I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 244 A cross attack, the ancestor takes action

The monk screamed in pain, his body burning.


Eventually, he got rid of the Dharma, cut off his connection with the Dharma, and tried to escape. But the sun set instantly and drowned him.

Even though the monk rushed hundreds of meters away, he still could not escape the shroud of the sun and was burned to ashes, and the Buddhist statue was also burned to ashes.

Ji Chen continued to make seals, and the big sun further evolved into a golden crow, flew in front of Ji Chen, and merged into the bronze halberd in his hand.

The original bronze halberd turned red, burned with fire, and turned into a fire dragon halberd.

Ji Chen stepped out, waving the euphorbia, and a long dragon of flames passed through the sky. The scorching temperature twisted the air, directly evaporating a waterfall next to it. The water vapor was misty, like a fairyland.

The remaining demigods were horrified. One of them formed hand seals and kept making thirty-six hand seals, forming a huge lotus. Thirty-six lotus flowers formed a sword formation and turned into thirty-six Tiangang lotuses. The sword shrouded towards Ji Chen.

Seeing this, other people also took action one after another, attacking and moving forward, the surging divine power roaring like the sea.

"The light of fireflies dares to compete with the bright moon!"

Ji Chen swung the halberd and slashed it down, and the red light turned into a fire dragon, which hung horizontally in the air and rushed forward as Ji Chen slashed it down.

The dragon fights in the wild, using the Green Dragon Euphorbia combined with the Great Sun Seal to perform it, it is simply terrifying.

At this moment, the power of this move really exploded.

Ji Chen had a feeling that the three movements he had fused and comprehended were created for the Azure Dragon Euphorbia, and it was only at this moment that it truly exploded in power.

This was an earth-shattering killing intent with incredible attack power. Fire dragons flew across the sky, dragon roars filled the sky and the earth, and could be heard throughout the secret realm.

Destroy everything!

The thirty-six lotus sword formations were crushed, torn into pieces, and turned into powder.

The fire dragon turned into sword energy, flooding the world and interweaving it like a dragnet.

The fighting dragon sword technique includes the technique of binding the sky, binding the earth, and binding people.

All those who rushed over were turned into mincemeat by this move, and rained down with blood.

Suddenly, there was a rain of blood and minced meat in the sky, and the entire secret realm was silent. Everyone looked at the stalwart figure in the sky in shock, with despair and trembling in their hearts.

He is too powerful, so powerful that it makes people despair.

The remaining seven demigods did not dare to step forward. The opponent was too terrifying and they could not defeat him at all, especially the terrifying attack and killing techniques that made them tremble.

A big halberd swept across them all.

Ji Chen took the initiative to attack, swung the halberd and slashed at him. The halberd flew across the air and killed several miles, like a crescent moon across the sky.

Everyone was shocked and resisted in fear. Divine power swept up like a sea, and bright light bombarded out, pouring towards the crescent moon.


One of the demigods bore the brunt of the attack and was cut in half by the force of the crescent moon.

Ji Chen's figure was like lightning, and he rushed over at once, slashing down with the big halberd.


The demigod was split into four pieces and fell down.

The remaining people were even more frightened, with chills in their hearts. The opponent's clean and neat killing made their hearts throb.

"how so?"

The disciples further away were even more frightened.

The remaining demigods are completely frightened and have no intention of fighting anymore. This young man's fighting power is too terrifying, even the descendants of the Holy Land are no more than this!

The six demigods ran away decisively, not wanting to die here.

Ji Chen launched a pursuit, took one step forward, turned into a stream of light, caught up with someone, swung the Green Dragon Halberd, and slashed him down.

The bright blue light flashed away, and a head flew up.

Ji Chen stepped on the corpse, and with a "boom", the corpse exploded. He also used the rebound power to chase the other demigod.

Almost instantly, he caught up with the other person and stepped down.

Eight steps to the fourth step into the air.


The man's body exploded and turned into blood mist.

Eight steps into the air is not only a speed movement technique, but also a terrifying attack and killing technique, but Ji Chen has rarely used it.

He is like a stream of light, criss-crossing the sky, his speed is so fast that no one can match him, he can catch up with one and blow up the other.

Seeing that something was wrong, some ordinary disciples began to run away, trying to escape from the secret realm, but found that the secret realm could not be opened at all.

When Ji Chen came in, he tried to change the Feng Shui formation. Due to time and knowledge constraints, he only changed a little bit. It couldn't stop the demigods, but it was more than enough to stop some ordinary disciples.

One of the demigods also wanted to escape from the secret realm, but was blocked by the formation of the secret realm. Even if he used brute force to break through the formation that Ji Chen had changed, it would still take two breaths.

These two breaths were enough for Ji Chen. He turned into a fiery red light and came across the sky, as if a meteorite had fallen, and crashed directly into it.


Ji Chen and the demigod broke through the Feng Shui formation and appeared outside.

The demigod's body exploded and turned into blood mist floating in the air.

Ji Chen turned around and rushed into the secret realm again.

There were three demigods left, and they fled in three directions. One of them fled to the big bell to ring the bell to call the ancestor who was in seclusion.

One of the other two people also wanted to escape from the secret realm, but Ji Chen caught up with them and killed them with a halberd.

The other one wants to flee deep into the Nine Mountains, where there are powerful restrictions that have not yet been explored. He wants to try his luck to see if he can kill Ji Chen.

However, before he could get close to the depths, he was caught up by Ji Chen and killed on the top of the Nine Mountains.


The bell rang and spread throughout the secret realm.

This time the bell sounded like a bell, with terrifying penetrating and concussive power. Some disciples who were very close to the bell were shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

The rapid bell rang nine times in succession, and a terrifying aura seemed to be resurrecting in the secret realm.

Ji Chen also chased Zhongshan. The last demigod had just finished ringing the nine bells and was about to escape, but was blocked by Ji Chen.

A huge palm covered it and wanted to blow it up together with the big clock and the demigod.

Suddenly, a ray of red cloud rushed up. It was a sword light that penetrated the secret realm and struck directly.

The chilling light was so terrifying that it seemed to be cutting through the void.


Ji Chen believed that if this sword struck him, it would definitely kill him.

He had already been prepared and used his domain. His domain was the sword's intention. One foot in front of him was the sword's intention world, an absolutely forbidden area. As soon as the flying sword broke into the domain, he swung the big halberd to cut across and hit the flying sword.


The flying sword was cut off, changing its trajectory, and a gap appeared on Ji Chen's bronze halberd.

He felt awe-struck in his heart, this flying sword was extraordinary.

The evolved palm of his left hand was not hindered at all and fell with a crash.


The earth shook, and a section of the mountain peak was blown apart. The demigod, including the big bell, was blown apart and merged with the smoke and rocks.

Ji Chen looked into the distance and saw three old men standing on the top of the mountain.

Lieyang Patriarch, Dong Shanshi.

The ancestor of the God of Destruction, Cao Chengqing.

The ancestor of Biluo League, Zhu Suicheng.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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