"Dragon fights against the sky!"

Ji Chen roared and slashed out with a sword. A huge sky dragon could be clearly seen flying across the sky, turning into a big dragon sky sword and slashing towards Tianpeng.

Today's fighting dragon sword technique has been evolved to the extreme by Ji Chen, and it appears in form, like a real dragon resurrecting, lifelike, with supreme momentum, the dragon roars for nine days, shaking the whole world.

"Tianpeng fighting technique!"

Tianpeng roared angrily, his hair flying wildly, his pupils icy cold, his whole body bursting with dazzling light, his aura exploding, forming a terrifying field around him.

This is Tianpeng's domain, which is very scary. At this moment, Tianpeng is standing in the domain, like a god, dominating the world. Any creature that enters this domain will be killed by him. He will use this domain to capture and kill. This Tianlong sword energy.

Ji Chen raised his hands together, with his right hand making a dragon war in the sky, and his left hand making seals to visualize mountains and rivers, and pinching the big seals of mountains and rivers to evolve mountains and rivers.

A large mountain appears on the left hand, with towering ancient trees, birds and animals, and surging silver waterfalls.

Ji Chen pinched the mountains and rivers with his hand, evolved the Great Seal, captured Tianxuan with his right hand, Long Zhan Jiuxiao, directly slashed into Tianpeng's domain, and then, a huge mountain directly suppressed it.

"'What kind of spell is this?'

Everyone was horrified. The power of this spell was too great. The mountains stood tall and majestic, ferocious beasts ran around, cranes soared, and the rivers surged endlessly.

Everything is so real, as if a mountain and river has been moved across.


The Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers suppressed it, turning the world upside down, and the entire world was buried, as if the entire city was about to be crushed.

This area of ​​mountains and rivers was so huge that it was overwhelming, and Tian Peng was submerged and suppressed inside.

Everyone in the distance changed their color. This area of ​​mountains and rivers was so terrifying that even some strong men in the Feather Realm thought they could not bear it and would be crushed to pieces.

"Break it for me!"

The Tianpeng roared loudly, its blond hair danced wildly, the realm was stretched to its limit, and the golden claws were huge, fighting against the Tianlong sword energy that penetrated the realm.


The dragon roared for nine days, and the sword energy was arrogant and blazing white, as if a white sun exploded and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

Endless sword energy fills the entire field, shooting everywhere. If it weren't for Tian Peng's unparalleled physical body, he would have been riddled with wounds from the tsunami-like sword energy.


The mountains and rivers were suppressed, the sky was dim, and a huge explosion sounded, shaking in all directions.


Tianpeng's domain is cracked, unable to withstand the suppression of this mountain and river, and is about to collapse.

Tian Peng changed color and exploded with all his strength, making a terrifying roar that vibrated for dozens of miles.

In the distance, many people's eardrums were shattered by the shock, and some people with weak cultivation who were still hovering in the sky to watch the battle were shocked and fell directly, as if dumplings were being dropped, crackling!

King Tianpeng used the Tianpeng fighting technique and launched a terrifying fight.

The huge claws grabbed towards the mountains and rivers.

This is the heaven-defying divine technique of the Tianpeng clan. The Tianpeng fighting technique can capture tigers, fight dragons, strike the sky, and split the earth. It can kill everything. It is also one of the reasons why the ancient Tianpeng clan became the overlord of the world.


The field finally couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed.

King Tianpeng fought up with his claws, opened the mountain with his bare hands, tore the huge mountain apart, and collapsed it into the void.


The mountains collapsed and violently shot into the sky. The violent energy swept up into the sky. A golden light penetrated the energy, went up against the sky, and hit Ji Chen high in the sky.

This is the terror of the Tianpeng clan. Their speed is unparalleled and their physical body is unparalleled. When the two are superimposed, they are even more invincible.

Ji Chen holds a knife in one hand and creates a phantom sword dance!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The endless sword energy slashed horizontally towards the Tianpeng King below.

The blazing white sword energy fell down one after another, like huge waves sweeping over and falling from the sky.

King Tianpeng faced the sword energy and went up, his claws flashed with golden light, burst out with bright divine light, smashed the sword energy, and went up against the sword energy.

In an instant, Ji Chen slashed out hundreds of saber auras, and did not stop and continued to blast out saber auras.

He wanted to use Phantom Sword Dance to the end.

The endless sword energy flooded the world, like the Milky Way falling from the sky, stirring up a wave of energy and shooting in all directions.

The divine power in Ji Chen's body is endless, as if it will never be exhausted, and there is no fear of consumption.

In the distance, many monks were stunned and their eyes widened, "Oh my God, these two perverts must not have a conflict with them."

King Tianpeng planned to suppress Ji Chen with his powerful demonic power, but little did he know that the divine power in Ji Chen's body was even more powerful, endless and never exhausted.

The two of them were in a stalemate, competing for their divine power.

This is an extremely shocking scene. High in the sky, a person keeps slashing out sword energy, like the source of a galaxy, endless sword energy pouring down, creating a stormy sea.

A blond young man with two wings on his back faced the pouring sword energy. His claws were like magic weapons, shattering all the sword energy. He was like a sea-fixing needle, lying across the river, motionless as a mountain.

This kind of confrontation is frightening and terrifying.

This was a competition of divine power. Both of them seemed to have infinite power and did not care about consumption, but Ji Chen's consumption was greater.

"Roar!" Tianpeng became angry and spread his wings to attack the sky.

The endless sword energy poured out, drowning him, and seemed to kill him in the river. Demon King Ji's terror and perversion were fully revealed.

At this moment, even someone as powerful as Tianpeng could no longer bear it. Golden light bloomed, dazzling, and he transformed, revealing his second heart form, Tianpeng's true body.

This is a huge Tianpeng with a wingspan of more than 30 meters. Its body is golden, as if it is poured with divine gold, and it is full of powerful power and terrifying divine power.


Roaring for nine days, the Tianpeng spread its wings and directly shattered the pouring sword energy, turning into a golden light that went up against the sky. Its wings were like two heavenly knives, cutting through the sky, cutting through everything, directing the endless sword energy to the Milky Way. Cut it in half and go upstream to tear Ji Chen in half.

This is the terror of the Tianpeng clan. They are unstoppable and indestructible. Everything they pass by turns into ashes.

The divine bird Tianpeng has unparalleled power and is the ancient overlord, overwhelming all races.

How could Ji Chen let him get his wish? His methods didn't stop there. The war had just begun.

He took eight steps into the air, and as if teleporting, he was on Tianpeng's back in an instant, and stepped down.

The Eight Steps to the Sky can also be called the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon. Ji Chen learned from King Kong that this supreme secret technique was created by an ancient heavenly dragon. It is both a supreme divine technique with unparalleled speed and a way to attack the heavens. The art of attacking and killing has always been rarely used in attacks by Ji Chen.


An extremely huge foot stepped down, like a dragon's claw, and the void shook, as if it was collapsing.

Terrible energy overflowed, and the heaven and earth roared.

This kind of power is frightening just to look at it.

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