That night, Rongcheng flowed with blood. Countless cultivators lay dead on the streets or died tragically at home. The smell of blood filled the air.

In a restaurant that was still open late at night, Bai Liu sat at the window, looking at the red and spicy soup in the pot, as well as the rolling tripe and duck intestines, as well as the Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers rising and falling with the boiling soup. , swallowed his saliva.

He raised his head and glanced at the old man opposite.

"When I was there before, I heard that the hot pot in Chengdu was very delicious. It was said that it was passed down from the Holy Kingdom of Daxia. Our place was damp and cold, and the biggest wish of ordinary people was to eat a hot hot pot. , I heard from the older generation that the hot pot over there tastes very authentic, and the purpose of many of us fighting this war may be to have an authentic hot pot meal in the Holy City one day."

The old man didn't speak, just looked at Bai Liu who was chattering quietly.

"Okay! I know it's dangerous for me to appear in Chengdu, but I just want to confirm one thing. I just want to know if Master Zixia is the person I'm looking for. I'll leave after you finish this for me. "

"His behavior was so similar to that person's. That person happened to disappear without any news, and then he appeared out of thin air."

The young man picked up the tripe in the pot with his chopsticks and put it into the dipping bowl.

There are two kinds of dipping sauces in Daxia Shengguo. One is ginger, onion, garlic and coriander, and then some chopped peanuts, chopped pickles, sesame oil, sauce, vinegar and oil.

The other is tahini.

Bai Liu likes both.

"Eat it first, Maodu will get old if you don't eat it!"

But the old man said: "You can also eat the same kind of food."

"The law of the jungle, preying on the strong, has no such concept for us."

Bai Liu finished eating one chopstick and was about to pick up another chopstick when a sword light flew from the window and hovered between his eyebrows.

Bai Liu only felt a little coolness between his eyebrows, as if water drops were dripping there.

What he didn't know was that a bloody hole the size of a thumb had appeared between his eyebrows.

A stream of blood gushes out like a spring and falls into the pot.

The soup in the pot became even redder and exuded an alluring aroma.

The vitality in Bai Liu's eyes gradually cooled down, and he fell down on the table.

The old man opposite had disappeared, and the sword light flew out of the window, caught up with the old man, and killed him in the air.

The sword light flew back, and Ji Chen slowly walked through the street under the window.

That night, Chengdu was destined to be uneasy.

As the day dawned, a middle-aged man ran away wildly on the street, looking panicked. He was seriously injured. His whole body was covered with dense sword wounds, as if he had been cut by hundreds of sword energies. His body was torn into pieces, but was forcibly glued together with magic. together.

Ji Chen chased after him, holding a long sword.

"I'm so easy to slander, I really thought I wouldn't be able to find you if I hid in the dark."

Ji Chen slashed out with his sword, and the sword light flashed across the sky, cutting the middle-aged man in half. The body fell to the ground, broken into pieces, and blood flowed across the ground.

I took a look at the kill point, it was 14.8 million.

Then, Ji Chen's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Someone happened to see this scene and was extremely shocked.

Soon, the news spread, causing a sensation in Chengdu. The mysterious man who killed people in Chengdu that night finally appeared, and he was the leader of Zixia Sect.

Not only was Zixia's leader not affected by public opinion, but he appeared openly and killed all the people who had been secretly provoking a bloody night.

This incident caused an uproar, and everyone was shocked. The Zixia leader was still fearless and ruthless.

"Dandong is probably going to change. Leader Zixia is so strong that it will make other sects more determined to unite. He is digging his own grave!"

Everyone thinks that Zixia Cult Leader is really ruthless, and if he continues to be so arrogant, he will be trapped in a cocoon.

"After all, he was too young and a little too impatient."

"A young man is not crazy, let alone a young genius. It is normal to be a little arrogant."

"It will rain when the sky is crazy, and when people are crazy, there will be disaster. He will probably not be crazy for a few more days. The situation in Dandong is not as simple as everyone imagined. There are countless powerful people hidden in it, and many forces want to interfere with the demon clan and the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia. War, want to change the direction of the war. Or simply don’t want this war to end prematurely. Those strong people are just because of their status, or are afraid of the national prestige of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom, and it is not convenient to appear in public. But they will definitely find a way secretly or take action directly Kill the leader Zixia."

Many people believe that the current situation is very unfavorable to the Zixia Sect, and it is even worse for the leader of the Zixia Sect.

Now there are undercurrents surging in Chengdu, and many people have a premonition that something big is about to break out.

Several elders of Zixia Immortal Square also looked worried. The current situation in Chengdu was very unfavorable to them, and the depressive atmosphere made them worried.

"Where's the leader?"

The sixth elder asked. It had been a day and there was no sign of the leader.

The Great Elder sighed: "Go to the Heavenly Wolf Sect!"


Several elders were suddenly shocked and looked at the great elder in disbelief.

Have you gone to Sirius to teach?

Please excuse me?

Is the leader someone who confesses his sins so easily?

The great elder smiled bitterly and said: "Didn't those people ask the leader to go to the Sirius Sect to apologize? The leader said that since they were so enthusiastic, he would be sorry for their enthusiasm if he didn't go there. Anyway, the Sirius Sect still owes us one hundred thousand catties of souls. Shi, I will take back the spirit stone on this trip."

Several elders immediately became numb!

Is this to ask for forgiveness?

This is to slaughter the sect and exterminate the religion!

Several elders finally knew the reason why their eyelids had been twitching in the past two days.

This is the time for big things to happen.

The sky will be broken!

They were worried that this was a setup by the Sirius Sect and several other sects, and deliberately used words to humiliate their leader in order to lure him to the Sirius Sect.

After all, their leader is too young and frivolous, so he is easily fooled. Once he really goes, it will be difficult to come back alive.

"Why didn't you stop me, boss!" the third elder complained.

The great elder smiled bitterly, "With the character of our leader, do you think I can stop him from what he has decided?"

The situation in Chengdu was changing and it was completely boiling. Everyone was waiting for the reactions of the other major religions and what would happen next for the leader Zixia.

But at this moment, Ji Chen had already arrived at the Tianlang Sect.

The Bai Liu who was killed by him yesterday was from the Snow Wolf Clan, and the old man was the elder of the Tianxing Sect.

The demon clan has extremely serious infiltration into Dandong. Ji Chen has confirmed that the Sirius Cult is actually the power of the demon clan in Dandong, and the leader of the Sirius Cult is just a puppet.

In this case, Ji Chen has no burden. He wants to destroy the Sirius Sect and conquer this mountain range.

This mountain range has the potential to reach immortality. With steaming clouds and mist, green pines and cypresses, it looks like a fairyland from a distance.

A huge formation enveloped the entire mountain range.

Ji Chen flew over the Tianlang Sect, standing with a sword in hand, his blue robe fluttering, peerless and independent.

His appearance instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the Sirius Sect.

The Tianlang Sect's formation is the same as the Zixia Sect's. The outside is shrouded in clouds and mist. You can't see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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