"This Shenhuo Cult is really evil through and through."

Ji Chen rarely uses cult to define an organization. Good or bad is just a matter of everyone's perspective.

Even though the demon clan was hostile to Ji Chen, Ji Chen didn't think they were bad, it was just that their respective camps and positions were different.

But once the Divine Fire Sect is allowed to spread fire all over the world, then everyone in the world will be the clone of the Supreme Lord, or his slaves and nutrients.

The black lotus flew to the top of the sea of ​​consciousness, and its vast aura enveloped the entire sea of ​​consciousness, threatening to swallow up all of Ji Chen's mental power.

At this moment, the Sun God Golden Cauldron flew out from Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, turned into a golden light, and instantly submerged into the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness. Like a sun, blooming with endless brilliance.

The golden light burned and the darkness was dispelled.

At this moment, all of Ji Chen's mental power and sword intent were gathered together and transformed into Ji Chen's appearance. Even the Xuanwu suit on his body was exactly the same.

Ji Chen held the divine golden cauldron and moved towards the black lotus in the sky. A terrifying suction force was born to suck the black lotus into the divine golden cauldron.

Black Lotus also burst out with strength to resist, but the two sides were in a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other.

At this moment, the black lotus bloomed with endless black light, and a shadow appeared and stood on it.

The shadow was very blurry and almost invisible, but as soon as he appeared, the situation changed. The black light spread like mist, spreading outwards and wrapping towards the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God.

"The Supreme Lord!"

Ji Chen instantly recognized that this was the shadow of the Supreme Lord.

As if sensing something, the Supreme Master actually looked towards Ji Chen.

At this moment, Ji Chen felt a terrifying pressure.

That was the gaze of the Supreme Lord. The gap between the two sides was too big. Even if it was just an afterimage, it was not something Ji Chen could bear.

"Fuck! In my world, I can still make you arrogant. If I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time."

A ray of golden light flew out from Ji Chen's sea of ​​energy and submerged into the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ji Chen used the Tianxuan Sword and struck directly at the afterimage.

The sword's intention is shocking and has incredible attack power. It is like a dragon rising from the sea. The dragon roars and turns into a piece of sword light. It cuts through the afterimage with a devastating force. The terrifying sword intention directly tears the afterimage into four pieces, and then is hanged. Into powder.

Immediately afterwards, the sun god's golden cauldron erupted with brilliant golden light, illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness and dispelling all darkness. The god's golden cauldron shot directly towards the sky, sucking the black lotus into the cauldron.

This was not the first time Ji Chen had fought against this guy. The most dangerous one was the last time he inherited and practiced the Nine Demon-Tribbing Swords, but in the end he won.

Ji Chen didn't know how powerful this guy was, but he would be able to sense him whenever he thought about him.

But so what, after all, it's just an afterimage here. If he was really awesome, his true form would have arrived long ago.

The golden cauldron of the sun god bloomed with golden light and began to refine the black lotus.

As for the middle-aged man, he is already dead and cannot die anymore. Although his body is protected by a battle suit, there are two peerless strong men fighting in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. His sea of ​​​​consciousness has long been riddled with holes. The soul was crushed and both body and soul were destroyed.

The Sun God's Golden Cauldron and the Tianxuan Sword flew back to Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness. Wisps of pure spiritual power overflowed from the Sun God's Golden Cauldron and were swallowed by Ji Chen.

The middle-aged man's body fell, and everyone in the Shenhuo Cult who was building the field around him was extremely surprised. It was their great governor.

In their sword domain, the great governor is Jian Xin. Now that Jian Xin is destroyed, the sword domain is incomplete.

Ji Chen's strength made their hearts palpitate.

"Who are you? You can't be an ordinary monk?" someone asked in a deep voice.

"Can't ordinary monks have such strength?"

Ji Chen has finished refining the black lotus, and he has once again obtained a black lotus mark, which is imprinted on the wall of the Sun God's Golden Cauldron. Like a magic seal, he can activate it at any time.

Ji Chen felt that he was already entangled with the Supreme Master and was completely targeted by him.

Ji Chen felt a lot of pressure from the invisible appearance of such a powerful enemy.

I don’t know if the Supreme Lord will really come to this world one day.

What Ji Chen can do now is to try his best to improve his own strength.

"Let's join forces to refine him!"

The remaining dozen strong men took action at the same time, using their supreme divine power to evolve into a huge furnace, trying to envelop Ji Chen and refine him.

The powerful sword intention that Ji Chen showed just now made them know that this sword domain was of no use to him. They could only change their tactics, gather everyone's divine power, evolve the furnace, and forcibly refine Ji Chen.

A huge furnace appeared, filling the sky. The red light burned everything, and endless fire poured down from the sky to refine Ji Chen.

No matter how powerful Ji Chen is, he is still in their field. In this field, they are gods.

But Ji Chen looked very calm, without any panic. He sacrificed the sun god's golden cauldron, and like a big sun slowly rising, vast power shone out from the cauldron. A Tai Chi diagram is formed, rising higher into the sky, covering this area, and slowly rotating in the high altitude.

That was the innate Tai Chi diagram Ji Chen carved on the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God when he was refining it. At this moment, it was showing its power and suppressing the entire field.

The supreme power of heaven filled the air, and Ji Chen held the golden tripod of the sun god, like a god pushing the sun forward slowly. The Xiantian Tai Chi Diagram also slowly suppressed from high in the sky.

Ji Chen wants to refine them in turn, and refine them all into the golden cauldron of the sun god, and refine them into the great elixir of adult medicine.

A terrifying scene occurred, the Tai Chi image was suppressed by a sky, and the various engravings on the divine golden tripod seemed to come to life. The Tai Chi Diagram and the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God must be integrated into one, as if they must contain the entire world, and must completely refine this area.

Vast power filled the air, and powerful murderous intent shrouded down, making everyone feel the coldness from their bones.

Everyone in the Shenhuo Cult has changed their expressions, and this realm is about to collapse.

"He will in turn refine us."

The furnace was suppressed and the realm was about to collapse. A dozen or so strong men in the realm of feathers were frightened. A dozen of them formed a realm to trap Ji Chen and worked together to refine him, but now they had to be refined by him instead.


Under the suppression of Tai Chi Tu and the Sun God Jinding, the domain finally collapsed, the furnace collapsed, and tsunami-like power surged. Tai Chi Tu expanded several times in an instant, covering everyone and forming a new domain.

This is Ji Chen's domain. He used the Golden Cauldron of the Sun God to construct the domain, and used a trace of the power of the world in the palm of his hand to integrate into the domain, forming a more powerful domain. More than a dozen strong men in the Feather Realm were all defeated. He was trapped in the realm.


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