I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 193 Desire to compete with the world’s heroes

Outside Ji Chen's courtyard, there were more and more people. Not only were people from the Demon Suppression Department, but also people from the Patrol Department. There were dense numbers of heads lying on the walls of the courtyard.

Half an hour passed, and more and more people were watching, but no one stood up to challenge, so someone in the crowd shouted: "Is there anyone who can stand up and challenge me, so that he can know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world?"

At this moment, a black spot appeared in the sky. Then, the black spot enlarged, and a man in black fell from the sky. A long sword pierced the air, and a terrifying roar erupted. Like a black lightning, it shot down, and the sword He pointed directly at Ji Chen who was sitting on the recliner.

The first person to challenge appeared, so unexpectedly, falling from the sky that no one expected it.

"The Night King!"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing the sword, the Dark Night Sword.

The Dark Night King is a powerful killer with a cultivation level of the ninth heaven. He is dressed in black robes and no one knows his face, so he is called the Dark Night King.

He appears in this almost assassination manner, wanting to kill with one hit.

Ji Chen waved his hand, and the broken sword on the table was unsheathed, turning into a stream of light and shooting towards the sky.


The swords struck each other, sparks flew out, and the huge force caused the Pojun Hengdao to fly out.

Although the Dark Night King's speed had slowed down, it was not greatly affected. Like a black lightning, it instantly penetrated Ji Chen's body.

But the Night King's expression changed, just because there was an afterimage on the recliner.

What a speed!

He was horrified in his heart, secretly shouting that he had been deceived, and turned into an afterimage and was about to run away.

"They come, the security!"

Ji Chen's voice was accompanied by the sound of a knife whistling, and a blade of light fell from the sky, slashing through the Night King's body.


The Dark Night King's body was cut in half, and the Dark Night Divine Sword fell to the ground.

First kill!

The Night King falls!

【Nine thousand killing points】

Ji Chen holds a knife in one hand and stands on the ridge of the roof. His green shirt is fluttering and his hair is shawl. His body is clear and crystal clear, exuding precious brilliance.

From this moment on, he will be the enemy of the whole world.

Ji Chen looked around and saw many familiar people.

On the eaves in the distance, Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Liyun stood there, paying attention to this place.

In the direction of the academy, all the masters, Xia Ziran, and Dean Yao are also paying attention to this direction.

On the roof of the Demon Suppression Department, Ding Zhao and some colleagues looked at this place.

On the roof of Fujun Yamen, Xu Chengwei and Fang Jingyu and their group were watching. That middle-aged man must be Xu Chengwei's father! The father and son are nothing alike.

At this moment, the whole city is paying attention.

This is definitely a major event in the history of Liangzhou City, enough to be recorded in the history of Liangzhou City. A young man who claims to be the best among demigods faces the strongest in the world.

At this time, a person walked out of the crowd, stepped up into the air, and came to the ridge of the roof.

This is a middle-aged man wearing an undershirt and holding a bronze spear.

"Zhenshan Tiger Chen Liu, please give me some advice!"

The middle-aged man announced his name, but the crowd around him exploded.

"King Chenliu, the Tiger of Guanxi, he also came to Liangzhou City."

King Chen Liu is a pure warrior who has already broken through the ninth level of heaven. His body is like a dragon, his fists can open mountains, and his blood is burning like an oven. Most evil spirits dare not approach him.

He held the gun in one hand, pointing the tip of the gun diagonally at the ground.

"You are so arrogant. There are so many cultivators in the world. I want to know what you are capable of and dare to be called the number one among demigods."

Ji Chen stood with a knife in his hand and said calmly: "It's not me who claims to be a gift, but someone insisted on giving it to me. I couldn't refuse the kindness, so I had no choice but to accept it."

Everyone around felt that Ji Chen was a bit arrogant. What kind of title was given to you? If you were embarrassed to postpone it, you could only continue it. It just meant that you yourself admitted that you were the number one among demigods.

"King Chen Liu, break his legs so that he can know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

Xu Chengwei roared excitedly in the distance, his face flushed, as if he was about to face Ji Chen.

King Chen Liu moved, raised his hand and fired a shot. The void exploded, as if it was shattered by the shot.

In an instant, the sky was filled with red gun light.

King Chen Liu only thrust out one spear, but it seemed as if he thrust out thousands of spears. Each spear light was like a blue dragon emerging, filling the sky and submerging Ji Chen.

The red light is like a divine radiance, illuminating the world.

"Okay! Kill him and let him be arrogant again."

Xu Chengwei jumped up excitedly, his face flushed, and he was so excited that he seemed to be fighting.


The sword roared, like a dragon's roar, and a dazzling white light cut out from the gap in the gun light. Like the rising sun, it bloomed quickly, shining on the world and making everyone unable to open their eyes.

It was actually a blade of sword energy, blooming like the scorching sun, breaking through the gun light, destroying everything along the way, cutting through the space, and slashed through the body of King Chen Liu.

The gun light all over the sky dissipated instantly. The bronze spear in King Chen Liu's hand fell to the ground, and his body fell on the ridge of the roof. It split into two halves and rolled down both sides of the ridge, rolling down along the tiles.

Second kill!

King Chen Liu fell!

【Nine thousand killing points】

Xu Chengwei's originally excited expression froze on his face.

King Chen Liu is dead?

Is this dead?

Just one move?

The people around were also shocked. The famous Kansai Tiger King Chenliu died like this, being killed with one move.

"This young man's sword skills are so powerful. He killed King Chen Liu with one strike."

"If the young man doesn't die in this battle, he will become famous all over the world."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Although King Chen Liu is also the King of the Nine Heavens, he is also a king who has only become famous in recent years. Some old monsters have not come out yet. When they come out, let's see if this young man can still hold on."

At this time, someone in the crowd asked curiously: "That young man, where are you from, who did you learn from, and why are you so domineering in your sword skills?"

Ji Chen pondered for a moment and said: "My surname is Ji, my given name is Chen, and my courtesy name is Beigui. I come from the border wilderness, and I am a teacher of Wen Cong's private school. Martial arts all rely on self-enlightenment. I learned the Taoism from my teacher, and then entered the hall. I don't have lofty ideals, but I can't do it." I can't help myself, since I am crowned the number one among the demigods, I can't resist the kindness, I can't stand it, and I stand here today, hoping to compete with the heroes of the world."

After he finished speaking, there was an uproar around him and the sound of discussion buzzed.

"Such an arrogant tone. He actually wants to compete with the world's heroes. Does he really think he is invincible at the same level?"

"It's so crazy! The world is so big and there are so many talented people. I really thought he was number one."

Everyone felt that Ji Chen was too arrogant and did not know the heights of the world.

There are also old people who think that this is what young people should look like.

"Young people are arrogant, that's what young people should be like, but this is the first time I've seen such an arrogant young man.

Ji Chen stood on the ridge of the roof, holding a knife, as if he was banishing an immortal.

This scene made many young people's hearts swell and yearn for them, hoping that one day they could be like Ji Chen, standing on the ridge of the roof, standing on the sword, saying the same arrogant words, hoping to compete with the heroes of the world.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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