When the news reached the Monster Clan, even the Tianpeng Royal Clan was a little confused.

What kind of magic is Tianpeng Dragon Fighting Technique?

Even they don't know this kind of fighting technique, how did the old guy figure it out?

At this moment, even they couldn't help but doubt.

Tianji Tower, Holy Son Tianji carefully studied the order of the towns where the news came out, and quickly guessed that Ji Chen was causing trouble.

After all, Ji Chen was not familiar with the terrain of the Northern Territory, and the path sequence to the Northern Wasteland battlefield was completed and formulated by him and Ji Chen together.

At this moment, he couldn't help but admire Ji Chen's strategy and methods, and he was stunned to turn a fiction into reality.

In the next two months, from time to time there were reports in towns and cities of people who had understood various seals and secret techniques.

The crane and the divine needle, the white tiger flying into the sky, the eighteen dragon subduing palms, the nine-yin white bone claws, the tengu eating the moon, the phoenix dancing in the nine heavens, and the black bear supporting the iron mountain.

Everyone was not calm anymore, Danzhou was completely boiling, causing an uproar. Every time there is news that someone has understood the secret technique, it will cause a sensation. These names sound like powerful seals and secret techniques.

The news spread throughout the Northern Territory, and even the major forces in the Eastern Territory were alarmed.

Monster hunting began everywhere, and a craze for eating monster meat arose.

What to do if you want to eliminate a race?

There is only one way, and that is to eat, let everyone start eating, and eat together.

There’s nothing a foodie can’t handle.

The entire demon clan was furious, and this incident caused a big earthquake in the demon clan.

In just a few months, all the monsters watched helplessly as they were put on the dining table by humans, became delicacies, and now became treasures, but they were helpless.

And the original perpetrator of all this was Ji Chen, who was dubbed the Demon King.

Strictly speaking, the heroes of all this were the young generation of the demon clan. They were the ones who clamored to chop off Ji Chen's head if he dared to come to Huangcheng.

Ji Chen came and left again. The young generation of the demon clan did not cut off his head, but became a delicacy on the table.


Two months later, Ji Chen stood in a deserted swamp with few human traces, preparing to survive the disaster.

This place was very close to the battlefield. Ji Chen stopped moving forward. He had accumulated 13 million killing points. He chose this place to prepare to survive the Feathering Catastrophe and completely enter the Feathering Realm.

The deserted swamp with a radius of thousands of miles is filled with miasma, with few human traces, and even monsters are nowhere to be seen.

This is a barren land, only evil spirits and ominous things like this kind of place.

Ji Chen chose to survive the calamity here. As for the evil spirits, he didn't take it to heart at all. The calamity was the nemesis of the evil spirits. Once the calamity fell, all the evil spirits within a thousand miles radius would be able to escape completely.

Ji Chen took out a thousand kilograms of spiritual stones from the palm world and placed them around, preparing to start overcoming the tribulation.

The rich spiritual energy instantly filled the entire world, and some evil spirits in the distance were attracted and began to gather here.

The Tianxuan sword inserted next to it seemed to be sensing something, emitting a trace of penetrating murderous intent and sword intent, frightening the evil spirit that was gradually approaching.

Further away, pairs of bright red eyes appeared, gradually approaching in this direction.

Breaking through the Feather realm requires spending 10 million killing points.

After preparing everything, Ji Chen thought, and 10 million killing points were consumed. At this moment, the world was spinning, and Ji Chen fell into a state of enlightenment, like an enlightenment, with an instant understanding of the realm. and enlightenment, all realized in this moment.

Ji Chen's state of mind improved rapidly. In his sudden enlightenment, Ji Chen realized everything, understood the heaven and earth, and the Tao followed nature.

The Dacheng Nirvana Kung Fu begins to operate automatically in the body.

This technique had been forcibly run by Tantai Xuan, and had formed a memory in Ji Chen's body. Now it was running smoothly, without any jerkiness or hindrance.

The Sutra of Life and Death also began to operate at this moment.

Ji Chen's body began to crazily devour the spiritual energy of the surrounding world. The spiritual energy emitted from the surrounding spiritual stones formed a thick mist, flooding the place, and was absorbed by Ji Chen's body crazily.

At this moment, Ji Chen's body was like a black hole, swallowing up all the surrounding energy, including spiritual energy, as well as energy other than spiritual energy, the essence of the earth, and the essence of vegetation.

The vegetation on the ground began to wither, with Ji Chen as the center and spreading to the surrounding areas.

This is the horror of the Sutra of Life and Death, swallowing everything, using the body as the furnace of heaven and earth to refine all energy.

At this moment, Ji Chen's body was not only like a black hole, but also like an oven, scorching the surroundings.

A shadow gradually approached Ji Chen. It was an evil spirit with powerful cultivation. It might have been transformed by the mutation of the souls and thoughts of the monks who had fallen in this world.

He was cautious and approached Ji Chen at the risk of being killed by the Tianxuan Sword.

When he stepped into the withered grass and trees, he felt a danger at that moment. The terrifying devouring power was sucking out the power from his body. There was panic on Xie Sui's face. He wanted to exit, but found that his body had been devoured. He was sucked hard and couldn't escape at all.

In just a moment, his shadow gradually dimmed, was gradually swallowed up by the Scripture of Life and Death, and was refined into the oven of heaven and earth, forming mysterious energy that flowed throughout Ji Chen's body and nourished his body.

This scene was extremely shocking, and the evil spirits that were approaching in the distance also stopped moving.

Just when the thousand kilograms of spiritual stones on the ground were about to be consumed, Ji Chen's body was finally saturated and he successfully broke through to the realm of feathering.

At this moment, the heaven and earth changed, and the originally dark sky suddenly became even darker.

Ink clouds gathered in the sky, and the terrifying power of heaven spread down from high in the sky. It was so majestic that it seemed like the entire sky was about to collapse.

The evil spirits entrenched around seemed to be frightened, and all ran away at this moment.

They didn't know what heavenly calamity and thunder were, but they instinctively felt fear and danger.

After a moment, a huge ink cloud formed above Ji Chen's head. The ink cloud with a radius of dozens of miles was like a black sky, crushing down on Ji Chen's head, and the vast pressure was overwhelming.

"Oh my God! Someone is here to survive the tribulation!"

Hundreds of miles away, someone saw this scene and looked in disbelief. In such a desolate place, where birds don't poop, miasma is everywhere, and poisonous insects are rampant, there are people who choose to survive in this ghost place.


"This level of calamity should be like a calamity of feathers. Let's go and have a look!"

Because it was too far away, a few people couldn't see it clearly, so they quickly ran towards the direction where the calamity clouds gathered. A distance of several hundred miles was nothing to the monks.

In the sky, huge calamity clouds slowly rotated, stretching across the sky for dozens of miles, and the vast power of heaven rolled in.

When the Mo Yun condensed to the extreme, the first catastrophe fell.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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