I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 230 The Supreme Teaching One Hundred Thousand Years Ago

The corners of Ji Chen's eyes twitched, he was so cunning.

A trip across the river is worth a hundred years of life, and the fare is really not that expensive.

The lifespan of an ordinary person is only about a hundred years, and they only consume once in their lifetime.

Ji Chen touched his horizontal sword and did not hide the look in his eyes that he wanted to cut the sword.

But he endured it.

"The river can't be crossed. I want to ask you something. About a day ago, did four people come here? Did they cross the river?"

Ji Chen wanted to know if Ding Zhao and the others had crossed the river. If not, then he would not have to cross the river. Who knows what unknown dangers there are on the other side of the river.

And crossing the river may not be really safe. If a body emerges from the river and capsizes the boat, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Moreover, Ji Chen didn't believe this old cunt.

Corpse oil is not a good thing for lighting lamps. Only recently dead people can extract corpse oil, which means that this old bastard has often killed people crossing the river.

"Ask about things and live for a hundred years!"

The boatman smiled, revealing his pitch-black fangs, which made Ji Chen feel sick to his stomach.

Ji Chen tapped the handle of the knife with his fingers,

"Shipman, have you ever heard of a saying, timid people are afraid of bold people, bold people are afraid of people who risk their lives, and people who are desperate for their lives are afraid of shameless people."

Boatman:? ? ?

Ji Chen asked again: "Do you know what I used to do?"

Boatman:? ? ?



The sword light suddenly lit up, penetrating his body in the old corpse's shocked and disbelieving eyes.

The old corpse struggled wildly, and the terrifying corpse energy swept towards Ji Chen. It began to corrode Ji Chen's body with strong corrosiveness. A pair of black claws attacked Ji Chen's chest, trying to insert into his chest and take out his heart.

His twisted face was full of anger and hatred, and his eyes were as vicious as poisonous snakes. Although there were no eyes, just two green will-o'-wisps, Ji Chen could still feel the resentment and curse contained in them.


When his claws touched Ji Chen's skin, they made a clanging sound, as if they were inserted into divine iron.

Ji Chen ignored it, holding the handle of the knife with one hand to firmly hold the old corpse in place, and placed the other hand on the head of the old corpse, performing the Heaven Swallowing Technique.

A terrifying suction force was born, and all the Yin Qi and Corpse Qi were absorbed by the Sky Swallowing Technique, turning into divine power and flowing into Ji Chen's body.

Including the origin of the old corpse, it was also extracted, and rays of brilliance entered Ji Chen's body.

Even some memory fragments of the old corpse were refined by Ji Chen, browsing them like watching a movie.

Soon, the essence of the old corpse was absorbed by Ji Chen. The strange fire in the eye sockets disappeared, and the body fell to the ground and turned into powder.

Ji Chen put away the horizontal knife and said, "You got it on my head, you idiot!"

Killing point, 20,000.

A reminder flashed through his eyes, but Ji Chen ignored it and glanced at his Shou Yuan.

What he was concerned about was whether he had got his longevity yuan back. When he looked at it, he found that not only had he gotten back his longevity yuan, but he also had an extra thousand years.

Moreover, Ji Chen found out the whereabouts of Ding Zhao and the others from this guy's memory. Those guys actually crossed the river and paid life yuan, one hundred years for each person.

"Tsk, tsk, it's so luxurious!"

Even though Ji Chen has lived for a thousand years now, he can't help but be speechless.

Through the memory of the old corpse, Ji Chen also learned the ins and outs of everything, as well as the origin of this place similar to the underworld.

This is a supreme religion buried underground, at least one hundred thousand years ago. The specific reason why it was buried is unknown, let alone unknown.

This river was not originally the Huangquan River. It was the protective river of the Supreme Religion. It contained the divine principles of the Supreme Religion. It became the Huangquan River after the Supreme Religion was buried.

The boatman was originally a corpse in the Huangquan River, and after awakening he became the extradited boatman.

And the corpses floating in the river are all disciples of that supreme religion.

Ji Chen was shocked. What happened a hundred thousand years ago to cause a supreme sect to be buried?

Since the old corpse did not have a very high status in the Supreme Sect, and his memory during his lifetime was vague, the information Ji Chen received was also limited.

The old corpse tried to leave here, but the location where the message was left in the mine was the farthest location he could go. He was bound here by some mysterious law.

There is a message in the mine tunnel, The taste of human beings is the most wonderful meal I have ever eaten, this is the message from this guy.

According to the memory of the old corpse, many corpses in the river have actually awakened, but they still choose to float in the river.

Ji Chen couldn't help but have a suspicion in his heart. Could this be the method of the Supreme Religion? One day all the corpses in the river would wake up, get up from the river, and revive the Supreme Religion.

Just then, something in the pile of powder from the old corpse caught Ji Chen's attention.

It was a jade pendant, flashing with a faint yellow light, similar to a jade badge of identity.

After the old corpse's body was smashed into pieces, this thing fell out.

Ji Chen picked up the jade pendant and tried to activate it.

He had a hunch that this jade pendant might help him cross the river.

After trying several methods one after another but nothing worked, Ji Chen mobilized a bit of the old corpse's origin that had not been completely refined.

Sure enough, the jade pendant was activated and emitted a faint light, which just illuminated Ji Chen's surroundings and enveloped him.

After thinking about it, Ji Chen hung the jade pendant on his waist, then boarded the boat, picked up the pennies, and carefully pushed the boat away from the dock.

Ji Chen was very careful, always on guard for the corpses in the river, and gradually drove into the foggy area, and a light mist enveloped him.

This fog is very mysterious and has the effect of isolating sight and spirit. The surrounding visibility is less than three meters.

Ji Chen is on guard with a horizontal knife in one hand and a boat in the other.

From time to time, floating corpses floated by on the river. What reassured him was that these corpses had not mutated.

Suddenly, Ji Chen sensed that something in the water was watching him. He instantly became nervous, his expression tensed, and his eyes stared at the water.

He found a body, one meter below the water, with a pair of purple eyes open, looking at him.

At that moment, Ji Chen felt cold and the hair on his body stood up.

Those were a pair of extremely terrifying eyes. Ji Chen did not dare to make any rash moves and carefully held the boat forward, not daring to move too much for fear of disturbing the corpse.

The corpse also followed the boat, its eyes always staring at Ji Chen, keeping pace with the boat.

Ji Chen was very careful and drove forward for about two or three kilometers in an extremely tense atmosphere. Perhaps it was because of the boat or the jade pendant that Ji Chen got out of the fog area without any danger.

Just when he was completely out of the fog area, the body underwater finally disappeared.

Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his nerves, only to find that his clothes were wet with cold sweat.

That corpse was absolutely terrifying. If there was a conflict, Ji Chen wouldn't be sure at all.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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