
The middle-aged man no longer had the arrogance he had before, his eyes were frightened, and he kept stepping back.

He was horrified in his heart, wondering what kind of monster this was, with such terrifying fighting power at such a young age.

The middle-aged man said while retreating: "I am the elder of Lieyang Sect. If you touch me, you will be the enemy of the entire Lieyang Sect. You must think clearly."

Ji Chen chuckled, "If you don't move, wouldn't you be an enemy of the Lieyang Sect?"

"I, I am in the second state of Nirvana. If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price. I advise you to think carefully. If you exit now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

The middle-aged man looked fierce and wanted to delay time.

"It's just a chicken and a dog, why pay the price!" Ji Chen took a step forward and chopped down the big halberd.


The world roared, cyan light surged, and the space seemed to be cut in half.

"You... let's die together!"

The middle-aged man screamed fiercely, with a ferocious face. A bronze spear appeared in his hand and pierced through Ji Chen's hole.

This spear is actually of the same quality as the bronze halberd in Ji Chen's hand. It seems that the Lieyang Sect needs a treasure and inheritance.


The space seemed to be penetrated, the air exploded, a vacuum channel appeared, cyan light surged, making a whimpering sound, the gun light broke through the air, approaching Ji Chen, endless murderous intent and dazzling brilliance rolled.

The disciples of Lieyang Sect in the distance were all excited when they saw this scene. The elder took action with great force, and the young madman was dead.

But the next moment, they shut their mouths.


The bronze halberd fell down, easily cutting through the endless murderous intent and brilliance. The bronze spear exploded, and the middle-aged man was split in half from the middle.

Although the bronze spear and the bronze halberd were of the same quality, they were used by different people. There was a huge difference in combat power between the middle-aged man and Ji Chen.

In the distance, all the disciples of Lieyang Sect were stunned and trembling. An elder in the demigod realm was hacked to death.

They couldn't believe it.

That handsome young man was simply a supreme demon king. His fighting power was unparalleled, terrifying and impossible to resist.

The bell rang, and six rapid tolls resounded throughout the secret realm.

A loud roar accompanied the ringing of the bell, and people kept flying up from the nine peaks, piercing the sky and flying towards the direction of Ji Chen.

Nineteen figures appeared one after another, landing around Ji Chen and surrounding him.

"Nineteen demigods, what a powerful lineup. It seems that we can finally go all out today."

Ji Chen's wind was light and the clouds were calm, and there was no trace of surprise on his face.

There are nine majestic and majestic mountains in this secret place, each of which is shrouded in mist, with flowing springs and waterfalls, hazy. The mountain stream is gurgling and winding, the grass and trees are green, and the green clouds are overflowing.

The Thirteen Bandits and Thirteen Forces in the Northern Territory are all entrenched here.

The five most powerful forces among the thirteen forces occupy five peaks alone, and the remaining four forces occupy one peak every two forces.

This is one of the reasons why few people dare to provoke the Thirteen Bandits. The thirteen forces added together are a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

Ji Chen was surrounded by nineteen powerful men in the demigod realm, and he didn't show any signs of nervousness.

"It's you who wants us Thirteen Bandits to move somewhere."

A particularly burly middle-aged man spoke. He had jet-black hair and electric eyes. He looked to be around thirty, and his blood was very strong, like a furnace, and he had a formidable aura.

Ji Chen nodded: "Yes, this place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is pleasant. It looks like the Cave of the Sages. It is very suitable for establishing a sect. We, the Tiandao Alliance, want to take root here and establish a peerless sect."

Ji Chen stood on the stairs, holding a halberd in one hand and standing with his hands behind his back. The breeze blew by, his green shirt fluttering, and his short hair flying on his forehead.

"Hahahaha!" the middle-aged man laughed, "You are so arrogant at such a young age that you want to take possession of whatever place you like. Didn't your elders teach you how to be a good person?"

"Haha!" Ji Chen laughed, "A group of big bandits dare to speak truth. Didn't I learn this from you? You just rob the mines of whichever company you like. You arrest people everywhere to mine and plunder. Killing innocents indiscriminately, supporting bandits everywhere, committing adultery and plundering, and committing all kinds of evil, they are simply a cancer in the Northern Territory. You are worthy of reasoning in front of me. Compared with you, I am simply a saint."

"Are you coming out to practice on your first day? This is how the world is, the weak eat the strong." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and then said: "The Northern Territory is chaotic, without order and rules. Only when we become stronger can we establish rules. Before that, there are Death is inevitable."

Ji Chen sneered, "Then why is this death not yours?"

"We need to establish order!"

"You are no longer needed now, let me establish this order!" Ji Chen glanced at the people around him, "As for you, go and die. Only by killing you all can this place have real order and peace. peaceful."

"What a loud tone. You really think you are a descendant of the Holy Land and can destroy a sect single-handedly."

An old man with a long beard had murderous intent on his face. He was testing Ji Chen to see if he was a descendant of a great religion or a holy land. They had some scruples in their hearts. Once they killed a descendant of a great religion or a holy land, they would be in big trouble. .

Not all the big bandits knew that Ji Chen was the general bannerman of the Demon Suppression Department. Except for some people from the Lieyang Sect, even the Lieyang Ancestor who was still in seclusion didn't know.

The reason why the Thirteen Bandits were able to run rampant in this area without being wiped out was that they had always been cautious and never provoked the descendants of the great religion and the Holy Land. They would rather hide away than take the initiative to provoke them.

However, Ji Chen's magnanimity and courage, as well as his ability to easily crack the secret realm here, made them suspect that he was from the Holy Land or the Great Cult of the Mine World.

At this time, a nun said: "He is already determined to die. No matter where he comes from, we can only treat him as a rogue cultivator and kill him now."

Her eyes were cold and her murderous intent was undisguised. At this point, there was no point in tracing his identity. Anyway, in the secret realm, no one would know if he killed him. As for the ordinary disciples around him, the worst they could do was to silence them all. .

"Yes, no matter what his origins are, he must die here today."

Ji Chen raised the bronze halberd and said in a cold voice: "In this way, I have killed you Thirteen Bandits, and I have a clear conscience. After today, the Thirteen Bandits will no longer exist."

His green shirt was fluttering, standing on the steps, surrounded by the fragrant fragrance of flowers, towering ancient trees, and drifting spiritual energy, which made the delicate figure he was thinking about spotless. A faint murderous intention radiated out, making the people around him palpitate.

Suddenly, Ji Chen stood up and reached the sky.

"Behead him, don't let him escape!"

Someone scolded him and quickly flew up to high altitude to prevent Ji Chen from escaping.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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