I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 308 Come to worship from all directions

It wasn't until he carefully asked the people around him that he was dumbfounded and his whole body was shocked.

Mr. Fang actually attacked the Tianshu Holy Land for him alone and directly destroyed the entire Holy Land.

This is so overbearing, so arrogant.

The Holy Emperor of Confucianism and Taoism!

The first person in history!

Am I the second generation emperor now?

This was Ji Chen's first reaction!

Fortunately, he was still trying his best to squeeze Ye Wanru in the palm world, get the handle to control her, and guard against the revenge of Tianshu Holy Land.

Emotions have been in vain these days.

As soon as Ji Chen appeared near the private school, someone recognized him.

All the recent storms in the Northern Wasteland were caused by him.

He and Saint Tianshu fought, and the weak defeated the strong, and snatched away Saint Tianshu, which led to Holy Lord Tianshu to take action. This guy just suppressed a heavenly catastrophe, tricked Holy Lord Tianshu, and implicated the whole family. Hundreds of people staged a grand spectacle of hundreds of people overcoming the tribulation together, and then led Mr. Fang to the Tianshu Holy Land, exposing the strength of his Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor.

"Ji Beigui appears!"

"Bei Gui is back!"

There was a buzz of discussion around him, including surprise, curiosity, and envy.

In an instant, Ji Chen became the focus.

He walked into the private school with a calm expression. Maplewood Town was the place where he grew up, and the private school was his second home.

After entering, he found that there were many people in the courtyard, each of them looked like gods, and the aura they gave off made him tremble.

The moment Ji Chen came in, everyone looked at him.

These people were so powerful. They heard the comments outside word for word. They were all seeing Ji Chen for the first time, and they were all curious about what kind of young man Mr. Fang's disciple was.

When I saw him at this moment, I discovered that this person's physique was extraordinary.

Especially the descendants of the Holy Land who were brought by the major Holy Lords had a strong fighting intention in their eyes.

Ji Chen even felt a hostile gaze.

That was a young man with a touch of holy glory flowing through his body. He had a majestic appearance and exuded a powerful force of oppression. He was even more terrifying than the Tianshu Saint Ye Wanru. Like a bright sun, extremely dazzling.

The holy glory in this person is somewhat similar to that of Tianshu Saint Ye Wanru.

Is Tian a person from the Holy Land?

Holy Son Tianshu!

Ji Chen knew that Tianshu Holy Land had not only a saint, but also a saint. With such a terrifying aura at such a young age, it must be the saint.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with an aura as deep as a mountain, with the same holy radiance flowing through his body, like a god.

These descendants of the Holy Land all looked at Ji Chen with curiosity, hostility, and high fighting spirit. The fighting spirit was so undisguised that the Holy Lord around him had to use his eyes to indicate that he should calm down. .

"Back!" Mr. Fang said with a smile.

The recent turmoil in Beihuang was all caused by him alone, which can be said to be a great success.

Mr. Fang knew that Ji Chen had a secret. After he captured Saint Tianshu, even this Mr. Fang could not find any trace of Ji Chen.

But he didn't delve into it. His attitude towards Ji Chen was that of being free-spirited. He originally insisted on letting Ji Chen follow Confucianism because he had already found a path on which he could give Ji Chen a lot of guidance.

Now it seems that Ji Chen has his own way and may have an incredible and supreme inheritance.

After all, he saw with his own eyes that Ji Chen had achieved what he had achieved in less than a year. Although he was still a little behind the successors of the major holy places and the supreme religion, but given him a little more time, he could achieve it. Catch up.

"I've met you, sir!" Ji Chen saluted.

"Just come back!" Mr. Fang nodded, "Young people have their own paths and opportunities. People of the older generation should not interfere too much."

"That's what the Holy Emperor said!"

Everyone quickly agreed and glanced at Holy Lord Tianshu.

Everyone could tell that Mr. Fang was protecting Ji Chen and warning them not to use their cultivation to do anything against Ji Chen.

Ji Chen's cultivation speed is too fast. With the exposure of Maplewood Town, it will not be long before all the details about him will be revealed.

In less than a year, he went from an ordinary person who didn't know how to practice to reach the current level, able to compete with the saints of Tianshu Holy Land.

This unprecedented speed of cultivation will shock the world. Such a brilliant genius will definitely be feared and secretly killed and suppressed by strong men.

This is also one of the reasons why Mr. Fang was designated as Tianshu Holy Land. Killing chickens to scare monkeys completely showed his protective side. Whoever dares to do something evil, I will destroy your entire sect.

"Holy Emperor, Ji Chen has captured my Holy Lady of Tianshu Holy Land, can you let him go for a while?" the Holy Master of Tianshu Holy Land said.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Ji Chen. The recent series of events all started because he captured the Tianshu Saint.

Mr. Fang looked at Ji Chen and asked: "Kill him or not!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the courtyard was speechless. These words were obviously to support Ji Chen. If he didn't kill him, he would be released. It didn't matter if he killed him.

Holy Master Tianshu had no expression on his face. Even if Ji Chen really killed someone, there was nothing he could do.

The murderous intent in the eyes of Holy Son Tianshu is even stronger. This is not a glorious thing. The arrest of Holy Girl Tianshu will cause a great blow to the reputation of Tianshu Holy Land.

"Not yet!" Ji Chen replied, before adding, "If you had shown your strength earlier, I would have killed her long ago!"

Everyone in the courtyard was speechless once again. As expected, like a teacher, there must be a disciple.

Even Mr. Fang was offended, "So, if you still blame me, you will be afraid of one day."

He knows Ji Chen best. He has never been afraid of anything since his debut, and he has been fighting all the way until now.

"How dare I blame you? You are a gentleman and you are not allowed to beat me with a ruler." Ji Chen said. He still couldn't forget how he argued with Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang lost and chased him for several streets with a ruler. .

"Okay, stop talking so much. Since we haven't killed him yet, let him go."

"Uh!" Ji Chen looked around, but hesitated to speak.

Mr. Fang understood and knew that Ji Chen had some secrets that he didn't want others to know, so he waved his hand and a divine light enveloped him, blocking everyone's gaze and spiritual exploration.

Ji Chen opened the world in his palm, and a bright light flew out from it. The holy light bloomed, surrounded by true phoenixes, and a powerful aura burst out, filling the space.

"Ji Chen, I'm going to kill you!"

The majestic holy power burst out and turned into a heavenly sword, slashing towards Ji Chen.

When she felt her confinement being lifted, the first thing she wanted to do was kill Ji Chen and get back her underwear and underwear.

At this moment, an even more terrifying aura erupted, forcing all the holy power back, and the Heavenly Sword collapsed.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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