I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 311 The Holy Emperor wrote a word with his own hand

In fact, Ji Chen didn't lack theory. What he lacked was experience. He didn't read so many fantasy novels in his previous life for nothing.

Ji Chen's remarks directly silenced Mr. Fang. Even if he became the Holy Emperor, he still couldn't see through Ji Chen. Just like when Ji Chen argued with him when he was a child, he could not win against Ji Chen with his profound knowledge.

There are so many secrets about him.

In fact, Mr. Fang had discovered the ruins of the Qunxian Mountains many years ago, but he felt even greater terror inside, especially at the bottom of the lake, where there was an ancient immortal body that even he did not dare to provoke.

This is also the reason why he did not participate in the battle for the ruins. Basically, strong men beyond the Holy Lord level feel the great terror there and will not participate in it to avoid being contaminated by the cause and effect.

After the small bronze tower flew out of the ruins, Mr. Fang only took action to intercept the tower.

After the ruins of the Qunxian Mountains completely erupted, Mr. Fang was surprised to find a familiar aura on Ji Chen's body, which was exactly the same as the aura of the ancient immortal body at the bottom of the lake.

He guessed that the miraculous inheritance of the Qunxian Mountains was probably obtained by Ji Chen.

But he didn't ask further. This was Ji Chen's opportunity. From the first time Ji Chen came to study in a private school as a child, he discovered that Ji Chen carried a mystery. He had calculated Ji Chen's fate, but he couldn't figure it out. It was as if it was covered by a powerful force and was covered in mist.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Mr. Fang asked.

He knew from Ji Chen's expression that this guy wanted to ask him something.

"I'm going to survive the tribulation!" Ji Chen said casually, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

But Mr. Fang was stunned. The vast starry sky in his eyes disappeared, and he turned to look at Ji Chen in surprise.

He was really shocked.

"You have just passed through the tribulation, and it has not been more than ten days since you broke through to the fourth realm!"


Ji Chen nodded, "But we are about to break through to the fifth realm."

Mr. Fang was petrified and was speechless for a long time, his expression somewhat helpless. After a while, he finally spoke: "Cultivation too fast is sometimes not a good thing. You must pay attention to laying a solid foundation to avoid depleting your future foundation."

Ji Chen nodded: "I understand, this is my way. I don't know how to explain it to you. You just think that I am entering the way by killing."

Mr. Fang patted Ji Chen on the shoulder, "Just understand. Do you want me to help you protect the law? Don't worry, I will pay attention."

"No, I have a secret place and I want you to help strengthen the defense."

"That secret place of the Thirteen Bandits?" Mr. Fang said with a smile.

Ji Chen nodded, "I can't hide anything from you!"

Ever since he learned that Mr. Fang had destroyed the Tianshu Holy Land, Ji Chen had been worried that the secret realm could not defend against a powerful man at the level of the Holy Lord, and probably even the Venerable could not defend against it.

He didn't want people to pick peaches on the place he worked so hard to conquer, so he wanted to ask Mr. Fang to help strengthen the formation.

Suddenly, Ji Chen felt himself surrounded by a force. Before he could react, he felt the world was spinning. The next moment, he had appeared in the secret realm.

Ji Chen was stunned and shocked by Mr. Fang's methods.

"This is a good secret realm. It is not inferior to other major holy places. It is just a little deserted. There are traces of the ancient sages' enlightenment in it. With a little modification, a sect can be established here and a holy place can be established."

Mr. Fang's consciousness swept across this secret realm, nodded in praise, and then disappeared out of thin air. His figure kept appearing in various places in the secret realm, and he carved words in the void of the Holy Emperor's Dao Yun.

Ji Chen was not in a hurry to overcome the disaster, but stood on a mountain top and waited.

Half a day later, Ji Chen felt a mysterious change. An unpredictable Tao Yun and vast imperial power filled the air. But in just a moment, the vast imperial power disappeared, including the mysterious Tao Yun that permeated the heaven and earth. Disappeared and melted into the void.

A moment later, Mr. Fang appeared next to Ji Chen.

"This is an ancient secret realm. There was originally an ancient formation that existed for at least hundreds of thousands of years. However, over the years, no one maintained it, and it gradually lost its power. I have completed the formation and reinforced it, and The Tao Yun of the Holy Emperor is burned into it, and even the same Holy Emperor cannot decipher it!"

"Thank you for your hard work, sir!" Ji Chen saluted and expressed his sincere thanks.

From this moment on, Ji Chen felt like he had a home. He once vowed to find a place where he could lie down, and now he did it.

This is at least a safe place, a place to live and settle down. Unless you surpass the Holy Emperor, you can't even think of breaking through.

"Although you have not inherited my Confucianism and Taoism, you are still my only disciple. I will give you a gift!"

Mr. Fang stretched out his finger and used the Holy Emperor Daoyun to write the word "Confucianism" on Ji Chen's forehead, imprinting it on his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I wrote a word on your forehead, which can protect your consciousness from being taken away and invaded, and protect your soul from being destroyed. When you are in danger, you can concentrate on sensing this word, and you will be automatically transported to this secret realm. Come."

"Then write a few more."

Ji Chen quickly said, of course, the more words written by the Holy Emperor himself, the better. It is best to write an entire ancient sutra. When you are facing an enemy, you can meditate on the ancient sutra and you will be invincible.

"One word is enough, don't be greedy for more."

"I found traces of the Tao Yun of the ancient sages in this ruins, and I'm going to prove it. You go to overcome the tribulation first. There is a tribulation platform in front of you, which was used by the forces in this secret realm to overcome the tribulation. You will overcome the tribulation in the future. If you all come here, even if I don’t protect you, no one can break in.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Fang disappeared.

Ji Chen touched his forehead, and there was this word. At least he would not have to put flowers into the palm world when he was in danger in the future, thereby increasing the risk of exposing the palm world.

As Mr. Fang completed the ancient formation, many forbidden areas and ruins in the secret book were revealed, and the secret realm expanded many times, spanning thousands of miles.

Among them, the tribulation platform specially used to overcome tribulations and the mountain gate formation were also revealed.

It happened that the Tribulation Crossing Platform was not far from here, so Ji Chen took off in the sky and flew to the Tribulation Crossing Platform, preparing to cross the Tribulation.

The Tribulation Platform is huge, hundreds of feet in length and breadth, and is covered with runes. In the middle is a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram.

The entire Tribulation Platform is a huge formation that can withstand the bombardment of the Heavenly Tribulation.

There are dense carvings on the platform, and the formation can be activated by inserting the spiritual stone.

Ji Chen did not activate the formation. He needed to rely on the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to practice the ancient scriptures of immortality and evolve his divine body. He could only rely on his body to resist.

With everything ready, Ji Chen relaxed his body.

As the five million killing points were consumed, a terrifying aura filled the air, and the momentum instantly climbed to its peak.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, dark clouds covered the sky, and the vast power of heaven rolled in, filling the air. There was deathly silence for hundreds of miles around the Tribulation Platform.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

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