I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 290 Killing Intent, Dragon Fights Underworld

But Ji Chen faintly felt the oppression from Tianshu Holy Land.

Someone in Tianshu Holy Land was watching him, so he held back and did not take action.

The screams kept ringing out, and the fire-scaled snake was invincible. It spit out a mouthful of flames and burned a large area to death.

At this moment, a monk's body surged and he rushed forward with a black iron rod in hand.

This is a powerful physical practitioner, his body is like gold and iron, full of terrifying power.


He hit the fire-scaled snake with a stick, and the dark iron rod bent. However, the fire-scaled snake just staggered, and its body swept out like a whip, hitting the monk.

Blood sprayed out, the body's bones were broken, and the body cultivator flew towards Ji Chen.

The fire-scaled dragon was like a flash of lightning, and it caught up with him. It bit down the body cultivator at the waist and killed him instantly.

The screams were horrifying, and a powerful body cultivator died like this.

In just this moment, dozens of monks died. You must know that these monks are basically demigods, but they are no match for a monster.

The fire-scaled snakes were killing them all the way, and no one could resist.

"Run away!"

Someone yelled and started to run away, but the direction of their escape was towards Ji Chen.

Everyone fled after hearing this, panicking and having no direction at all. A large group of people followed and fled towards Ji Chen.

The fire-scaled snake quickly chased after him.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold, with bright murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

That man definitely lured the fire-scaled dragon snake to his side on purpose, hoping to divert trouble and implicate himself in it.

"They came for me. Let's separate. I'll create an opportunity. You go get the fruit. We'll meet up in Maplewood Town."

Ji Chen said to King Kong without looking back. He already had a plan in mind. Since someone wanted to divert trouble to the east, he would take advantage of this opportunity to get the fruit.

"Three thousand miles north from here, there is a town called Fenglin Town. Take the fruit and go straight there, go to the private school to find Mr. Fang, and then wait for me there."

"Be careful!" After King Kong left a word, he turned into a stream of light and went away to another mountain top, looking for opportunities to get the fruit.

However, to outsiders, it seemed that he was afraid of being implicated and ran away in advance.

Dozens of streams of light flew towards the mountain peak where Ji Chen was.

"court death!"

A cold roar shook the ruins. Ji Chen stood on the mountain peak, took off the bronze halberd from his back, and swept it across. A bright light bloomed, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, and slashed out.

The first few people were cut in half, and their bodies, broken into two sections, fell like dumplings.

This halberd shocked everyone, including the fire-scaled snake.

In the distance, Li Changzhi's eyes were calm. He had arranged for those people to deliberately lead the fire-scaled snake to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen took one step forward, like a stream of light rising into the sky. The bright divine light illuminated the sky. He held a big halberd and stood in the sky.


The fire-scaled snake roared, turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed towards Ji Chen. It opened its bloody mouth and spit out a stream of flames.

In the distance, the woman in red standing next to Li Changzhi showed a smile, "That's the three flavors of real fire from the Fire Scale Serpent. It can even melt weapons. I'll see how he handles it this time."

In her opinion, Ji Chen was dead and would be burned to ashes.

In fact, many people thought so. This kind of flame was so terrifying that most monks would die immediately if they touched it. Instead of hiding, Ji Chen went to meet it. This was no different from sending someone to death.

In mid-air, Ji Chen did not flinch, he picked up the halberd and chopped it down.

"Dragon fights against the sky!"

The euphorbia passed across the sky, bursting out with bright green light and turning into a green dragon sword energy.

The bright sword energy illuminated the sky, and the terrifying killing energy was overwhelming.


The flames were split in half like a huge wave and swept towards both sides. The Qinglong Saber Qi slashed along the dividing line in the middle and struck the fire-scaled snake on its head.


Blood spattered, and the body of the fire-scale snake fell down the cliff. There was a huge wound on its head, and blood flowed across it.

"Oh my God, this is actually happening?"

Everyone around was shocked and couldn't believe that Ji Chen actually split the three-flavored true fire and wounded the fire-scaled dragon snake.

Even Li Changzhi and the woman in red in the distance were surprised.

Especially the woman in red was shocked, her eyes flashed, she didn't expect this person to be so powerful.

"This man is very powerful, we can't keep him!"

She was even more certain that she could not let Ji Chen leave here alive.


The fire-scaled snake was angry and roared at Ji Chen, its eyes were red and its voice was extremely cruel.

Some people even couldn't help but cover their ears. This kind of cry has very powerful sonic lethality.


The magma boiled, and another fire-scaled dragon flew out of the magma, becoming even larger.

"what's the situation?"

"Oh my god, another fire-scaled snake!"

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, another fire-scaled snake emerged from the lava.

Are these a male and female pair, or brothers and sisters?

Even King Kong was frightened for a moment, but luckily he didn't pick the fruit hastily. There was actually a fire-scaled snake hidden in the magma.

Everyone ran away, staying far away, for fear of being spotted by this terrifying creature.

However, the fire-scaled snake did not pounce on the crowd. It roared and powerful sound waves penetrated the surroundings, sending sand and rocks flying, smoke and dust rising into the sky, and the magma below exploding, causing waves.

It didn't pounce on the mysterious fruit, but pounced directly on Ji Chen.

Ji Chen stood high in the sky, holding a halberd, silently, his eyes as bright as stars, looking down at the fire-scaled snake, his face expressionless, calm and calm.

When the fire-scaled snake pounced close to him, he picked up the halberd and slashed it down.

"Dragon slays Huangquan!"

Ji Chen shouted, and the bronze halberd fell across the air, bursting out with the brightest light, and slashed in the direction of the fire-scaled snake.


There was a sound like the intersection of gold and iron, as dull as thunder, penetrating in all directions,

Immediately afterwards, people saw the huge body of the fire scale snake flying out, blood dripping all the way, and the magma-like blood fell on the ground, burning the ground into small pits.


Rocks flew and the fire-scaled dragon's body hit the cliff, causing it to collapse.

It turned over and climbed up, staring at Ji Chen with fear in its eyes.

Ji Chen took one step forward, and like a bolt of lightning, he came hundreds of meters away in an instant, and swung the great halberd across the sky.

The bright light is like the Milky Way hanging upside down, shining with a vast expanse of white sword energy.


Blood spattered, and the neck of the fire-scale dragon snake was cut off, leaving only a trace of skin and flesh.

With a wave of Ji Chen's left hand, the fire-scaled dragon snake was taken into the world in his palm.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and the entire ruins fell into silence.

How powerful this is! It was as strong as a fire-scaled snake, and could kill many monks with a single breath of flames. Even flying swords could not damage it, but Ji Chen killed it with two halberds. This shocking scene shocked everyone.

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