As the ancient formation in this secret realm was completed by Mr. Fang, a fairy mountain shrouded in clouds and mist was revealed, towering into the clouds and visible from a long distance away.

The Fairy Mountain is not completely revealed, it is still shrouded in clouds and mist, but at least the outline of the mountain can be clearly seen. The mist is shrouded, the clouds are rising, and a crane is spreading its wings in the clouds.

Thousand-foot waterfall falls, splashing with puffs of smoke and shining with colorful rays of light.

The spring water is gurgling, the flowers are blooming, the water is misty, and it is a beautiful fairy land.

This mountain is the entrance to the secret realm. With the restoration of the ancient formation, white jade stairs are revealed, leading directly to the depths of the mountain. After walking up the stairs, you enter the secret realm.

The revelation of the fairy mountain attracted many nearby monks. They were all attracted by the scene when Ji Chen was crossing the tribulation. In addition, the fairy mountain was revealed at this moment. It was guessed that this place might be a secret realm that was activated and revealed due to the reason of crossing the tribulation. come out.

"The secret realm, if you can enter it, there will definitely be a lot of benefits."

"Maybe it's a fairyland."

"There is already a master, right? If someone survives the tribulation, it means there is already someone inside."

"It's just a semi-divine calamity, the cultivation level reaches Nirvana."

Everyone gathered, and soon dozens of people gathered, many of whom were from nearby sects. They rushed over to spy on the reality nearby, hoping to enter it.

"The Xingyue Divine Cult came to pay homage to the mountain and ask to see the owner of this place!"

A young disciple of the Xingyue God Sect, holding a folding fan, led a group of people up the stairs.

The Xingyue God Sect is the largest sect within a radius of several thousand miles. It is huge in power and has several powerful Yu-Yu transformations within the sect. It can be regarded as a great sect.

The young man climbed up the steps, smiled, and looked around.

The white jade stairs are shrouded in clouds and mist, and you can only see more than ten meters away. The higher you go up, the greater the pressure, but it is enough to show that this secret realm is very unusual.

Seeing this, the others followed behind and stepped onto the white jade stairs, hoping to fish in troubled waters.

There was a middle-aged man in the crowd. He hesitated and said, "I know this place. It used to be the secret realm of the Thirteen Bandits. A young demon king came, destroyed the Thirteen Bandits, and occupied this place. At this moment, the majestic fairy mountain is here." It is revealed that the young demon king obviously gained benefits from it and triggered the restriction when he overcame the tribulation."

This middle-aged man was originally a member of the Thirteen Bandits. When Ji Chen destroyed the Thirteen Bandits, he led his men to plunder and escaped the disaster.

When the young man from Xingyue God Sect heard this, his smile became even stronger.

"The Thirteen Bandits, I have heard of it. It turns out that they occupy a secret realm. No wonder no one has found them."

The reputation of the Thirteen Bandits was once known to almost no one in this area. They had always been elusive and no one knew where they ended up.

The young man continued: "Although they are called bandits, they are not evil people. They are all evil forces. They eradicate the strong and help the weak. They can be regarded as righteous bandits. The young demon king destroyed the thirteen righteous bandits and occupied this place. This is an unjust act. Since we, the Xingyue Divine Sect, have encountered it, we naturally cannot stand idly by."

With a smile on his face, the young man unfolded his folding fan and walked up.

He had heard of the young demon king who destroyed the Thirteen Bandits. It was said that the young demon king was from the Demon Suppression Division of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom.

He is not afraid of this kind of background at all. After all, this is the Northern Territory, and Daxia's hand cannot reach that long.

The young man added: "Speaking of which, the Thirteen Bandits and I are also old acquaintances. They encountered a great disaster, so naturally I want to help seek justice."

"That's not a small tone, so you want to occupy this place! Ji Chen walked out of the clouds and mist on the stairs, his eyes were cold and condescending, looking down at everyone.

The young man stopped, stared at Ji Chen, and said with a smile: "It's not about occupation, it's just justice for heaven. You did something unjust and killed the thirteen righteous bandits. I'm just seeking justice for the thirteen righteous bandits."

Ji Chen sneered, "Really? Then I'll tell you what justice means."

When he finished speaking, he waved his long sleeves and flicked them gently, like flowing clouds and flowing water, extremely elegant.


A bright divine light swept up and rushed towards everyone.

It was so powerful that the divine power could not resist it. In an instant, all the people on the stairs were blown away, flew hundreds of feet across the air, and fell to the ground in a panic.

"How dare you! How dare you... how dare you be so rude to our Star-Moon God Sect." A young man from the Star-Moon God Sect roared angrily.

Ji Chen pointed out, and a ray of sword energy shot out, piercing the man's head.

Many people were frightened by Ji Chen's ferocity and feared in their hearts.

The young man from the Star-Moon God Sect was livid, "Okay, okay, I think you don't want to hang out in the Northern Territory. How dare you offend the Star-Moon God Sect like this."

"You are such a shameless person. You, the Xingyue God Sect, dare to represent the Northern Territory. Even the Ancient Holy Land is not as arrogant as you."

Ji Chen slapped them away, and the huge palm fell from the sky, covering everyone, and directly bombarded them.

"you dare!"

Everyone, including your Xingyue Cult, has changed their color.


The ground shook, the air exploded, and smoke and dust swept up like a tsunami.

Everyone was turned into pulp by this palm.

In the distance, many people hiding in the darkness couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Ji Chen's eyes were like knives, and he shot out terrifying sword intent. He glanced around, and the expressions of all the people he was staring at changed drastically. He felt like a knife blade was cutting his body, causing pain all over his body.

Then, Ji Chen raised his hand and took a picture of a huge stone dozens of feet tall. He stood it in front of the mountain gate, and with his finger like a knife, he wrote the words "Yunwu Villa" on the stone.

The tip of the pen is like a knife, containing the knife intention of the nine ways of robbing demons, revealing the compelling murderous intention.

Then, Ji Chen took a step forward, turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

It wasn't until Ji Chen walked far away that those hiding in the darkness dared to come out.

The reason why Ji Chen didn't kill them was that they didn't break into the mountain gate. On the other hand, he wanted to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys and let them spread the news. This place was not to be messed with.

Soon, this matter spread in this area, and all the monks and forces knew that there was an extra fairy mountain here, occupied by a young demon king from the Daxia Demon Suppression Division.

Not long after this incident spread, an even more shocking news suddenly came out of Beihuang, which was news about Ji Chen, the successor of the Holy Emperor.

Someone tried to find out the identity of Ji Chen, the descendant of the Holy Emperor, and found out a shocking news. The successor of the Holy Emperor had only been practicing for a year.

When the news came out, it caused an instant sensation, and countless people were shocked.

Even some of the great disciples of the great religions were stunned, dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

"The explosive news is simply unbelievable. What a terrifying qualification it takes to have such a terrifying cultivation speed."

"Oh my god, is this true? The descendant of the Holy Emperor has only been practicing for a year, and he can compete with the saints of the Tianshu Holy Land. This is simply unbelievable."

Saint Tianshu has now become a benchmark. When Ji Chen is mentioned, Saint Tianshu will inevitably be mentioned. She once fought against Ji Chen and was eventually captured alive.

The news spread very quickly, and in just a few days, the entire Northern and Eastern Regions were in a state of excitement.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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