The three general banners were very excited, including Ding Zhao. This was simply an unexpected windfall. If nothing else happened, there would be no need to worry about spiritual stones in the next few hundred years.

Next, several people successively explored several mine tunnels that might yield spiritual stones, but no trace of the spiritual stones was found. Either they had been dug out, or someone had climbed in first.

Finally, Ji Chen and Ding Zhao decided to exit the mine.

If they searched more carefully, they might be able to find new veins, but they didn't have time. There were too many branches in the mine tunnel.

The person who opened up this mine in ancient times was probably a supreme leader, otherwise it would be impossible to complete such a huge project.

Things in the chaos cannot be delayed any longer, and Ding Zhao cannot stay here forever.

Several people returned along the mine tunnel. Ji Chen looked at the carvings on the wall and found that some of the carvings had disappeared. The missing carvings were basically related to Tianxuan Holy Land.

It seems that the ending of Tianxuan Holy Land has changed. The Huangquan River will never appear in this place again. The cycle of hundreds of thousands of years has ended because of his appearance.

Several people returned to the well along the original route, soared up, broke through the barrier that blocked the well water, and returned to the surface.

Su Muxue still stayed there, and when she saw everyone coming out, her anxious heart finally relaxed.

Seeing that several people had sullen faces, as if they had just finished digging, Su Muxue said half-jokingly: "You guys, you must have been digging down there for a few days!"

"You really guessed it right!"

Ji Chen smiled bitterly, then used his divine power to set up an isolation barrier, and poured out a large amount of spiritual stones from the ring.

There are more than three thousand kilograms of spiritual stones piled up in mountains. The rich spiritual energy fills the entire space, and even forms a spiritual energy mist. A slight breath can relax the pores in the body.

Su Muxue's brain suddenly shut down, and she looked at the mountain of spiritual stones in front of her in shock.

She was just joking, but she didn't expect that a few people actually went digging and dug out such spiritual stones.

"Have you really been digging down there for how many days? Oh my god, there are so many spiritual stones, they must weigh several thousand kilograms!"

At this moment, her thinking was a little sluggish and her speech was not smooth.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "I have indeed been digging for a few days. This is your share. Ours has been divided."

Su Muxue went offline again, "This, this is all mine?"

She couldn't believe that this large pile of spiritual stones was just her share. What a huge vein of mine it would be.

"Put it away, this share is indeed yours." Ding Zhao also said: "The responsibility of guarding the entrance is as great as the responsibility of exploring below, and the risks are equally high, so this is what you deserve. "

He had already seen the surrounding scenes and expected that after they went down, a battle broke out here. Su Muxue was able to guard the entrance and prevent anyone from invading. This was her credit.

She was completely confused and had an unreal feeling. This was simply a huge windfall. It hit her head with a bang, making her dizzy.

"Below is a mineral vein left behind by the ancient religion."

Ji Chen briefly explained the following situation and told Su Muxue that if she wanted to continue exploring, she could notify her master to come and explore. They had no objection.

After saying a simple goodbye, everyone separated, and Ding Zhao and others returned to Liangzhou Mansion.

However, Ding Zhao promised Ji Chen that he would help pay half of the 10,000 yuan and 2,000 points he owed to the Demon Suppression Division, which meant that Ji Chen only had to pay back 6,000 yuan.

This is not too difficult for Ji Chen, just do a few more tasks.

Su Muxue planned to continue training and told Ji Chen that she might go to the northern battlefield.

Ji Chen also drove to the chaotic place.

He found the black dragon. After a few days of refining, this guy actually advanced to the eighth heaven. He was surrounded by magic light and looked like a peerless monster.

Ji Chen was sitting in the carriage, and the black dragon pulled the carriage across the sky.

Nowadays, Ji Chen doesn't care whether he is low-key or not. He is always in a hurry. In addition, he was already in the demigod realm, so he didn't need to keep a low profile.

In the sky, a black horse pulled a luxurious carriage across the sky. Countless people were amazed, who was this big shot traveling?

This kind of scene is either a descendant of the Holy Land or a disciple of a great religion.

In chaos, the Heavenly Sword Alliance.

Since the Heavenly Sword Alliance unified the Chaos Land, its reputation in the Chaos Land has been at its peak, and it has become the largest religion in the Chaos Land. Naturally, some forces in the Northern Territory coveted it.

The Chaos Land serves as a buffer between the Northern Territory and Daxia. Once it is completely controlled by Daxia, the Northern Territory will directly face Daxia. This is something that many forces in the Northern Territory do not want to see.

With the strength of Daxia, no force except those ancient great religions and ancient holy places dared to confront Daxia head-on.

Just as Beihuang was about to start a war with Daxia, some people naturally had the idea of ​​​​Chaos Land, wanting to trigger a conflict between Daxia and Northern Territory and share the pressure of Beihuang.

Not long after Ji Chen left the chaotic area, some forces began to spy on the Tiandao Alliance.

Among them, the three forces, Lieyang Sect, Destruction Palace, and Biluo Alliance, are the leaders.

These three forces are all bandits in the Northern Territory. They mainly plunder the spirit stone veins of various major sects and come and go without a trace.

The bandits in the Northern Territory are very clever. They don't touch the spiritual stone veins of the ancient great religions and ancient holy places at all. They specialize in robbing some small and medium-sized sects and forces, and then leave.

These small and medium-sized sects and forces hate them with itch, but there is nothing they can do against them.

In the past few days, the Tiandao Alliance has been targeted, making Mo Feifei and others very uneasy.

Now the Tiandao Alliance not only occupies the Mo family's mineral veins, but also the Li family's mineral veins. One family dominates two mineral veins.

The Ximen family's mineral veins were occupied by the Iron Sword Gate. The Zhang family's mineral veins, which were far away, were out of reach of the Heavenly Sword Alliance, so they were forcefully occupied by the Destroying God Palace.

The Lieyang Sect focused on the two mineral veins in the hands of the Tiandao Alliance.

People from the Lieyang Sect have visited several times to see the leader of the Tiandao Alliance. Ling Lin Junfeng had a conflict with them and was injured.

After Xie Anbing came to the Chaotic Land, he followed Ji Chen's suggestion and went directly to the Tiandao Alliance.

It's just that the Tiandao Alliance is too busy taking care of themselves right now and can't help at all.

Only then did Xie Anbing understand the complex situation in the Chaos Land. Here, no terms of royal law would apply, and strength was paramount here.

At this critical moment, Ji Chen came and reassured everyone.

Especially Mo Feifei and everyone in the Tiandao Alliance, in their eyes Ji Chen is a god, there is nothing he can't do.

But Xie Anbing was not so reassured. He had investigated the backgrounds of those bandits. They were huge in power, and among them were strong men in the Nirvana realm. They lived in no fixed place and came and went like the wind. The real lair was very hidden and could not be found at all.

This is also one of the reasons that gives the Northern Territory forces a headache.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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