Even Xu Wensheng's expression changed, and he looked at Xia Ziran sullenly, "Brother Wen Zhong thinks that we can't get forty kilograms of spiritual stones, so he deliberately makes things difficult for me! If Brother Beigui doesn't dare to accept the challenge, just admit defeat." , there is no need to use such despicable methods to evade."

"That's right, if Brother Beigui doesn't dare to accept the challenge, forget it. There's no shame in admitting defeat."

Some people from Luocheng Academy were making noises, and their words were filled with eccentricity and ridicule.

In their opinion, Ji Chen had no confidence, so he encouraged Xia Ziran to come up with this idea and stop this challenge in the name of adding bonus.

Xia Ziran's face darkened, "If you don't have money, don't chatter here. If you want to gamble, just gamble. If you don't want to gamble, forget it."

"It's okay!" Ji Chen said, stopping Xia Ziran.

"You can write an IOU without a spirit stone, but this IOU must be written by Fang Jingyu."

Since you want to challenge, then I will let all your losers go out.

You have to be ruthless when dealing with your enemies. This is true on the battlefield as well as in civil war.

Faced with repeated provocations, Ji Chen planned to shut them up once and for all.

Xu Wensheng looked at Fang Jingyu and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Fang Jingyu understood.

"Okay, since Brother Beigui has a request, I will write this IOU!"

So he took up a pen and wrote down the IOU, then signed and stamped it, and pressed his fingerprints.

The IOU was submitted to Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Liyun for review, and they asked her to witness. They took up pens and wrote down the names of the witnesses on the IOU.

At this point, this IOU came into effect. It was witnessed by Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Lijun, and all the Confucian scholars and students present were witnesses. No one dared to deny it.

Ji Chen and Xia Ziran also took out the spirit stones, which were presented by the maid and placed on Zhao Qingcheng's table.

Seeing that the lottery had been decided, Xu Wensheng said: "Brother Beigui, listen up, my first couplet is, if you are poor and have three pennies, if you have four uncles, five aunts and six wives, who can lend you seven or eighty-nine cents, thank you very much! "

As soon as this couplet came out, the whole hospital was amazed!

Everyone looked at Xu Wensheng in shock.

This first couplet is simply astonishing. There are twenty-six characters in total, including all numbers from one to ten. The rhymes and rhymes are extremely tricky.

This first couplet is absolute.

Even Xia Liyun and Zhao Qingcheng were amazed. This first couplet was so ingenious that it was worthy of being the rival king of Luocheng Academy.

Xia Liyun looked at Ji Chen worriedly. He doubted whether Ji Chen could solve the second line.

Xia Ziran and Lin Yunhai also frowned. They didn't expect that the couplet produced by the other party was so tricky and difficult. They both had no idea how to start.

Not only the two of them, but all the students and Confucian scholars in the courtyard were thinking hard and had no clue.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ji Chen, and some even whispered.

"I wonder if Brother Beigui can resist this."

"I'm afraid it's difficult. Brother Wensheng is a disciple of the inner courtyard of Luocheng Academy. He is probably more knowledgeable about the King of Kings than Brother Beigui. He probably studied this couplet for a long time, and now it is released just for He is well prepared to deal with Brother Beigui."

Xu Wensheng, Fang Jingyu and others looked at Ji Chen with smiles, looking confident and sure of victory.

"Brother Beigui, don't be in a hurry. Think slowly. If you can figure it out within the time of one stick of incense, you'll be considered a winner."

"Come here, light some incense!"

It is a generally accepted rule that for couplets, one stick of incense is given for a limited time.

Ji Chen said, "No need, I've already thought of the second line."

At this moment, everyone in the yard was shocked. Did they think of it so quickly?

How can it be?

They don't even have a clue!

Xia Ziran and Lin Yunhai looked at Ji Chen curiously, especially Xia Ziran, who couldn't help but remind him: "Brother Beigui, it's still early, please stop thinking about it."

He was afraid that Ji Chen's hurried explanation would be incomplete and someone would find fault with him.

Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Liyun also looked at Ji Chen curiously, especially Xia Liyun, whose beautiful eyes were looking forward to it. She was surprised that Ji Chen could come up with the second line in an instant, and her eyes were full of expectation.

Fang Jingyu chuckled and reminded: "Brother Beigui, it's still early, don't you think about it anymore?"

Although he reminded it well-intentioned, it was with a hint of temptation. He didn't believe that Ji Chen could come up with the second line in such a short period of time.

Looking at the reactions of the Confucian students around him, we can tell that no one has a clue, including himself, and he has no clue at all. After all, he was shocked when he first heard this couplet.

Ji Chen said: "No need, I have already thought of several second lines, I am just considering which one to use."


Xu Wensheng was angered by Ji Chen's arrogant attitude.

He felt that Ji Chen was humiliating him. The couplet that he had put so much effort into thinking was cracked by Ji Chen in just a few breaths, and he also came up with several more. How could it be possible?

"If you can match several lower couplets, my winnings will double for each additional couplet."

Ji Chen shook his head, "It doesn't matter what you say, I want Fang Jingyu to admit it."

Fang Jingyu's family has a great business and a lot of spiritual stones. Anyway, he has already become enemies with the Fang family, so he will simply let Fang Jingyu bleed a lot today, not to let him go bankrupt, but also to break his muscles and bones.

Fang Jingyu hesitated and looked at Xu Wensheng for advice.

Xu Wensheng said confidently: "If he fights more than two people, I will never fight again!"

With Xu Wensheng's guarantee, Fang Jingyu had the confidence.

"Okay, I agree."

Ji Chen chuckled: "Remember your promise, His Highness Ninth Prince, General Zhao and the scholars here are all witnesses."

"Listen up, my first couplet is, "Ten temples and nine monks hide eight scrolls, and they follow the Seven Precepts, Six Paths, and Five Laws, but they have no disciples, and they can't do anything! "

After Ji Chen finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked. Everyone was shocked and looked at Ji Chen in disbelief.

What a neat second line, it perfectly fits the first line, and it’s correct word for word.

How can this be?

Xia Liyun and Zhao Qingcheng's eyes shone with strange light. They couldn't believe that Ji Chen could produce such a neat second line in such a short period of time.

Fang Jingyu and Xu Wensheng's faces instantly turned pale, and they couldn't believe it. Ji Chen actually matched the second couplet, and it was so neat that they couldn't find any faults.

"How are you two?" Ji Chen asked with a smile.

Fang Jingyu and Xu Wensheng slumped on the stools, as if their strength had been drained, unable to accept this reality for a moment.

But at this time, Ji Chen said: "Do you want to hear my second second line?"

Fang Jingyu and the other two looked up at Ji Chen, their faces pale, their eyes full of reluctance and doubt. They still didn't believe that Ji Chen could come up with a second second line in such a short period of time.

Ji Chen didn't waste any time and said the second line directly.

"I lost 80,000 yuan with nine broken fingers and seven thousand six hundred and five hundred and four lines. I couldn't stand a few words and died!"

In an instant, there was a gasp of cold air in the yard. Ji Chen actually came up with the second couplet in such a short period of time.

Fang Jingyu and Fang Jingyu turned pale again.

Xu Wensheng, in particular, could not accept this reality.

However, Ji Chen's voice sounded again and he spoke the third second line.

"Ten houses, nine poor men, eight lazy men, scrape together seven cents, six cents and five cents, and how can they hide so many things? It's a first-class obscenity!"

"Ten women have nine prostitutes and eight boyfriends. They indulge in seven emotions, six desires and five poisons. They want a betrothal gift of 43,000 to 20,000 yuan. They are useless!"

"There are eight monks from ten monasteries and nine temples. They know the seven emotions, six desires and five precepts, but they still want to marry four or three women. It is a first-class obscenity."

Ji Chen responded to three more second lines in one breath.

In an instant, the entire courtyard was deathly silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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