The commotion in Tianlang Immortal Square was very loud, and the formation was exploded, alarming half of the city.

Originally, because Master Zixia went on a killing spree at the gate of Tianlangxianfang, many people gathered to watch, but this time it attracted even more people.

The crowd of onlookers was densely packed, and the entire Tianlang Immortal Square was full of people.

Many people were frightened, shocked, and shocked by the strength of Master Zixia.

The entire Tianlang Immortal Square was in ruins, and everyone was slaughtered.

This one is going to kill the whole family directly.

Everyone expected the Zixia Sect's revenge, but they didn't expect that the method would be so cruel!

The Zixia Sect should not be provoked, and the young leader should not be provoked either. This idea came to everyone's mind. This young leader looked young, but he was more ruthless than the previous leader.

Ji Chen stood with his sword in the air, looking in all directions. He felt someone in the crowd staring at him with hostility.

It looked like there really was a big fish mixed in with the crowd.

There was a sneer on Ji Chen's lips. This was exactly his purpose, to act in a high profile and catch big fish.

He came to Chengdu today just to give it a try. He is now the leader of the Zixia Sect. Since someone wants to take advantage of the Zixia Sect, they have to pay a corresponding price.

The Sirius Sect, the Tianxing Sect, the Ceres Sect, and the Xingxiu Sect, these sects once attacked the Zixia Sect, and he was here to liquidate them one by one today.

Ji Chen looked around, looked at the crowd, and said loudly: "The Heavenly Wolf Sect occupied my Immortal Workshop and robbed me of my business. After friendly negotiations with them, I now agree to return the Immortal Workshop. To express their apology, they also promised to return the Heavenly Wolf Sect to All the Immortal Workshops were given to us together with a hundred thousand catties of spiritual stones as compensation, and I was asked to go to Heavenly Wolf to teach them."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd instantly burst into discussion and boiled over. This is the plan to kill the Sirius Sect and directly destroy the sect.

A few days ago, the Sirius Sect seized the business of the Zixia Sect, and everyone knew it. Now that the Zixia Sect has taken it back, it doesn't matter at all.

As for offering all the properties and fairy houses as compensation, and one hundred thousand kilograms of spiritual stones as compensation, this is the price of losing.

This is what sectarian fighting is like. You live while you stand, you die while you lie down. If you lose, you have to pay the price.

But what kind of negotiation method is your friendly negotiation? Did you kill them all and negotiate over the corpses?

Unilateral friendly consultations.

Not to mention, he still wants to go to other sects to cause trouble. He is really arrogant.

At this time, some discordant voices also appeared in the crowd. It was obvious that some people did not want to see Zixia Sect taking such a big advantage and wanted a piece of the pie.

The market place of two sects, this is an extremely huge profit.

Those sects that have formed an alliance with the Sirius Sect also want to stand up for the Sirius Sect, suppress Ji Chen's limelight, and get a share of the pie.

"The Zixia Sect is really overbearing. They talk about robbery in such a high-sounding way." A sneer sounded from the crowd, with a strange tone.

"Who says it's not the case? What's the difference between killing people and seizing property and a cult? Our Dandong Seven Sect is not a righteous way, but it is also a great sect that guards peace and maintains peace. Zixia Sect behaves like this, only I’m afraid it’s been infiltrated by a cult!”

"I heard that something happened to Zixia Sect a few days ago. The gates of the mountain have been closed tightly these days. After the Sirius Sect and several other sects learned the news, they sent people to help them, but they were all killed by Zixia's little leader. At the gate of the mountain, they are now directly attacking Tianlang Xianfang, repaying kindness with revenge, and killing everyone in Tianlang Xianfang, which makes people suspect that they are killing people and silencing them."

"Is there still such a thing? Then I'm afraid the Zixia Sect has completely fallen into a cult. In this case, this sect cannot be allowed to stay. Sooner or later it will bring disaster to the world."

"Either the Zixia Sect has fallen into a cult, or I am afraid that someone from a cult will control the Zixia Sect. If the people of the Zixia Sect really know what is right and wrong, they should keep a distance from him."

All the discussions were heard by Ji Chen and the Great Elder.

"It's nonsense, it's just a bloody mouthful!"

The Great Elder and the others were extremely angry. They were just talking nonsense and slandering them. They were obviously here to get back their things, but instead they were tricked and killed by the Sirius Sect. But now they are seizing other people's property and slandering them as a cult. .

Ji Chen smiled faintly. After all, someone couldn't help it and wanted to jump out.

He said: "Whoever has an opinion can come forward. I am here today to give you this opportunity."

Ji Chen looked at the crowd. His strong mental power had already identified the people he had deliberately provoked.

Those in the crowd also felt Ji Chen's gaze, and were a little hesitant to come out. After all, the strength and ruthlessness Ji Chen showed just now made them a little scared.

Ji Chen's eyes were aggressive, but his target was not these people. These people were just knives in other people's hands, not even knives.

There is a stronger person hidden in the void, with his sharp edge exposed, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Ji Chen's target is them.

Sure enough, not long after, two people came out of the void.

They were two men in their thirties, one of whom was holding a golden spear and the other was holding a large dragon sword.

Especially the man holding a spear surprised everyone. It was not a real spear, but a spear condensed by divine magic. It was between substance and transparency, shining with golden light.

Someone whispered, "This man has amazing magical skills. He can turn the imaginary into reality and condense weapons. He must have quite a lot of background."

"The man holding the big dragon sword is not simple at all. His energy and blood are like an oven, burning like a furnace. He is a body refiner, and he is probably invincible in close combat." Someone next to him whispered.

"One close and one far away, this combination is invincible. This is going to kill the Zixia leader."

The man with the spear is majestic and sharp, like a spear thrust into the sky. It is extremely cold. There is no unnecessary nonsense. It is a throw of dice from a long distance.

A golden light shot toward Ji Chen, locking directly on Ji Chen. The air exploded and was penetrated by the golden light, forming a vacuum channel. The golden light shuttled through the vacuum channel like a meteor, lasing, and its power was infinite.

At this moment, the man holding the big dragon sword stepped forward and slashed directly.

This sword was extremely stunning. The bright light of the sword illuminated the heaven and earth, seeming to split the whole world into two halves. The violent sword intention was released, sweeping across the fields like a storm.

The roar of the dragon sounded, and the sword energy condensed into a real dragon and rushed towards Ji Chen.

Everyone onlookers felt like a light on their backs, like a knife blade approaching, and their souls were trembling.

"What a terrifying sword intent!" Everyone was horrified.


The sword chant sounded, and a sword light bloomed, piercing the golden light that penetrated.


The golden light exploded, pierced by the sword light, and turned into countless golden rays, blooming like fireworks.


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