"Is this Maplewood Town?"

An old man with an immortal spirit stepped into Fenglin Town and seemed to appear out of thin air. Even the people around him did not notice that there was an extra person.

Looking at the tranquility of Fenglin Town, the old man sighed: "It is indeed a good place to cultivate body and mind, and it has not been affected by the war at all."

"'In these years, the Great Sect of the Northern Territory has not dared to invade my country, Great Xia, because Mr. Fang has made great contributions!"

Although Fenglin Town is poor, the faces of the people here do not have the panic and tension caused by the war.

The old man walked along the street to the private school, and walked directly into the private school. He saw a monk playing with chess records, and he was actually playing chess with him.

Seeing this, the old man quickly raised his hands and said, "I've met Qin Shuai!"

This monk is Qin Jihu, one of the Three Sages of Great Xia.

Qin Jihu glanced at the old man and said with a smile: "I don't dare to accept the great gift of the Imperial Master. You are the Holy Lord of Tianshu Holy Land and the Imperial Master with overwhelming power!"

"Shuai Qin made fun of you!"

The old man, the Imperial Master, was quite helpless. Qin Shuai had a bad temper. The whole court and the public knew that he would not even give Emperor Xia face when he was so irritable. How many dignitaries and powerful people in the court had been served by his big slap, including princes and princesses? , the Prime Minister and the Duke of the country, take care of him without fail. He was slapped directly in public without giving any face.

He didn't want to offend this person. He came to Maplewood Town this time. He just wanted to find an explanation from Mr. Fang and get the captured saint back.

It's not that he's afraid of this handsome tiger, but he doesn't want to get entangled with him.

However, the Imperial Master looked around, but did not find Mr. Fang, so he asked curiously: "May I ask Qin Shuai, why don't you see Mr. Fang?"

Qin Jihu held one with his fingers and was thinking about the next step. He was interrupted by the Imperial Master. He was quite unhappy and said casually: "You said that old fox went to Tianshu Holy Land!"

The Imperial Master's face changed slightly, "Mr. Fang went to the Holy Land?"

He suddenly had a bad feeling. Among the three saints of Great Xia, Emperor Xia was domineering, Commander Qin was irritable, and Mr. Fang was vicious.

Many forces would rather face Emperor Xia and Commander Qin directly than offend Mr. Fang.

If you offend Qin Shuai, you will be beaten up at most. If you offend Mr. Fang, he may kill your whole family.

Qin Jihu smiled, revealing his golden teeth.

He cultivated an immortal golden body. Not only did his bones glow golden, but even his teeth turned golden, as if they were made of divine gold.

"The old fox is just such a disciple. You, Tianshu Holy Land, are so shameless. People in the Holy Lord realm actually attack this junior. Of course, the old fox will kill a group of people to give his disciples a sigh of relief. If you rush back now, you might be able to save them. One or two.”

The Imperial Master's expression changed wildly, and he was no longer calm and calm.

"Obviously it was his disciple who first captured the saint of my Tianshu Holy Land, and he also took action to kill several of my Tianshu Holy Land's Holy Lords, and he even blamed my Tianshu Holy Land!"

Qin Jihu put down the chess pieces, sat up straight, stared at the Imperial Master, and said calmly: "Are you angry at me, questioning me, or do you want me to go to Tianshu Holy Land?"

The corners of the Imperial Master's eyes twitched, and his eyes flashed with divine light. Only then did he realize that the tiger in front of him was not easy to deal with, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't dare, I'm the one who lost my temper!"

He was so angry that he originally came to trouble the old fox in anger. After all, it was the disciples of the old fox who captured the saints of his Tianshu Holy Land, and the old fox also killed several holy masters of the Tianshu Holy Land.

He came to ask for an explanation, but he learned that the other party had already reached Tianshu Holy Land first.

This is simply unreasonable!

At this moment, he was so anxious that he could only rush back to Tianshu Holy Land.

"I won't disturb Qin Shuai Yaxing, I have to go back to the Holy Land first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Imperial Master disappeared on the spot.

Qin Jihu shook his head and continued to ponder the chess game.

Tianshu Holy Land, one of the seven ancient holy places in the world, has existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

The green mountains are towering, shrouded in mist, and a thousand-foot waterfall falls from the top of the mountain, splashing with mist. The green water flows around the mountain, lush and beautiful.

The springs are gurgling, the flowers are blooming, the vegetation is rich, the spiritual energy is drifting, the water is misty, and the palaces are misty. It is truly a fairyland and beautiful land.

It's just that no one appreciates such beautiful scenery. Everyone in Tianshu Holy Land has a look of resentment and sadness on their faces.

All because yesterday, an uninvited guest came to the top of Tianshu Holy Mountain to enjoy the sunset.

How could Tianshu Holy Land allow others to board it at will? After scolding him, the man actually came in and fought all the way from outside the Holy Land to the top of the Holy Mountain.

Rivers of blood flowed and bones were everywhere.

The man stood on the top of the mountain, facing the sunset, and fought against the seven most powerful saints of the Holy Land. The sky was shattered and the earth was shattered, and the sun and the moon were dimmed. He killed all seven saints of the Tianshu Holy Land on the top of the Holy Mountain.

The holy blood dyed the holy mountain red and merged with the setting sun to form a sad and beautiful picture of bright red.

However, the man did not leave, because he still wanted to watch the rising sun tomorrow.

That person is Mr. Fang.

That night, the entire Tianshu Holy Land was trembling.

That man was so powerful, standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Tianshu Holy Land.

Time passed by, but the man's figure never moved or had any intention of leaving.

This night is very long, and for the people of Tianshu Holy Land, it seems to have no end.

The entire Tianshu Holy Land was in panic.

At this time, several venerables from Tianshu Holy Land came forward and saluted, "Senior, it is an honor for me, Tianshu Holy Land, to come to Tianshu Holy Land, and it also makes Tianshu Holy Land glorious. We are waiting in Tianshu Hall to prepare immortal delicacies and hope that Senior moved with appreciation."

They lowered their attitude, tried their best to flatter Mr. Fang, and wanted to send Mr. Fang away. Even though Mr. Fang killed seven of their saints and massacred them all the way from the mountain gate to the top of the mountain, they still endured it.

However, Mr. Fang's eyes were always looking at the sky, staring deep into the distant starry sky. He did not respond to them, as if he regarded him as air.

The few venerables were frozen there. This was not humiliation, but complete disregard.

It's because they are simply not qualified to talk to Mr. Fang.

Several people's bodies were getting cold, and they felt the huge gap.

The venerable one can suppress a region of heaven and earth, realize the great truth, has an unlimited lifespan, can establish a great religion, and establish a kingdom of gods. He possesses great supernatural powers and unpredictable methods. He can cover the sky and the earth with his hands, and is respected as the supreme power.

But at this moment, in Mr. Fang's eyes, they were like a group of ants, not even qualified to talk to them.

Mr. Fang did not deliberately show contempt, but this different level of vision and attitude of neglect made their hearts feel cold.

Everyone in Tianshu Holy Land felt that they were on two levels, the difference between ants and gods, so they were ignored.

They want to be angry, but are powerless. This is an inexplicable sadness.

Therefore, this night is very long, as if there is no end. This is the disaster of Tianshu Holy Land. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, whether he will leave after the morning sun.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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