I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 226 The world is like a sea of ​​suffering, and practitioners are like a boat

Ji Chen:? ? ?

"Have you been preparing to overcome the tribulation since you were promoted to Xiantian?"

What did he notice keenly?

Do you still need to prepare for the tribulation?

Why don't you just stand there and wait for the thunder to strike down?

Su Muxue nodded, "Yes, my sect is a hidden sect and is not very wealthy. Many things must be prepared in advance, including materials, magic weapons to resist thunder tribulations, selecting the place to overcome the tribulation in advance, and setting up formations to deal with thunder. Tribulation.”

"My sect has a Heavenly Tribulation Platform that is specially used to overcome tribulations. It has formations passed down by our ancestors. It has been reinforced by our ancestors from generation to generation and is very powerful."

Speaking of which, Su Muxue had some projects for Ji Chen. She had not seen Ji Chen arrange the formations, and the place to overcome the tribulation was chosen at random. Therefore, Ji Chen must have an extremely powerful magic weapon or artifact in his body to be able to fight against the catastrophe so easily.

As everyone knows, Ji Chen was stunned when he heard this.


There is also a Heavenly Tribulation Platform that is specifically designed to overcome tribulations?

Is there a formation reinforced by the ancestors of past generations to resist the catastrophe?

So you don’t need to use your body to overcome the tribulation. You can use magic weapons and formations to fight against it?

Why didn't anyone tell me this?

Sure enough, there is something wrong not with the heavenly tribulation, but with the way I overcome it!

I still stood there like a fool, allowing the thunder to hit me at will, and I was almost turned into charcoal.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Ji Chen stunned there, Su Muxue asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, everyone is the same!"

Ji Chen casually said that he felt that the way he overcame the tribulation was a bit shocking, so it was better not to tell anyone about it.

Although he was cheated, it was a blessing in disguise and he successfully created the supreme divine body.

Ji Chen was in a good mood, just like the weather.

Another big step has been taken on the road to eternal life. This is something worthy of celebration and should be treated with two drinks.

He found a deck chair from a dilapidated Taoist temple and lay on his back.

There is a table next to it, a jar of wine, two glasses, and a plate of barbecue.

Ji Chen and Su Muxue were sitting by the well, eating barbecue, drinking wine and soaking up the sunshine.

The days are pleasant and leisurely.

Su Muxue was touched by Ji Chen's straightforwardness and comfort, and she may have understood why Ji Chen was able to overcome the disaster so quickly.

His state of mind is unparalleled.

On the contrary, she has been carrying the name of a swordsman genius since she was a child and has been bearing the burden of her future as a teacher. It is difficult for her to be in such a comfortable and easy-going mood as Ji Chen.

"I admire your state of mind and character." Su Muxue said.

Ji Chen said casually: "The reason why we pursue power is to completely release our own personalities. Don't be tolerant, don't be aggrieved, act freely, follow your heart, eat meat with big mouthfuls, drink with big bowls of wine, and kill if you have any hatred. Repay kindness if you are kind."

"If you have the power but can't do whatever you want, then you lose the meaning of pursuing power."

Ji Chen's remarks made Su Muxue fall into deep thought, and she murmured repeatedly, "If you have power and can't follow your heart, then the meaning of pursuing power will be lost."

"That's right!" Ji Chen continued: "After all, the path to immortality is long, the world is like a sea of ​​suffering, and practitioners are like boats. Pursuing the path to immortality is like sailing through the waves. You don't know when it will capsize, and you don't know where the other shore will be. Tomorrow and accidents will happen. I don’t know who will come first.”

"So on the long road to immortality, you must enjoy yourself in time. Cultivation is not a blind pursuit of hard work and killing, nor is it a blind pursuit of power. Enjoying the process is the true meaning of practice."

It's not about the result, but the process of pursuing the result. This is a truth that everyone in Ji Chen's previous life understood, but it is also a fact that no one can achieve.

Su Muxue seemed to have caught something, "I don't know who will come first tomorrow or the accident!"

She muttered this sentence, and when she tasted it carefully, she felt that it contained the most truth, which made her feel suddenly awakened.

At this moment, she seemed to have received something, so she looked at Ji Chen and asked, "What is the purpose of your pursuit of immortality?"

Ji Chen picked up a glass of wine, drank it down in one gulp, and ate a piece of barbecue before he said, "In the beginning, I wanted to be free and find a place where I could lay down peacefully, so I picked up the knife."

"Later, it was for the sake of legal principles and justice, and I wanted things to be the way they should be!"

"The way things are?" Su Muxue was a little confused. She had entered the Immortal Sect since she was a child and grew up in the Immortal Sect. It was difficult to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Ji Chen explained: "For example, the grass is green and the water is clear. Children should be filial. The wife you bring home should not be a prostitute. Those who died fighting for the country should be buried with splendor and read poems and books." The people who read can put the books they read to use, those who repay the public will not freeze to death in the wind and snow, and those who are brave enough to pioneer will not be trapped in thorns. When the candle of justice lasts forever, the evil of darkness will retreat. .”

"Your speech!" Su Muxue remembered this passage. This was Ji Chen's speech at Liangzhou Academy. It has now become a legend, and some people even wrote this speech into an article.

She seemed to understand Ji Chen's point of view, "So your point is that the blood of the strong must be shed for the weak."

This was also the point of view Su Muxue's father had told her. She felt that Ji Chen had the same moral principles as his father in this regard.

"It's not that great. I only do it for myself." Ji Chen said with a smile: "But, if one day I am strong enough, it is not impossible to do it casually."

Ji Chen's point of view is that everything is self-centered. When I am strong enough and have extra abilities, it is okay to help others by the way.

Put yourself before others.

The two of them were basking in the sun, drinking wine, eating barbecue, and talking about things.

Very pleasant!

Su Muxue also felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and her peace of mind was released and broken through in this short period of time.

A breakthrough in the state of mind is of great help to one's cultivation.

While the two were enjoying the barbecue and drinking wine, Ji Chen suddenly sensed something and quickly took off the token from his waist.

The token actually radiated light.

Ji Chen's face changed slightly, and even Su Muxue became serious.

The token glowed, indicating that Ding Zhao and the others were in danger and needed support.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Chen said, "I'll go down and take a look. You continue to stay here."

Su Muxue originally wanted to go in together, so that one more person could take care of her, but when she thought about the need for someone to guard the outside, she did not refute.

Ji Chen handed over the two talismans given to him by Ding Zhao to Su Muxue.

"You can hold these two talismans. They may be useful. Now that I have broken through to Demigod, these things are no longer of much use."

Su Muxue was not pretentious, she put away the talisman and said: "Be careful, if you can't do anything, just get out!"

It is a matter of affection to save people, but it is a duty not to save people. Just do your best, there is no need to involve yourself.

Ji Chen nodded, "If someone forces their way into the entrance, if you can't defend it, don't defend it and let them come down."

"Yeah! I'm measured!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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