I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 246: The first form of the Nine Demon-Robbing Swords, the demons dance wildly

Two demigods, one controls the Feng Shui Mist Formation, and the other is on full alert.

After the flying sword killed Patriarch Lieyang in a sneak attack, it disappeared into the mist and disappeared again.

"That young man is weird. The only way to kill him is in close combat."

The two demigods discussed how to force the other party out, use melee combat, and kill them.

"call out!"

In an instant, Cao Chengqing moved sideways, broke through the sound barrier, and rushed hundreds of meters away.

A ray of light shot out, turned into a sword energy, and struck the mountain peak where he once stood, breaking off a section of the mountain peak.

One can imagine the power of this flying sword, it is really amazing.

"As expected of a rat, he can only hide in the dark and make sneak attacks. If he has the ability, he can come out for a head-on confrontation."

Cao Chengqing's voice sounded cold and slightly sarcastic, trying to force Ji Chen to show up with words.

However, Ji Chen ignored him.

He continued to taunt, "Young people don't know how high the sky is. Even if you are a descendant of the Holy Land, there is only one way to die today. Killing you is like slaughtering a dog."

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out, and the fierce murderous intention approached Cao Chengqing.

Cao Chengqing was prepared and avoided it in advance.

The death of Patriarch Lieyang made him more alert. He knew how terrifying the opponent's flying sword was. It could penetrate gold, crack stones, and break through anything, so he didn't dare to fight head-on.

The light flew into the white mist and disappeared.

Seeing that the other party was not fooled, Cao Chengqing looked a little ugly, and he continued to taunt: "Do you just dare to hide in the dark and attack secretly? This is the style of the heirs of the Holy Land. I really saw it. It is really true that there are people like you in the Holy Land where you are. Unfortunately, I have been humiliated by you."

Cao Chengqing shook his head and sighed, his mood waning, and he raised his feet and walked towards Zhu Suiguo, the ancestor of Biluo League.

Just as he took a few steps, the light appeared again, silently, and shot towards him.

Zhu Suicheng, who had super control over the Feng Shui Cloud and Mist Formation, also caught a trace of Ji Chen's energy at this time.

"I found you, kill me!"

He rose directly from the ground, crossed several hundred meters into the void, and attacked.

A young man stood on the top of a tree, his figure looming, and he was using a flying sword to attack Cao Chengqing.

A bronze spear appeared in Zhu Sui's hand and passed through the air toward Jichen Cave.


The space seemed to explode, and a vacuum passage appeared between Ji Chen and Zhu Suiguo. The bronze spear erupted with brilliant light, with astonishing power.

The divine light illuminated the heaven and earth, dispersing the white mist, and struck like a devastating blow.

Ji Chen held a halberd in both hands, evolved into a fusion of the Golden Crow and the Euphorbia, and used the Dragon War Saber Technique. The dragon fought against the sky, slashing forward.

After all, being in the opponent's territory, it is very difficult to sneak attack the opponent silently without being discovered.

The Heart-Severing Technique cannot be used either. Once the Heart-Severing Technique is used, another demigod will come over with thunder, making it difficult to defend.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The bright light exploded and a roaring sound erupted.

The air exploded, making a thunderous sound. Along with the sound of dragon roar, a real flame dragon emerged and blasted forward with extremely terrifying momentum.

The terrifying beam of light exploded and flew in all directions, like thousands of swords firing in unison, like fireworks in full bloom, bright but terrifying.

Zhu Suiguo entered Ji Chen's predecessor, and a peerless war broke out.

Ji Chen didn't want to hide or make sneak attacks anymore.

The realm of the two opponents was much higher than his. Except for Lieyang Patriarch who was unaware of it and was successfully attacked by surprise, the other two were on guard and it was difficult for them to succeed in a sneak attack.

If it comes to close combat, he has a very good chance of winning by virtue of his supreme divine body and the special features of the Taixuan Sutra.

Ji Chen also broke out with all his strength and fought a shocking battle with Zhu Suicheng.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two wielded bronze weapons and fought fiercely.

Cao Chengqing on the other side wanted to come to help, but Ji Chen used Tianxuan to restrain him.

Ji Chen was very energetic and used 70% of his energy to fight Zhu Suicheng and the other 30% to deal with Cao Chengqing.

Although it is only 30%, it is very terrifying when used on Tianxuan. Within a hundred meters of guarding radius, once Cao Chengqing approaches, Tianxuan will perform a shocking blow.

Within a hundred meters, the flying sword hit with one strike, and it was impossible to dodge it unless you resisted.

The death of Ancestor Lieyang was seen by Cao Chengqing. Even Ancestor Lieyang could not resist the flying sword. Cao Chengqing did not dare to resist. He could only keep getting closer, looking for opportunities to strike at Ji Chen. .

This was the first time Ji Chen faced off against two fifth-level demigods. It was a very fierce fight. He wielded the green dragon halberd, struck out violently, and slashed away.

The green dragon euphorbia and the bronze spear collided, mysterious energy exploded, and thunder roared.

Cao Chengqing held a battle sword and fired from a distance, bursting with speed and surpassing the sound barrier, hoping to give Ji Chen a shocking blow.

At this moment, a ray of light shot out.

The light broke through the speed of sound, and when it flew closer, the sound of thunderstorm slowly came from the distance.

Cao Chengqing had to stop and fight against this light with all his strength.

Otherwise, if he hits Ji Chen, the light will hit him as well.

He didn't dare to resist, so he could only avoid it as much as possible.

He had to be on full alert for this kind of flying sword attack that exceeded the speed of sound. After all, it arrived silently. By the time you heard the sound and tried to guard against it, you would have been dead.


The sound was endless.

Ji Chen and Zhu Suicheng fought frantically, and the terrifying divine power exploded, causing both of them to take a step back.

At this moment, Ji Chen's momentum changed, as if he was possessed by a demon. The demonic aura was lingering around his body, and the cold murderous intention was like a trickle, refreshing and making his hair dance wildly.

He held the halberd in both hands and shouted in a low voice: "The demons are dancing wildly!"

The first move of the Nine Demon-Ribbing Swords, the demons dance wildly.


With a slash of the halberd, the terrifying magic light flooded the world, the sword energy was everywhere, and the sword intention was filled.

A terrible scene happened. The heaven and earth seemed to be annihilated, and the mountain peaks disintegrated under this gesture.

The bronze spear in Zhu Suicheng's hand exploded, the protective divine light on his body exploded, his body cracked, and blood sprayed out. His whole body flew out and hit the ground a few hundred meters away, covered in blood.

Cao Chengqing in the distance was stunned, his eyes full of shock.

"How can it be?"

In the battlefield, Ji Chen's short hair was flying, and his whole body was full of demonic aura. He looked like a demon king who had just returned from the demon world. His cold murderous intent radiated out, causing the surrounding temperature to drop.

The terrifying knife intent permeated the surroundings, visible to the naked eye, splitting the air and leaving ripples.

"Magic Knife Technique!"

Cao Chengqing couldn't believe that this young man had such terrifying magic sword skills.

Generally, the descendants of the Holy Land disdain to practice demonic skills. It's not that they look down on them, but because they haven't mastered the Holy Land skills themselves, so they don't have the energy to practice other skills.


Cao Chengqing turned around and ran away without thinking. The young man was too terrifying and he couldn't beat him.

The secret realm is going to be lost, and the Thirteen Bandits are finished.

At this moment, he felt extremely hateful. Which disciple provoked this demon king, causing the entire Thirteen Bandits to suffer disaster.

Ji Chen held the green dragon halberd, stepped out with one step, and slashed the halberd down in the air.


Zhu Suicheng's body exploded, and his flesh and blood mixed with the soil to form mud.

Killing point, 60,000!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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