Ji Chen and Su Muxue came to the wellhead of the abandoned Taoist temple.

This is a Taoist Bagua Well. Now it is almost certain that the evil corpse is under the well. To eliminate the evil corpse, the only way is to go down the well.

"The evil corpse must be injured, but for the sake of safety, we must first set up a formation to draw the true fire of the sun into the well to suppress the Yin Qi."

Su Muxue has no objection at all in this regard, after all, she doesn't understand this.

After getting ready, Ji Chen began to set up the Feng Shui formation. He wanted to use the general trend of the mountains and rivers to induce the dragon veins and the true fire of the sun to suppress the evil corpse.

Ji Chen set up a formation, and Su Muxue was the protector, alerting the surroundings.

The City God who turned into a crow was also sneaked over by Ji Chenti to assist. Although he couldn't do anything, he was familiar with the Feng Shui terrain here and could occasionally give reminders.

After working for several hours, Ji Chen finally set up this Feng Shui formation.

The sunlight shines down, gathers through the formation, and condenses into a beam of true sun fire, which sinks into the well and becomes golden.

Ji Chen is not in a hurry to go down. Now is not the time to go down. The battle last night must have alarmed cultivators and demons within dozens or even hundreds of miles. If there is really a big tomb down there, it may contain inheritance and attract countless people and demons. Covet and compete.

Therefore, there needs to be a strong person guarding the outside of the well. If evil people come and cause trouble outside, the person who goes down the well will most likely not be able to come out.

Just as Ji Chen guessed, the battle at Qingfengguan not only shocked the entire Weishui County, but also Fang Baili, shocking the residents of the city, the monks in the mountains, and the demons.

In particular, Ji Chen's denunciation was so powerful that it frightened all the demons and evil cultivators.

After thinking about it, Ji Chen informed Ding Zhao. The only one he could trust now was Ding Zhao.

After raising the general flag, his token is both an identity token and a magic weapon for communication.

Ji Chen cast his hand seal, and a mirror appeared on the back of the token, reflecting Ding Zhao's shadow.

"Ji Chen, why did you contact me through a secret method?"

Ding Zhao's voice came from the mirror.

Ji Chen explained the situation and needed support now.

Ding Zhao didn't waste any words and asked Ji Chen to wait. He would come over soon.

Funerals were held in Weishui City, and people were holding funerals for the government servants and police officers who died in the battle.

Finally, with Su Changsheng's advice, all were cremated.

After all, the battle last night left a shadow on everyone. In order to prevent evil people from digging up their corpses and making them into monsters one day, Weishui City changed its traditional funeral habits.

On the edge of the cliff, Ji Chen and Su Muxue sat there, bathing in the golden sunshine.

"So you have practiced Confucianism, martial arts, and Taoism?"

Su Muxue asked curiously. She had seen geniuses before, but this was the first time he had seen such a genius as Ji Chen. Each of the three practitioners reached their limit, which opened his eyes.

“One way leads to all things!”

Ji Chen explained vaguely.

You can't say that you are guilty! Confucianism and Taoism are concerned with memory of past lives. Martial arts have attributes. As for the qi refining method, in the early stage, you have to rely on your own efforts to refine qi in the morning and evening. But later, after I discovered that I could slowly upgrade with the help of the system, my style changed.

Spells were the only ones that Ji Chen could figure out and understand on his own. Combining visualization methods with Confucianism and Taoism, including the Great Sun Seal, the Bright Moon Seal, the Evolving Golden Crow, and the Frozen Thousand Miles, all evolved through visualization combined with one's own strong will and mental power.

Later, after learning the Heaven Burying Technique, it became easier to cast these spells.

In Ji Chen's view, the root of all magic lies in visualization, strong mental power and cohesion.

To put it bluntly, it depends on imagination, and then the mind and energy are combined, and the energy and spirit are combined.

Therefore, one thing leads to all things.

Sometimes Ji Chen also considers the source of the system.

He never believed in pie-in-the-sky things. Even if it did happen, it would be thrown to him by himself in a certain parallel time and space.

After he became a big boss in the future, he created a training support system and gave it to his past self.

Um! This explanation is reasonable.

Su Muxue tried to understand Ji Chen's explanation, but finally gave up. She came to the conclusion that she should not try to pry into the world of monsters, nor try to understand it.

"Wind Sword Sect, why haven't I heard of this sect?"

Ji Chen also has some understanding of Daxia's cultivation world. He is no longer a newbie who just left Maplewood Town, but he has never heard of this sect.

"The Wind Sword Sect is very far away. It is a hidden sect. There are dozens of people in one generation. They are in the wilderness, with canyons and abyss in between. There are evil spirits rising in the sky and demons lurking. It is difficult for ordinary people to find them."

"So how did you get through it?"

"I have my master's secret technique!"

The two of them chatted one after another.

Ji Chen also checked the killing point by the way.

In the battle last night, I got 250,000 killing points.

The total number of killing points has also accumulated to 286,000.

Eight hundred miles away, there is a canyon. On one side of the canyon is a huge tomb gate.

The tomb door opened, and inside turned out to be a tomb hall. There were many people wearing masks with ghost faces in the hall.

This place is a place for the Corpse Refining Sect to settle down.

Ever since the Corpse Refining Sect was encircled and suppressed, it has become a scum that everyone wants to beat up. Anyone who has had their body replaced by a corpse soldier wears a mask with a ghost face to prevent them from being recognized by their descendants.

After all, the current Corpse Refining Sect is no longer what it used to be. One sect can fight against most of the cultivation world.

There was a corpse lying on the stone bed. Strictly speaking, it was not a corpse. He was still breathing.

A young man squatted beside the stone bed, taking care of it carefully.

If Ji Chen were here, he would definitely recognize this young man as the Zhao Pan he was looking for.

"Sir, how is the injury?" Zhao Pan asked.

"Before I'm completely stable, my main body was killed and my strength dropped sharply. If this clone hadn't been left in the tomb, I would have been completely defeated."

The aura of the Venerable was very weak. Although most of his soul was destroyed, he still managed to save his life.

Thinking of the battle with Ji Chen, the venerable was still frightened.

"Venerable Sir, we finally found that evil corpse. After refining it for half a year, we were about to succeed, but all our previous efforts were in vain. So you are willing to give up. If you can replace that corpse, not only can you make further progress, but the injury may also be healed." Will recover,"

The Venerable sighed, "Now that the matter has come to this, what else can be done? You are a member of the Demon Suppression Division. Don't you know how powerful the Demon Suppression Division is?"

"We can use our strength to fight!" Zhao Pan expressed his thoughts.

"The Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture is actually not as powerful as expected. Everyone is just frightened by his name. There is a large tomb under the well, which contains inheritance. We can spread the news and attract strong men from all sides to fight for it. Drive away the wolves and devour the tigers, and sit back and catch the fishermen.”

"'I can't guarantee that the righteous people will fight for it, but those evil cultivators and demons will definitely not let go of this opportunity. After seizing the opportunity, they will escape to the Northern Territory, and the Demon Suppression Department will not be able to do anything to them."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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