I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 228 On the road to hell ahead, the living are stopped

The mine tunnel suddenly became quiet and fell into silence again.

Ji Chen took a look at his attributes and saw that he had accumulated 280,000 killing points.

He didn't know how many bats he had just killed. Based on the average of about seven thousand bats per head, there were more than forty bats.

The horizontal sword was sheathed and Ji Chen continued to move forward.

I don’t know how long this mine is. What on earth were the ancients digging for such a huge project?

Spiritual stone veins?

Or rare metal veins?

There was a fork ahead. Ji Chen stopped and looked around. He found that there were obvious trampling marks on the ground of one of the passages. Obviously, this passage had the most people walking on it.

Ji Chen also chose this passage. It is right to choose one that has been walked by many people. Don't explore those unknown passages easily.

The mine is complex, winding, and bifurcated. There is no distinction between the main mine tunnel and the auxiliary mine tunnel.

Ji Chen was almost certain that there turned out to be a huge mineral vein below. These irregular mine tunnels were dug out along the direction of the veins during mining, so they were so tortuous and complicated.

Every time he encounters a fork in the road, Ji Chen will choose the mine road that has been walked by others. If he has walked through them all, he will choose the one with the most traces.

In this way, after traveling for about thirty miles, stone carvings appeared on the stone wall.

Ji Chen looked carefully and found that the stone carvings were left by people who mistakenly entered this place. This also proved that his choice was correct. This mine has existed for a long time. Many people have entered this place by mistake and have explored this complex maze. A true path emerged.

This also explains why Taoist Master Tongqingfengguan built the Taoist temple here. He must have come in more than once. Perhaps he explored a certain distance, sensed danger, and then withdrew, but he did not want others to come in and explore the secrets, so he went The Demon Suppression Department applied for approval to build a Taoist temple and mission here, but in fact it concealed the entrance and dominated the place.

I just didn't expect that the news would be leaked and attract the Corpse Refining Sect.

As Ji Chen moved forward, he looked at the stone carvings on the wall. These were the writings left by those who explored the stone wall.

[Not Lonely on the Road to Huangquan——Li Suiming]

[On the Huangquan Road ahead, the living people stop - Zhang Suitai]

[Don't cross the river, don't ferry, the other side is the destination - Wu Jiashun. 】

[The taste of human beings is the most wonderful meal I have ever eaten - Fargo Fire Lock]

[Hey hey hey hey hey, my great health care is so hungry and thirsty——corpse]

【Do you have money? Lend me a hundred years and give me Huahua—the cute little bunny]

[Corpse, unpalatable—corpse]

Every once in a while, there are some stone carvings and writings. Ji Chen touches these writings and feels the breath of time. Some writings have been around for at least a thousand years, and the most recent ones are four to five hundred years old.

Ji Chen was a little confused, could this mine lead to the underworld?

A certain powerful force in ancient times accidentally dug into the underworld while mining?

According to the information left by these people, they discovered Huangquan River.

Suddenly, Ji Chen discovered a new stone carving.

[If there really is an underworld, I want to go and find out - Ding Zhao]

It seems that Ding Zhao and the others have gone deep into it.

Ji Chen thought for a while and left writing on the stone wall.

[Destruction or survival, this is a question - the great philosopher, the Great Demon King, Nicholas Zhao Si]

After thinking about it, he drew a large square at the back, circled a place, and wrote a sentence inside.

[Advertising space investment]

Then, Ji Chen continued to explore.

The front is no longer rock, but has turned into soft soil, still dark brown, as if soaked in blood.

Ji Chen recalled the scene of hunting bats before, and maybe the dark brown soil was soaked in blood and bones.

The further you go, the lower the temperature becomes. After dozens of miles, it becomes bitingly cold. This is because the yin energy is getting heavier and heavier.

Ji Chen also had to be careful. This kind of place with extremely heavy yin energy was most likely to breed evil spirits and evil spirits.

If someone dies here, the body will not rot. Over time, it will absorb enough Yin Qi and become an evil corpse.

As Ji Chen walked forward, he encountered another group of magic bats, which were more powerful than the previous ones. After killing this group of magic bats with overwhelming force, Ji Chen continued to move forward.

White powder appeared on the ground ahead, and it creaked when you stepped on it.

"This is bone meal!"

Ji Chen took a breath of cold air, how many people would have to die to cover the ground with bone meal.

Thinking of the powerful magic bats before, Ji Chen guessed that there must be a lot of people who broke in. They were all killed by bats or had their flesh and blood devoured by other powerful creatures, leaving their skeletons weathered.

As he continued to move forward on the bone powder, white bones that had not yet been completely weathered gradually appeared on the ground, including those of humans, monsters, and even some strange creatures.

A battle once took place here, and there are traces of the battle on the stone walls.

There are knife marks, sword marks, ax marks, and there are messages on the wall.

[Did you see that skeleton with horns on its head? I killed it, isn’t it awesome?]

[Did you see that skeleton with a hole in its head? Damn it, that’s me]

Looking at this message, Ji Chen was quite speechless. What a nerve. His head was pierced, and he still left two boring messages with his last breath.

Even if you leave something useful, at least it can give some tips and warnings to those who come after you.

The mine tunnel is getting colder and colder, and the wind is howling in front of it, and there are ghosts and shadows, as if something unclean is shuttling inside.

"There can't really be a ghost!"

Ji Chen muttered to himself that he was not afraid of ghosts. After all, some unclean things were even scarier than ghosts.

After looking at the codes left by Ding Zhao and others on the wall, Ji Chen had to admire them for being so courageous and still exploring further.

Of course, it's also possible that he was chased by a giant bat and had no choice but to move forward.

No matter what, Ji Chen could only continue to explore forward. After the identity token lit up once, it never lit up again, which also proved that Ding Zhao and the others were not in danger. We just might be in trouble.

After marching forward for more than thirty miles, the cold breath became stronger and stronger, like a knife cutting on the skin.

Even when Ji Chen formed the supreme divine body, he could still feel it.

There are more and more dead bones on the ground, and there are even fresh blood stains and messy footprints, all telling that there was a battle here not long ago.

"Is it Ding Zhao and the others?"

"They encountered danger or were attacked by unknown creatures and were injured, so they sent out a distress signal."

This is just Ji Chen's speculation. According to his judgment, there should be evil things in such a sinister place. But along the way, except for the two groups of bats he met before, he didn't encounter any other bats. Something evil.

Were they lured away by Ding Zhao and the others?

The mine tunnel ahead is getting wider and wider, but the Yin Qi is getting stronger and stronger, and the cold is biting.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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