The moment Ji Chen closed his eyes, his eyelids stung, as if needles were pricking him. If he had been a minute later, he would have pierced his eyes.

This is evil cultivation, its methods are unpredictable and dangerous, and it is impossible to guard against it.

At this time, Ji Chen also sensed the medium in the dark, like a thread of cause and effect.

Ji Chen raised his hand, pinched the causal medium thread, visualized the sun rising into the sky, and at the same time cast the Great Sun Seal.

That wisp of media thread burned instantly.

Somewhere in Liangzhou City, in a dark room, an old woman sat cross-legged inside, holding a paper figure made of yellow paper in her hand. Ji Chen's name was written on the paper figure, and she held a black needle in the other hand. , there is resentment lingering on the needle. This is an injustice needle refined from the resentment sacrifice, specifically targeting the soul.

She kept pricking the paper man with a needle, each needle pricking the fatal point.

Paper-tying is one of the secret techniques of evil cultivators. It can curse the opponent from a distance. It is a very vicious method of evil cultivators.

He pricked various vital points on the paper man's body. Just when she was about to prick the paper man's perineal acupuncture point, the wronged soul needle in her hand suddenly burned.

The old woman was startled, and just as she was about to throw away the Wrong Soul Needle, the fire spread to her hand and spread to her whole body in an instant.

The old woman let out a heart-rending scream and rolled around on the ground, trying to put out the fire. Unexpectedly, the fire did not go out, but ignited the things in the house, and soon the whole room was on fire.

The fire quickly spread out of the house and burst into flames.

A fire suddenly broke out in Liangzhou City, attracting the attention of many people.

But Ji Chen withdrew his hand at this moment.

Everyone immediately realized that the fire was probably related to Ji Chen.

After all, the methods of some evil cultivators are cruel and mysterious, making them impossible to guard against.

Some detectives ran quickly towards the direction of the fire. They wanted to prevent the fire from spreading and burning into surrounding rooms.

At night, the full moon hung high and the stars were shining. Ji Chen stood under the moon holding a knife.

Everyone in Liangzhou City looked up at the sky.

Ji Chen has fought from day to day without any defeat.

The whole city is talking about it, some are amazed, some are shocked, some are envious, and some are yearning for it.

Regardless of the ending, Ji Chen became famous, and he made his name known to everyone in Liangzhou City. He was known for his poems before, but now he is known for his title as the number one demigod.


A crow suddenly sounded.

The miserable screams made everyone's scalp numb, especially at night, which was particularly frightening and made people feel palpitations.

Crows are inherently ominous and are not liked by people.

Anyone with insight can immediately tell that this is not a crow at all, but someone's ghost has left his body and turned into a crow.

There is a group of people who specialize in cultivating ghosts. This type of monks is also called the night wandering god. When they achieve success, their ghosts can leave their bodies and wander around the world. When you reach the level of Yang Shen, you can give up your physical body and exist in the state of Yin Soul. You can change in thousands of ways. With a single thought, you can go up to the sky and into the earth, pass through walls and seas, and manifest all things. without being limited to the physical body.

It was a huge crow, transformed by a ghost, blending into the night, as if traveling through space, making no sound.

At this moment, a pitch-black soul sword suddenly appeared, stabbing the back of Ji Chen's head silently.

The Soul Sword has no physical object, no wind-breaking sound, and is difficult to sense.

The void around Ji Chen shook, and he was instantly alert. Since he had been attacked by evil cultivators twice before, Ji Chen arranged a layer of sword intent in the void around his body to solidify the space, like a golden bell covering his body, so that he would not be able to Being attacked without knowing it.

At this moment, Ji Chen drew his sword, and following the induction, he stabbed out in the direction of the sneak attack.

The sword light lased and then exploded, intertwining into a web of swords and covering it.

The sword light illuminated a space, revealing the body of the Crow.

Disbelief flashed in Dark Crow's eyes. How could it be possible that he was discovered by the opponent with just one move?

When the knife net came over, the body of the crow exploded, turning into countless little crows and fleeing in all directions.

Only a dozen crows did not escape. They were caught in the knife net and chopped into pieces.

The rest of the Crows disappeared and merged into the night sky.

"Taoist Dark Crow!"

Someone in the crowd recognized the person who had left the body, and immediately exclaimed that the crow turned out to be Taoist Yin Crow from hundreds of years ago.

"'What, it's Taoist Dark Crow!"

The Dark Crow Taoist was already a powerful man in the Nine Heavens hundreds of years ago. This time, it shows that he has not broken through to Demigod yet. He is trying to break through with the help of Ji Chen's great luck.

The crow disappeared and merged into the night sky. Ji Chen could not sense the presence of Taoist Dark Crow. He could only cover himself with his sword intent, sealing the surrounding air and passively defending.

This Dark Crow Taoist is different from the Yin Soul monsters he killed before. Those Yin Souls do not have a systematic cultivation method and rely on instinct to practice. Their combat power is far inferior to that of the Dark Crow Taoist.

Right now, this Yin Crow Taoist talent truly represents the fighting power of the Yin Hun lineage.

The wind blows and the clouds surge.

The bright moon was gradually covered by dark clouds, and even the stars disappeared into the dark clouds. The world fell into complete darkness, quiet and depressing.

Suddenly, Ji Chen felt a ray of crisis. A tiny soul needle came silently, as if traveling through space, and pierced Ji Chen's Tianling. When Ji Chen sensed it, the soul needle was almost close to his skin.

This was a soul needle that had been condensed to the limit, and it just penetrated the solid space above his head.

Ji Chen frowned. This method was extremely difficult to prevent. He used the wind to cover up, evaded his sense of smell and induction, and assassinated him silently.

Any means of defense and counterattack are too late at this time. At this moment, Ji Chen concentrated his sword intention and turned it into a sword of thought light, blasting out from the sky spirit and hitting the soul needle.

This move worked, the soul needle shattered and was crushed by the sword.

However, at this moment, Ji Chen felt something ominous entering his body, like a curse, entering his body through the sword's will.

Only then did he realize that the soul needle was an illusion to cover up the sneak attack of the curse. The real killing move was the curse.

The sword intention is a manifestation of mental power, and it requires concentration when using it. The shock just now caused the sword intention to disperse, and in addition, he diverted the sword intention to deal with the soul needle, which gave the curse a stronghold. Take advantage of the opportunity.

But after the curse entered the body, it disappeared, causing Ji Chen to break out in a cold sweat.

Ji Chen forced himself to calm down. The more he was at this time, the more he had to calm down. Evil cultivators were hard to guard against, and if he wasn't careful, he would lose his mind.

This was the second time that something strange had entered his body, and this time he was prepared.

Ji Chen held the moon seal with his hand and visualized the rising moon on the sea in his mind.

A bright moon rises from the sea of ​​​​qi, and the moonlight illuminates the whole body, dispelling the darkness, and begins to search for the ray of curse.

Ji Chen used the moonlight to illuminate his body inch by inch, and finally found the curse on the spine. It was a crow mark. It was very dim, like a maggot attached to the bone. It was stuck to the spine and was merging with the spine. It wanted to merge with the spine. One body.

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