this weapon to be in the hands of the Black Panther King. It seems that the identity of the Black Panther King is not simple.

And the crack on the Demon Dragon Halberd healed automatically.

The black weapon was full of ferocity, shining with a cold metallic sheen, like a ferocious beast, emitting an extremely cruel aura.

The Demonic Dragon Halberd was originally sealed. It is estimated that the strong demon clan member who gave it to the Black Panther King did not want the Black Panther King to rely too much on this weapon.

Because the Demon Dragon Halberd was injured, the seal was automatically released, and the aura erupted at this moment, which shocked everyone.

This is a true Holy Lord-level weapon, extremely powerful.

The Black Panther King stood with the Demon Dragon Halberd in hand, his whole body exuding radiance, while the Demon Dragon Halberd was as black as ink. The two merged together, and the murderous intent was undulating like a vast ocean.

Ji Chen held the Tianxuan sword and stood in the void. The Tianxuan sword's blade was also dark, but it was simple and unpretentious. It looked like every ordinary knife. The blade was in the shape of a single character. It was simple and unpretentious, as if it was explaining the world. The truth between.

Tao gives birth to oneness, heaven and earth begin, and ninety-nine things return to oneness.

Ji Chen stood there and became one with the sword, just like the unified Tao, but it was such an ordinary-looking sword that just split the Demon Dragon Halberd and revived the seal of the Demon Dragon Halberd.

At this moment, Ji Chen held the Tianxuan sword in his hand, as if he was united with the avenue.

The muscular Black Panther King, with his black hair and shawl, unleashes the wildest murderous intent.

He walked in the void and walked towards Ji Chen. The demon dragon halberd exuded a fierce evil spirit, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

The body of the halberd vibrated, and the void was trembling, as if it was being crushed. The halberd was as heavy as a mountain, making people's hair stand on end, as if an ancient ferocious beast had awakened, which was intimidating.

At this moment, the Black Panther King's hair was dancing wildly, his bright red eyes were filled with cold electricity, and he was slashing at Ji Chen with the Demon Dragon Halberd.


The whole world shook, as if he was lifting a big mountain and smashing it directly over.

Ji Chen was as steady as a rock and as motionless as a mountain, feeling the vast power descending from the sky. The Tianxuan in his hand seemed to feel this power and trembled slightly.

That magic dragon halberd was so heavy that even the Black Panther King could not control it at his current state. When the halberd fell down, the black halberd seemed to distort the void, and the vast fluctuations surged like the ocean. Come.

It was at this time that Ji Chen moved, holding the knife in both hands, raising it above his head and slashing at the downed halberd.

Ji Chen's majestic appearance is as if possessed by a devil, with the devil's light shining and the sword's light blooming.

"All demons return to the clan!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of sword lights merged into one, and there was only one sword left in the world. It was so violent that it shocked the world and illuminated the world.

This sword force split Huashan Mountain and slashed towards the black spurge that resembled mountains.


The weapons collided, sparks flew out, and the sound penetrated the cracked metal and stone, making people's scalp numb and eardrums painful.

The vast power exploded, and the whole world exploded. Terrifying light shot out, and the fluctuations instantly spread across the whole world. Except for the few demon kings, everyone turned into blood under the fluctuations of this blow. fog.

The blood mist filled the air, and the shocking scene made the demon kings turn pale and extremely nervous. Everyone was suffocated. This kind of power was too terrifying. It was a power beyond the normal level. It was not something that this realm could compete with. of.

They were still chuckling and looking down on Ji Chen before, thinking that this was a battle without any suspense. The Black Panther King would kill Ji Chen easily. It was a one-sided fight, not a duel.

But until now, the Black Panther King has opened the seal of the Demon Dragon Halberd and restored the power of the Demon Dragon Halberd, but Ji Chen can still resist.

At this moment, everyone was frozen there.

Especially the old man in green clothes felt cold from head to toe.

So far in the battle, so many kings of the demon clan have died, and the entire Tianlang Sect has been almost wiped out. Now only a few demon kings and him are left.

His true identity was the previous leader of the Sirius Sect. At this moment, he suddenly regretted his cooperation with the demon clan and ruined the entire Sirius Sect.

Now even if the Black Panther King wins, the Sirius Cult is gone.

The demon dragon halberd exuded an extremely tragic aura, and the sealed demon dragon seemed to have come to life. The black light flashed, the dragon roar trembled, and exuded a heart-stopping demonic nature.


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