I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 326 The best ingredients often only require the simplest cooking

On the top floor of Tianji Tower, steaming steam rises from the huge bronze cauldron, the snow-white soup gurgling, and the aroma of white tiger meat floats ten miles away.

There is also a huge barbecue grill next to it, with a huge peng bird grilled on it.

The white tiger king failed to escape the poisonous hand in the end, and was picked up by Holy Son Yuheng and brought to Tianji Tower.

Baihu soup, Pengniao barbecue, the best ingredients often require the simplest cooking.

Ji Chen, Holy Son Tianji, Holy Son Yuheng, and Holy Maiden Tianquan gathered together again.

There are also talented heroes from Tianji Holy Land and Yuheng Holy Land sitting around.

Everyone admired Ji Chen extremely. Maybe Ji Chen's cultivation level was not as good as that of the great saints, but his current reputation was definitely not worse than those of the great saints.

Ji Chen personally grilled the Pengniao. When it came to roasting, Ji Chen's skills absolutely surpassed those of the group. The meat was grilled until it was brown, and then he flipped it over and grilled the other side. The aroma soon filled the air and floated out of the Tianji Tower and to the nearby area. on the street.

People passing by stopped to watch. When they heard that the bird was being roasted, they were stunned and left in a hurry, for fear of getting into trouble.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

No, you really bake it and eat it!

This is simply speechless. The royal family among the demon clan, one of the ancient overlords, the so-called undefeated Tianpeng King, is roasted and eaten by you, and you are not afraid of the Tianpeng clan being angry.

Upstairs in Tianji, everyone was feasting on roasted bird meat and white tiger meat soup. It was so happy.

The delicious food in the world and the joy of life are nothing more than this.

Eat meat and drink wine.

Holy Son Tianji took out the top-quality holy wine collected by Tianji Tower and shared it with everyone. This kind of holy wine can only be purchased with spirit stones. One pound of wine and one pound of spirit stones are so expensive that ordinary monks cannot afford to drink them.

However, this wine is expensive for its own reasons. The effect of this wine is also very amazing, helping to improve cultivation and enlightenment.

It can be seen that Holy Son Tianji also bled.

Holy Son Tianji said: "It is thanks to brother Ji Chen that we can eat the bird meat orally and drink the white tiger broth today."

Normally, they never even think about this aspect. Those monster geniuses are actually delicious ingredients. After all, in their eyes, there is no difference between the monsters and humans who have transformed.

But it's different in Ji Chen's eyes. These are all on the walking food list.

Even after time travel, the fine Chinese traditions have not been forgotten. In China, there is no such thing as waste, and there is nothing that cannot be eaten. What can be eaten is called food materials, what cannot be eaten is called medicinal materials, and what cannot be eaten is called building materials. .

"Yes, I have to thank Brother Ji for destroying the genius, killing the two kings, and showing off his power. Now the demon tribe's gang will not be calm."

"Who told them to make noises all day long and threaten to kill Brother Ji if he dares to come to Huangcheng? Now you know who killed whom!"

"Well done, I've already seen them displeased."

Holy Son Yuheng said: "Eat more. I'm afraid it will be difficult to eat this rare top-quality ingredient in the future."

"Yes, King Tianpeng and King White Tiger were killed. The demon clan will be furious and will pursue Brother Ji at all costs. The next step is to discuss how to escape."

The Holy Lady of Tianquan sighed, it is estimated that the demon prince will come to kill them soon. They don't care, and the demon prince does not dare to touch them.

But Ji Chen was different. He went to the Northern Territory alone and was an enemy of the demon clan. The demon clan princes didn't care and would use any means to kill Ji Chen.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Who said I was going to run away? I plan to do something big again to ensure that you can eat even more top-quality ingredients than this."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Ji Chen in surprise, with doubts in their eyes.

Could it be...?

Ji Chen nodded: "Yes, that's what you think. The Tianpeng King and the White Tiger King were eaten. Aren't there also the Black Bear King, the Snow Wolf King, the Green Wolf King, and the Golden Lion King? I want to do it all." Yeah, hunt them all down and roast them one by one."

His thought made everyone take a breath, dumbfounded, and just stood there.

To do a big job and roast and eat the young kings of the demon clan one by one, this is not crazy.

As expected, he is Demon King Ji, a ruthless man whose brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people.

What they were thinking about was how to escape, but Ji Mowang was thinking about killing a big one and catching them all in one go.

Holy Son Yuheng asked: "No, Brother Ji, are you joking or do you really plan to do this?"

Ji Chen nodded: "Of course, I am a petty person, and I will retaliate. Anyway, I have already offended someone to death, and killing a few more will be the same."

"I have no power in the Northern Territory. They are powerful and well-informed. They helped me inquire about them and determined their location. Then I went directly to kill them and kill them."

Seeing that Ji Chen didn't seem to be joking, Holy Son Yu Heng said seriously: "Brother Ji, you are trying to break the sky. If you really kill them all and roast them, the demon clan will go crazy, and they will probably go to heaven and earth." They will all hunt you down."

Ji Chen said with a smile: "Kill one of them and slaughter both of them. Even if I don't kill them, they won't let me go. It's better to kill two more. When the battle breaks out between the demon clan and our Great Xia Holy Kingdom, this move will also It can dampen their spirits."

"Since Brother Ji is not afraid of you, what should we be afraid of? We can just kill him and do a big job."

Holy Son Tianji immediately made a decision and decided to work with Ji Chen.

Holy Son Yuheng and Holy Lady Tianquan also echoed.

They are all the Holy Sons of the Holy Land, and there are really not many forces that are afraid of trouble that have been passed down since ancient times.

"Just do it, fuck him as hard as he can!"

"That's right, it's a big deal."

They are all the masters who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, not to mention that Ji Chen is taking the blame, so they are even more unscrupulous.

"Come on, have a drink!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all.

"Oh! By the way, Brother Ji, when will you and Saint Tianshu get married?" Saint Tianquan suddenly spoke and asked curiously.

After hearing this, everyone put down their wine glasses and looked at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen was speechless, wondering if the gossip of the Holy Maiden of Heaven was too serious.

You are a saint. Why do you care about these things like a little girl all day long? You also hang out with the two bandits, Tianji Saint and Yuheng Son. You don't look like a girl at all. You just said you would do it. Big one, she has the loudest voice.

"It's nothing. She and I know clearly that we have nothing to do with each other." Ji Chen quickly denied it.

But everyone obviously didn't believe it.

Holy Girl Tianquan said: "It doesn't matter. I went to Tianshu Tower to have a private meeting with the Saint. When the demon genius broke up my good deeds, I became angry and killed the demon genius on the spot. Then I provoked the White Tiger King and the Tianpeng King, and a big war broke out. Not only did you kill the two kings, but you also roasted them and ate them, and now you say it’s okay.”

Ji Chen was confused by the logic of the Holy Girl of Tianquan.

"Girl, you shouldn't be a saint, you should be a writer!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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