I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 224 Is my way of overcoming the tribulation wrong?

Ji Chen was stunned again. His whole body was as black as charcoal, as if he was about to burn out wood. He stood there in a daze, even his thoughts stopped.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind: Is there anyone who can withstand this calamity?

He doubted life again!

After all, he had acquired the Heaven-Swallowing Technique by chance. With the blessing of this supreme secret technique, he could barely survive the second thunder tribulation, and there were seven more terrifying ones behind him.

He didn't believe anyone could survive it!

But how did those demigods succeed?

How did they spend it?

Ji Chen always felt that something was wrong.

Something is definitely wrong!

Is there something wrong with the way I overcame the tribulation?

No incense bath?

Didn't you ask the gods for blessing?

Fortunately, the Sky-Swallowing Technique kept running, and the lightning that struck the body was crazily swallowed by the Sky-Swallowing Technique, and then turned into majestic mysterious energy, flowing throughout the body, and the injuries were repaired quickly.

Ji Chen also took out fifty kilograms of spirit stones from the ring to speed up the repair of his injuries.

Now is the time to race against time, competing with Tianjie to see who is faster.

If you repair your injuries first, you will be able to deal with the next thunder disaster.

If not, the injuries will be superimposed, and at most two more thunder tribulations will turn him into charcoal.

In the high sky in the distance, Mr. Fang sat on the clouds, looking at Ji Chen who was chopped into coke, shaking his head and sighing.

"What a talent! He is reckless, dares to overcome the disaster without any preparation, and still relies on his body to resist. He is also the first person in history."

"I also blame me for not telling him these common senses. Who would have thought that this kid's cultivation speed is as fast as flying with a sword. Even I didn't expect that he would overcome the tribulation so quickly. I'm afraid I won't be able to find another person in the history."

He really didn't know that Ji Chen would overcome the tribulation so quickly. Just then, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He calculated with his fingers that Ji Chen was going to overcome the tribulation. Then he hurried over and saw Ji Chen being killed for the first time. The scene of the thunder calamity turning it into coke.

What was happening in Ji Chen's body was clearly seen by Mr. Fang. There was a supreme magic operating in his body. This magic was so overbearing that it could even devour thunder and lightning.

Without this kind of magic, I'm afraid the second thunderstorm would chop this guy into ashes.

"This is your catastrophe, and it is also your opportunity. If you survive the nine heavenly catastrophes, your foundation and heritage will be unmatched, rare in ancient and modern times."

This is luck. Ji Chen's luck makes Mr. Fang envious.

He had long known that Ji Chen was carrying great fortune, especially when Ji Chen came out of Fenglin Town and went to the Qunxian Mountains. He did not dare to go down to the bottom of the lake. There was an immortal ancient corpse underneath that even he was afraid of.

Not only did Ji Chen go down, he also benefited from it.

This is luck, it's very elusive, but it can turn misfortune into good fortune.


The third thunderstorm fell, and Ji Chen was chopped into charcoal again, this time more thoroughly. His hair was gone, all the flesh and skin on his head was charred, and his bones were all black.

Ji Chen was confused again and had no time to think about anything else, so he quickly recovered from his injuries.

In a hurry.

One hundred kilograms of spiritual stones appeared in his hands, and the majestic spiritual energy poured into his body, and the injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fourth lightning disaster had been brewing and fell with a loud bang, making Ji Chen lose his temper and not even think about scolding his mother.

The brewing time of the subsequent thunder disasters is getting shorter and shorter, and the power is getting stronger and stronger.

Ji Chen is racing against time, running wildly between life and death, jumping repeatedly in front of the God of Death.

The fifth lane!

The sixth path!

The lightning tribulations became more and more powerful and faster. Every time one struck, Ji Chen was stunned.

I have never been so aggrieved. I was struck by lightning and had no power to fight back.

"Just wait, one day I will split you open and kick your ass hard with my feet, I swear!"


What responded to him was an even bigger lightning bolt.

The seventh path!

The eighth path!

The mountain peaks at Ji Chen's feet were struck by thunder and dropped by more than ten meters.


The ninth thunder calamity fell.

The power of this sword was unprecedented, and the sky and the earth were blazing white.

The mountain peak at Ji Chen's feet dropped ten meters again. He was lying on the ground, his charred body emitting black smoke, and his body was covered with burning red coals.

At this moment, Ji Chen was on the verge of death, and the Heaven-Swallowing Technique was running wildly in his body, swallowing the dense thunder and lightning, and converting it into majestic mysterious power.

The injury is recovering quickly.

How lucky Ji Chen was for his previous choice to practice the Heaven-Swallowing Technique first, and then practice the Taixuan Sutra to overcome the tribulation.

If not for this, he would have been chopped into ashes.

Grass is a kind of plant. Ji Chen has greeted this plant no less than a hundred times.

"Oh my God, I finally got over it."

Although he successfully survived the catastrophe, Ji Chen was still a little confused. How did the others survive?

There is absolutely no way to replicate this situation. Even I almost couldn't get through it. It's impossible for others to get through it. Not everyone has the ability to swallow the sky.

The ink clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the vast pressure that shrouded the world also disappeared. The sky became clear again, and the sun once again shone on the earth and Ji Chen.

Ji Chen has never felt that the sun is so warm. At this moment, he finally doesn't have to race against time so anxiously. He just wants to lie on the ground and sleep.

In the sky, several powerful figures quickly approached Ji Chen.

An old woman laughed, "Hahahaha! Another great medicine of the world has matured. You fight for your destiny, and I will pick mine."

These people were just passing by, and when they saw someone going through the tribulation, they stopped to watch.

This is normal, they all came here like this, but this young man who had overcome the tribulation had no preparation and withstood the nine thunder tribulations with his physical body, which shocked them greatly.

This kind of body that has been baptized by thunder and calamity is definitely a supreme treasure body, a great medicine for human beings, and it may be possible to refine a great elixir for human medicine.

This young man definitely has a big secret.

This made them want to snatch it.

Above the clouds, Mr. Fang's eyes were slightly cold.

"How brave, even my disciples dare to touch me!"

He slowly raised his hand and pressed it lightly. The space seemed to be forbidden, and all those who were approaching Ji Chen quickly were frozen in the air.

At this moment, everyone was horrified. Although they didn't know who was taking action, everyone knew that the person who took action was definitely related to the young man who had overcome the tribulation below.

That young man was protected.

Everyone quickly begged for mercy.

"Senior, I didn't know that that young man was related to you. I hope Senior will spare his life. I will leave right now."


Mr. Fang sighed softly, pinched with two fingers, and the imprisoned people exploded one after another, like fireworks blooming, and the bright red blood mist bloomed, and it was beautiful in an instant.

In the sky, blood mist blooms one after another, and the same is true in the mountains and forests, blood mist blooms one after another. Within a hundred miles, all people or creatures who had seen Ji Chen overcome the tribulation, regardless of whether they took action or not, all exploded into blood mist.

In the sky and on the ground, red blood mist bloomed like fireworks, as if to celebrate Ji Chen's success in overcoming the tribulation.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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