I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 340 Suppressing the Enemies in the World


Ji Chen took action again, knocking the Black Bear Prince away, and then used eight steps to ascend into the air to pursue him. Before he could control his body, his fists landed on him like stars falling, and they smashed him wildly, as if forging iron. , emitting a sonorous divine sound, deafening.

The violent power was unleashed wantonly, and the golden power was like the scorching sun, turning the night sky into a gorgeous golden color.

The next moment, a force as cold as moonlight blasted out, and the whole sky was dyed into a cold silvery gray.

Ji Chen's left hand evolved into the bright moon, and his right hand transformed into the big sun. He opened his bow on the left and right, and the sun and moon were in the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A powerful and heavy fist hit the Black Bear Prince, causing him to cough up blood. His body split open and blood spilled into the sky.

This was an extremely astonishing scene, shocking to the world. The Snow Wolf King next to him was frightened and chilled.

He was frightened in his heart and had an urge to leave Prince Black Bear and leave.

This man is so terrifying. No one has ever been able to suppress the Black Bear Prince and beat him to such serious injuries.

The Black Bear Prince couldn't bear it. He seemed to understand Ji Chen's intention and wanted to severely injure him before the life-saving seal in his body was activated.

He wanted to actively activate the life-saving seal but couldn't. The purpose of the seal was to prevent them from relying too much on the seal. It would only be activated when faced with life and death.

But at this moment, it became the means used by Ji Chen to kill him.


Ji Chen punched him again, his golden fist sweeping across and hitting the Black Bear Prince.

This blow was very terrifying. The fist as big as a millstone was like a bright sun, crushing it across the sky, full of destructive power.

The Black Bear Prince couldn't dodge at all, and the blow hit him firmly.


Half of the Black Bear Prince's body was smashed and he was completely seriously injured.

This disadvantage made the Black Bear Prince go crazy, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his body was ignited with blazing demon fire, trying to get rid of this disadvantage.

"I want to turn over and dream!"

Ji Chen's attacks became even more violent, his gold and silver fists almost piercing the sky, displaying unparalleled power.

The terrifying collision crushed the sky, like stars falling, hitting the earth with an astonishing momentum.

Every time Ji Chen punched, the void trembled, making the Snow Wolf King who was watching the battle in the distance feel horrified.

Another fierce bombardment, the Black Bear Prince's body was in dilapidated condition and his injuries were extremely serious.

It must be said that his body was very terrifying, but even so, it was not fatal.

He was trying every means to regain his disadvantage, using his divine power crazily and visualizing the seals, but Ji Chen's fist was too heavy and fierce, making him dizzy, and the mental energy he had just concentrated was shattered. , unable to concentrate on forming the seal at all.

The Black Bear Prince's eyes were fierce, and his spiritual consciousness came out and bombarded Ji Chen. The terrifying spiritual consciousness condensed into a spear, which penetrated the gold and cracked the stone, shook the sky, and killed Ji Chen in front of Ji Chen's eyebrows in an instant.

The attack was so sudden and murderous that one was completely defenseless.

Suddenly, Ji Chen's eyebrows split open, and a sword light suddenly shot out.

In an instant, the world was filled with shocking murderous intent and endless edge. It was a killing sword that was transformed into spiritual power. The sword edge was fierce, the light was bright, the murderous intent was soaring into the sky, and it was sharp and dazzling, making people tremble with fear.

Ever since he reached the second level of mental swordsmanship cultivation, Ji Chen's mental power far exceeded his cultivation level, more than ten times that of the same level.


The terrifying mental fluctuations spread out, and a ripple spread, visible to the naked eye, surging towards the surrounding areas.

This is a spiritual storm formed after the explosion of mental power. It is extremely terrifying and astonishing. It sweeps through, and the space seems to be shattered. People with weaker cultivation levels will be directly torn apart by the soul of this spiritual storm, and their spirits will be annihilated.


The Black Bear Prince let out a scream and fell to the ground holding his head. His spirit was severely damaged, and his soul was in pain as if it was being torn apart. Ji Chen's spiritual swordsmanship not only cut through his spiritual spear, but also penetrated his consciousness. The sea hurt his soul.

A faint red light appeared on the body surface of the Black Bear Prince, and the life and death seal in his body was finally activated.

The Snow Wolf King next to him was horrified. He knew that the Black Bear Prince was doomed and would perish here.

His eyes flickered and he was about to turn around and run away.

He must escape and inform the elders of the demon clan about what happened here. There is a demon king here to intercept and kill the genius of the demon clan.

"call out!"

A sword light flew over, and the fierce sword energy enveloped the Snow Wolf King.

The Snow Wolf King was so horrified that he had no time to dodge, and one of his arms was cut off by the sword light.


He let out a scream, turned around, and ran away wildly.

The Tianxuan Sword turned into a stream of light, streaked across the sky, quickly turned around, and came back to kill.

While Ji Chen was imagining forming seals, evolving the Mountain and River Cauldron, and bombarding the Black Bear Prince, he controlled the Tianxuan Sword to turn into a stream of light and kill the Snow Wolf King.

Now his mental power is terrifying to an incredible level, and it is easy for him to do two things at once.


The aura of chaos filled the air, and a fierce murderous intention floated between the heaven and the earth. The black bear prince was beaten into the air, his mental power fell into chaos, and he was in pain like soul tearing. He was so confused that he didn't know how to fight back.

Ji Chen transformed the Mountain and River Cauldron one after another and smashed it towards the Black Bear Prince.

The red light on his body gradually dimmed.

Although the Snow Wolf King tried his best to dodge, he was unable to move faster than the flying sword, and Tianxuan pierced his chest, shattering his heart and killing him directly.

Tianxuan also turned into a stream of light and returned to Ji Chen's hands. Ji Chen held Tianxuan and directly moved all the demons back to the clan.


Astonishing demonic energy exploded between heaven and earth, and sword energy raged.

The red light on the Black Bear Prince's body became increasingly dim, but he finally recovered. Seeing Ji Chen smashing the life and death seals on his body, he was horrified. At this level, the seals would not be able to withstand a few blows. .

He never expected that Ji Chen's spiritual power could be so terrifying, that it had even turned into sword energy. His soul was injured and was almost torn apart by the sword energy.

He roared angrily and formed a seal with his hands. Protected by the seal of life and death, he could finally concentrate on executing his killing move.

He wanted to form a seal before Ji Chen broke the seal of life and death, and used his killing move to kill Ji Chen.

The origin of the black bear prince's body is burning, and the seals formed are very complicated and weird, and a magnificent and majestic aura is emitted. The surface of the body is burning with red light, the brilliance is blooming, there is a ray of light gushing between the mouth and nose, and the injuries on the body are also healing.

But his injury was too serious, half of his body was broken, so he didn't heal that fast, but he was forming seals faster and faster.

At this moment, he was like a god forming a seal to suppress all enemies in the world.


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