Ji Chen took a look at the killing points in his attributes, which were 7.9 million. He was still more than one million away from being able to upgrade again and break through to the ninth realm.

But there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. This was a warning from some unknown perception, a sign of imminent danger, which gave him a frightening feeling.

Ji Chen had the urge to leave this place immediately.

After staying for another day, I met two demon clans who came over and were killed by Ji Chen. The killing value had reached 8.5 million. He could upgrade with another 500,000, but Ji Chen didn't dare to stay any longer. The frightening feeling is getting stronger and stronger, the mental power is beating, and the fire of the soul is trembling.

The strong sense of crisis made him have to leave.

Ji Chen decisively gave up this map, crossed the canyon passage, and left here.

Not long after he left, nine dragons pulled a dragon and drove them to the Tianxian Canyon. The vast aura was overwhelming and the holy power was permeated.

Long Chu stopped at the entrance of Tianxian Canyon, and a golden old lion filled with golden divine light stepped out from Long Chu and came to the ground.

He felt the strong residual breath of the demon soul here.

The old lion's eyes shot out two rays of holy light, and a terrifying aura enveloped the entire battlefield. He was sensing it carefully.

Soon he knew what had happened, and became furious and let out an earth-shattering roar.

The terrifying sound waves shook the sky, and the void with a radius of hundreds of miles seemed to explode. Vast holy power filled the air, and golden holy light swept into the sky, and even the clouds were washed away.

Within a hundred miles, all creatures were in fear.

At the other end of the passage, Ji Chen, who had just left not long ago, felt this aura, his face changed drastically, and he hid directly in the palm world.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have been hit.

"You are so brave, you dare to intercept and kill my descendant of the Demon Clan here!"

The old lion is angry, the sky and the earth change color, the wind and clouds are turbulent, and the holy power spreads thousands of miles.

Among all the auras he felt, there was a special aura that did not belong to the demon clan. It should have been left by the person who intercepted and killed the demon clan's genius, and he had just left.

The old lion disappeared out of thin air and quickly passed through the passage.

When he came to the other end of the passage, he saw the huge stone tablet erected at the entrance of the passage. The sky was filled with anger, and the vast holy power collapsed for dozens of miles around.

The stone tablet turned into powder directly under the holy power. The ground could not bear the holy power and collapsed dozens of meters down.

"Ji Chen!"

The terrifying sound stirred up the sky, and the old lion understood that the aura belonged to Ji Chen, the disciple of the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor. Ji Chen did everything here. It was he who stayed here and intercepted and killed all the geniuses who went to the deserted city. .

Later, the old lion delivered a message to Wanyao Mountain, informing him of the situation here and informing all the royal families in Wanyao Mountain to jointly issue a wanted order for Ji Chen, a disciple of the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor, who would be hunted down by the whole world, regardless of life or death.

The news was passed quickly and soon spread throughout Danzhou, and in less than a day it spread throughout the northern and eastern regions.

The two regions were shaken, and the whole world was in an uproar.

Let all the royal families of the entire Demon Clan launch a killing order at the same time, regardless of life or death. What exactly did the Demon King do this season? Let the demon clan go to war in such a big way.

Just when everyone was guessing, a shocking news came out. After killing the two kings in Huangcheng, Demon King Ji went directly to Tianxian Canyon and intercepted and killed all the demon geniuses who were planning to come to Huangcheng to cause trouble for him.

This includes the Golden Lion Prince and the Black Bear Prince.

In the past half month, Demon King Ji has been guarding there, intercepting and killing more than a hundred demon geniuses.

This news quickly swept through the two regions like a hurricane, causing an uproar across the world and making everyone horrified.

So shocking.

Everyone was stunned after hearing the news. It was too fierce and cruel.

"Great God! This is a fierce man. He is so daring that he even ran to the Tianxian Canyon to intercept and kill the monsters."

"It would be too crazy to call him Demon King. At first, several restaurants in the Holy Land said that their demon meat was provided by Demon King Ji. I didn't quite believe it. I thought they hunted it secretly by themselves. Now I believe it."

"A peerless fierce man blocked the Tianxian Canyon to hunt the geniuses of the demon clan. Aren't those geniuses of the demon clan arrogant? Aren't they clamoring to come to the deserted city to kill Demon King Ji and take his head? But in the end, they went to the Tianxian Canyon to block the door, and killed him. All of them were intercepted and killed in Tianxian Canyon, hahahahaha, I was laughing so hard."

"The food list is simply amazing, thank you Ji Mowang for your dedication."

When the news reached the Beihuang camp, countless soldiers were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Some people even shouted directly, hoping that Demon King Ji would go to the military camp to cheer.

"Great God! Come to the military camp. There are so many monster food ingredients here, with a wide variety and delicious taste."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the entire Eastern and Northern Territories were not at peace. They were discussing this matter, and the entire demon clan jointly issued a wanted order. This had never happened before, and Ji Chen was the first of its kind.

The rewards offered by the demon clan are so generous that it is shocking. If you capture Ji Chen alive, you will be directly rewarded with a complete ancient ancient scripture of the imperial level. If you kill Ji Chen, you will get a complete ancient scripture of the holy king, as well as a holy king weapon. You can even Directly ask the Holy King to accept disciples and worship him under the Holy King's sect.

Faced with such a generous reward, not to mention the demon clan, even the human race was moved, and even some descendants of the Holy Land were moved.

Not to mention those casual cultivators, some senior-level old monsters jumped out from the place of cultivation. Whether it was an emperor-level ancient scripture or a holy king-level ancient scripture, they all had a fatal temptation on them.

Everyone in the world is an enemy, and Ji Chen is now facing such a situation.

Ji Chen stayed in Palm World for two days before coming out. This place was not very far from Tianxian Canyon. He originally wanted to fight back and then go back to intercept, but he sensed a palpitating aura from there.

He felt awe-inspiring in his heart, guessing that there might be a strong person guarding there.

It seems that the demon tribe has learned its lesson and sent people to guard the passage.

In this case, he could only leave this place and prepare to visit the deserted city.

Ji Chen did not fly at a high speed, but slowed down. He needed to understand the situation in advance.

After all, I haven't been out for two days, so I don't know what's going on outside.

I met some monks along the way, and after some exchanges, I realized that I was wanted by the demon clan, and now I was in a situation where everyone in the world was the enemy.

"You really spent a lot of money and exchanged an imperial ancient scripture for my life."

Ji Chen was going to change his appearance and go to Huangcheng, otherwise he would be recognized immediately if he went there carelessly like he was now.

At this moment, several huge roc birds flew over from high in the sky.

They were several extremely large rocs, with wingspans of several meters, flying at low altitude, very flamboyant, whipping up huge winds, and flew towards the deserted city.

Several rocs roared past, and after a moment, they flew back and landed in front of Ji Chen.

"Hey, human, do you know how to get to the deserted city?"

Several pengs looked down at Ji Chen with arrogant attitudes and strong self-confidence.

It seemed like it was their first time in the deserted city and they didn't know the direction.

Ji Chen smiled. He was ready to let these birds go, but he didn't expect them to come to his door again.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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