At the same time, this ruins became extremely cold, and the cold atmosphere could even penetrate the bone marrow and freeze the soul.

"It's so damn cold!"

King Kong shivered and shrank his neck. Even though he had cultivated King Kong's Immortal Body, he felt cold.

"It can't really be haunted, right?" He trembled and muttered, his eyes fixed on the faces in the black mist.

"You, a Buddhist monk, are still afraid of ghosts?"

Ji Chen joked, relieving the tense atmosphere. Tianxuan was held tightly in his hand, and his eyes were also fixed on the strange red light in the black mist ahead.

King Kong said nervously: "It's not that I'm afraid of ghosts, but that I'm afraid of such ominous things."

He also held the golden stick tightly and was on guard.

"We really encountered something weird this time."

At this moment, the will-o'-the-wisp suddenly moved over very quickly, heading towards Ji Chen.

At this moment, Ji Chen felt a chill in his spine and his hair stood on end.

An instinctive premonition made him aware of danger, fatal danger.

With intuition, Ji Chen sensed that the strangeness was directed at him.

Unable to dodge and had no choice but to fight, Ji Chen swung Tianxuan and struck out with the strongest sword without even thinking.

The first of the nine swords to rob the devil → the demons dance wildly.

In an instant, it was as if the demon god had descended, terrifying demonic thoughts and coercion erupted, demonic energy spread everywhere, and terrifying sword light enveloped hundreds of meters in radius.

The violent sword intent was devastating, black lightning fell from the sky, and the black sword energy flooded the world. The magic light shone, thunder light was crisscrossed, and ripples spread. It was caused by the terrifying sword intent, splitting the void, and the vast demonic The power is overwhelming.

King Kong next to him was stunned, and the shock in his heart could not be greater.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to be possessed by a demon, exuding astonishing demonic power, and the terrifying demonic thoughts made him even more frightened.


The world seemed to be extinguished, and the red light erupted with astonishing spiritual fluctuations, sweeping across like a spiritual storm with powerful penetrating power.

King Kong couldn't help but cover his ears, showing a painful expression.

There were ripples one meter in front of Ji Chen, and strange mental power impacted his field, clashing with his sword intent.

It’s a battle of mind against mind.

Swept by the spiritual storm and the sword's will, everything around him turned into powder.

"Boom! Boom!"

Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness poured out all his mental power, turning into a sharp sword intent, crushing the whole thing and crushing it, directly tearing apart the strange mental power.

The majestic sword intent drowned out the strange red light and annihilated it.

After this knife passed, the world seemed to be in silence, the strange black fog within a hundred meters radius disappeared, and the residual thoughts of the knife were surging in this area.

King Kong next to him was already stunned and looked at Ji Chen in shock. This knife almost sent him away.

"Let's go!"

Ji Chen said, such a big movement must have alarmed other people in the ruins. He didn't want to interact with these people, so he found a correct direction and entered the black mist.

King Kong quickly followed.

In this strange ruins, shrouded in black fog, isolating everything, no one dares to take the risk of using their mental power to explore at will, everyone is groping carefully.

This ruins is like a dark forest. Everyone walking in this dark forest is a hunter. Whoever exposes his position first will become the prey and may be attacked by other hunters.

The first rule of survival in this dark forest is to hide your identity and not be discovered by other hunters. At the same time, you must beware of the weirdness in the darkness.

Not long after Ji Chen and King Kong left the battlefield, auras appeared in the black mist around the battlefield, and someone came looking for movement. However, no one easily stepped out of the black mist and exposed themselves.

Everyone is wary of each other.

After waiting for a long time, no one took the initiative to come out, and the breath in the black mist gradually disappeared. Those people finally retreated and disappeared into the black mist.

The two King Kongs explored carefully, and Ji Chen suddenly stopped and made a suggestion.

"It's not appropriate to continue like this. This place is really weird. If we explore without any clue, the possibility of being exposed is very high."

"Let's do this! We are in the light and the other in the dark. You are in the light and I am in the dark. Even if we are accidentally exposed, we will always take care of each other."

King Kong glanced at Ji Chen with some doubts. Just when he was wondering how to turn on and off, he was shocked the next moment.

Ji Chen's figure was seen to be fading, and after a few breaths, he completely disappeared. He actually couldn't feel Ji Chen's presence at all, and even his breath disappeared.

"Senior brother?"

He shouted softly.

"I'm here, use the voice transmission!"

Ji Chen's mental energy condensed into a thread and reached King Kong's ears.


King Kong transmitted the message in the direction of Ji Chen's message, and used his mental power to mark Ji Chen's body, so that he could sense Ji Chen's position and accurately transmit the message at any time.

"Senior brother, what's your secret technique?" He asked curiously via voice transmission.

"It's a secret technique of invisibility. Let's go. We're going to be in the dark now. Just pretend I don't exist. If anything happens, I'll send a message directly."

As if inspired by Ji Chen, King Kong touched his bald head and felt that his bald head was too conspicuous, so he decided to change his outfit.

After some operations, he changed his attire and put on black clothes and a black hat on his bald head.

He put the long golden stick into the storage instrument and took out a new discipline knife.

At this moment, his temperament changed drastically, from the honest and honest monk to a bandit who was about to kill people and set fires.

Dressed in black, it completely blends in with the surrounding black mist, making it even more invisible.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the distance, which was particularly distant in the strangely silent ruins.

Without saying a word, King Kong immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

A moment later, five people appeared in the ruins ahead. They were dressed like King Kong. They were all dressed in black, with black clothes and black hats. Even their faces were covered, with only two eyes exposed.

Several people stood there, looking down at a female corpse.

The two of them stayed in the black mist and observed for a while. Ji Chen seemed to have discovered something. He felt a strange aura on those people.

"There's something wrong with those people. Go over and take a look. I'm secretly on guard!"

King Kong's expression was solemn. He also saw that there seemed to be something wrong with those people, so he did not hesitate and walked towards those people carefully, wanting to see what happened.

He and Ji Chen were in the dark and in the light, so they were not worried about being attacked by surprise.

Those people also noticed King Kong's appearance. They just looked back and stopped paying attention. Instead, they continued to focus on the female corpse on the ground and looked down.

King Kong walked over without saying a word and approached those people. Seeing that they made no movement and had no intention of taking action, he stood silently next to the female corpse like them, imitating them and looking down at the female corpse, seriously. Watch.

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