"Elder Chen, those who understand current affairs are heroes. Cooperating with the Shenhuo Sect is conducive to the development of our sect. Only in this way can we quickly annex the other six major sects and allow our Zixia Sect to rise rapidly and become a major sect. You guys are stubborn and stubborn. Aging thoughts and hindering the development of the divine religion are the biggest traitors. I advise you to just surrender and don't force me to kill them all."

"I'll kill you, you traitor!"

Elder Chen was angry, but the Shenhuo Sect's offensive was so fierce that they could no longer hold on.

The sneak attack by the Shenhuo Cult was so sudden that they had no defense at all and were caught off guard.

The battle was extremely fierce, everyone was seriously injured, and the Zixia Sect was about to be captured by the Shenhuo Sect.

Several Feather-level experts who did not participate in the war supervised the entire battle, preventing other surrounding forces from taking advantage of the situation to rob and help the Zixia Sect. There were also some Feather-level masters suppressing other mountain ranges to prevent riots.


There was a huge noise down the mountain, and along with the tragedy, it was heard up the mountain, even in the main hall.

"What happened?" A strong man from the Shenhuo Cult suddenly stood up, his eyes shooting out two golden beams.

"It's not good, someone, someone is attacking the mountain gate, and they will attack soon." Someone from the Shenhuo Cult fled up in a panic, and rushed to report.

"Tired of living! Who dares to ruin our good deeds at this time!" The strong man stood up, turned into a stream of light, and headed down the mountain.

At this time, Ji Chen was already halfway up the mountain when he saw a stream of light coming down from the top of the mountain, like a meteor breaking through the sky, landing in front of him.

"Who are you? You dare to ruin our important affairs!"

This is an old man, his eyes are serious and his face is as heavy as water.

Ji Chen said: "You attacked my great religion, blocked the mountain gate, intercepted and killed me on the way, and yet you dared to question me!"

"Your great religion, ha!" the old man sneered, "The leader of the Zixia Sect is Zhao Maoxiu. How come you, a wild Taoist priest, dare to pretend to be the leader of the Zixia Sect? I think you are tired of living."

Ji Chen said: "The poor Taoist Yingang, whose Taoist name is Zixia, will be the leader of the Zixia Sect from today on."

"You are, Taoist Priest Zixia," the old man was a little surprised. "You are the Taoist Priest Zixia who realized the fearless lion seal in Tianji Tower in Huangcheng?"

"So you know me!"

Ji Chen was surprised. His name, Taoist Priest Zixia, was already so famous. Even Chengdu, thousands of miles away, knew about it.

Little did he know that he was the first person to understand the sealing method by eating demon meat. In the past few months, the news had spread throughout the Northern and Eastern Territories.

"Since you know it's me, why don't you open the mountain gate to welcome me?" Ji Chen looked calm and pressed forward step by step.

"Taoist Master Zixia, this is a private matter between us and the Zixia Sect. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business." The old man spoke with a cold voice. He had the slightest idea of ​​​​wanting to win over Ji Chen and wanted to draw him in. Shenhuo Cult, so they didn’t take action immediately.

"In that case, there's nothing more to say!"

Ji Chen stopped talking nonsense and took action directly, striking forward with a palm.


The huge palm exploded the whole world, enveloped the old man, and slapped him down.


The weapon vibrated, and a sharp knife appeared in the old man's hand, slashing towards Ji Chen's palm.

The dazzling sword light illuminated the entire world, shining brightly and extremely dazzling.

However, what shocked him was that Ji Chen actually grabbed the blade with his palm, and a terrifying blade intent burst out from Ji Chen's palm, instantly filling the entire mountain forest.

At this moment, all the surrounding vegetation and everything became sharp and sharp, like a sharp long knife, exuding astonishing knife intent.

The knife in the old man's hand was uncontrollable. It seemed to have some kind of demonic power, sticking to Ji Chen's palm and being held in his hand.

The next moment, a terrifying sword intent followed the long knife and blasted into his arm, heading towards his body.

The old man was shocked, removed the palm holding the knife, and quickly retreated.

Such miraculous methods by the other party made him feel cold all over and frightened in his heart.

Although he retreated quickly, he was still a step too late. The entire arm was destroyed by the knife, and the bones and flesh turned into strands, hanging to the side like Buddha dust threads, floating in the wind.

But the knife holding him was pinched directly by Ji Chen.

The old man was horrified and took a breath of cold air.

This scene is extremely astonishing, making people jaw-dropping and dumbfounded. This Taoist Master Zixia is simply invincible. Gods can block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and destroy Buddhas. They shake weapons with their bare hands, and one of his arms is crippled with just one move.

You must know that he is a strong man at the level of feather.

"Someone breaks into the mountain, kill him!"

The old man was frightened and angry, with murderous intent, and shouted loudly.

In an instant, countless figures flew towards Ji Chen in the surrounding forests and on the mountain tops. In an instant, they formed a killing array and enveloped Ji Chen. Various weapons were shining with light and murderous intent, killing Ji Chen.

Ji Chen snorted coldly. Since he knew that they were members of the Shenhuo Cult, he would naturally not show mercy.

There will be another killing spree today.

He soared into the sky, and his vast momentum exploded, like an immortal king coming to the nine heavens, transforming into a great seal of mountains and rivers.

In an instant, a huge mountain appeared, towering into the sky. The birds and animals on it were clearly visible, including towering ancient trees and cranes soaring.


The majestic mountains were suppressed and were completely unstoppable. The weapons all over the sky instantly shattered and turned into ashes.


Screams came and kept ringing, and all the people who surrounded and killed Ji Chen exploded and died under this blow, turning into blood mist.

No one can escape.

This shocking scene made all the monks in the distance stunned, sweating profusely, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

"You..., who are you?"

The old man kept retreating, showing a look of fear.

"We are from the Northern Wilderness Supreme Sect, and we are here to help the Zixia Sect eliminate civil strife. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business." He scolded with a stern look on his face.

"The supreme sect of the Northern Territory!" Ji Chen disdainfully said, "Isn't it the same Shenhuo sect that was beaten in Daxia? It's you who will be killed."

Ji Chen stepped out with a dao rhyme, and his huge sole stepped directly towards the old man.


The world shook, and Ji Chen took the fourth step of eight steps into the air, the technique of attack.

"You, what kind of secret method is this?"

The old man was horrified and wanted to dodge, but he couldn't. The world seemed to be imprisoned, and he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

"This is a great killing technique!"

Ji Chen stepped down, like an immortal king approaching the nine heavens, and the whole world was under his feet.

"Then let's die together!" The old man had a ferocious face and fierce eyes. He knew he could not escape. His whole body was shining with luster and his momentum surged. He rushed towards Ji Chen. He chose to self-destruct to die with Ji Chen.

"You alone are not qualified enough!" Ji Chen put his hands behind his back and stepped down.


The air exploded, as if it was collapsing. The old man was directly crushed by this kick and turned into a ball of blood mist.


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