Ji Chen refined more than twenty spiritual objects, and his body began to glow, and essence overflowed from his pores, mouth and nose.

The gaps created are filled with essence.

This was a case of oversupply, and he had reached his limit, unable to absorb any more energy into his body.

Ji Chen continued fishing. He opened a cold pool in the ring and put all the fished spiritual objects into it.

Such a spiritual creature comes once in a lifetime, so Ji Chen naturally doesn't want to miss anything.

The black dragon next to him also replenished three spiritual objects. His body also glowed, and his essence overflowed from his pores, mouth and nose. This guy also had too much replenishment, and his essence began to overflow.

Not only is this guy's physical body perfect, but his cultivation has also broken through several levels in a row, reaching the eighth level of foundation building.

Ji Chen and Heilong didn't notice that their overflowing energy was absorbed by the Wo Niu Stone below.

The moon was already high in the sky, and an old man wearing a yellow robe and a feathered hat floated from the mountain stream.

The old man also took the bamboo pole, came to the edge of the pool, and started fishing not far from Ji Chen.

Ji Chen and the old man did not speak to each other.

During this period, Ji Chen caught another spiritual creature, but the blind monster still came to snatch it, but Ji Chen still killed it.

The old man glanced at Ji Chen and took the initiative to ask, "Where did fellow Taoist come from?"

"Here comes the Tang Dynasty from the East!" Ji Chen replied casually.

"Where to go?"

"Go to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures!"

The old man was suddenly surprised and said, "You have gone astray a lot!"

Ji Chen said: "You should practice cultivation. There is nothing in life that is not cultivation. If you don't deviate from the road, how can you encounter such an opportunity?"

As Ji Chen spoke, he fished another spiritual object and put it into the ring.

The old man said: "As a practitioner, you should know that greed is a kind of original sin. A practitioner should have pure six roots and have no desires or desires."

Ji Chen said: "I don't agree. When it comes to sin, all living beings in the world are guilty. If one person commits a sin, all sentient beings sin."

The old man was confused and asked, "Fellow Taoist, please clarify!"

Ji Chen said: "I am greedy for spiritual things, so I am guilty. If you had not come, you would not have been guilty, and you would not have been greedy because of the discovery of the spiritual things here, so you are guilty."

"These monsters are greedy and robbed my spiritual things, so they are guilty. If their parents had not given birth to them, they would not have come here to die, so their parents are guilty. If their parents had not met, they would not have united. , let alone them, their parents are even more guilty. This land provides a place for their parents to unite, so this land is guilty."

"The monsters in the mountains saw that their companions were greedy and refused to persuade them, so they watched them die, so the monsters in the mountains were also guilty."

"Nothing can escape the law. If one person commits a crime, all living beings are accomplices."

"For example, these spiritual creatures are also accomplices of sin. If they are not treasures of heaven and earth, exuding infinite temptation, how can they attract many living beings to fight for them? Therefore, they are also guilty. No crime can be established alone. If one person commits a crime, all living beings commit a crime."

The old man was silent for a while, unable to find any words to argue.

After a long time, the old man opened his mouth and said: "My Taoist friend Hui Gen Tianjue, I am not as good as an old man. I am confused. I hope my Taoist friend can clear it up."

Ji Chen said: "Tell me and listen!"

The old man said: "If a strong man breaks into the Taoist friend's home, kills the Taoist friend's relatives, and robs the Taoist friend of his property, what should the Taoist friend do?"

"Blood debts will be paid with blood!" Ji Chen answered directly without thinking.

The old man stroked his beard gently and said, "With the words of fellow Taoist, I can rest assured."

"To be honest, Lao Wan Tian is the god of the mountain, and is respected by all the creatures in the mountain. All the living beings in the mountain are Lao Wan's subjects. Every plant and tree is Lao Wan's property. The creatures he kills are Lao Wan's relatives. Fishing for these spiritual creatures They are all the property of an old man, and my Taoist friend killed a living person to seize the property, what should I do with this old man?"

Ji Chen said calmly: "Of course, blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Fellow Taoist Da Yi, in this case, I will take your life to pay tribute to the dead creatures, and take your ring to offset your sin of eating my spiritual things!"

A dragon-headed stick appeared out of thin air in the old man's hand, and he was about to take action.

Ji Chen said calmly, "I am also confused, and I would like to ask my fellow Taoist to explain it."


"If you call yourself the Mountain God, whoever pardons you can have a letter of pardon or butterfly inscription, or a seal of the Mountain God."

The old man said solemnly: "Mountains, rivers, and rivers are originally ownerless things. The virtuous live in them. The old and the virtuous are recommended by all the creatures in the mountain. They are the gods of the mountain, mirrors of heaven and earth, and witnesses of the sun and the moon."

Ji Chen chuckled: "But this place is not an ownerless land! This is the territory of Daxia, the territory of Beizhou. Any pardon must be reported to the Beizhou Commander, who will report it to Tianting, and then the Holy Emperor will decide on the pardon. .”

The old man's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"The flag officer of Daxia Demon Suppression Department, Ji Chen, oh, he will be the general flag officer soon."

The old man's face finally changed, and his eyes were sinister, "Anyway, this mountain is mine, and every plant, tree, grain, and dust on the mountain is mine. If you steal my spiritual things, you should give your soul to be enslaved by me. Give up your body for me to use.”

Ji Chen slowly drew out the Pojun Hengdao and said, "If this spiritual object were yours, you would have evolved a physical body long ago instead of occupying someone else's skin. I'm afraid you don't dare to go down and catch the spiritual object! Seeing me fishing now, you are naturally jealous. "

"You have violated the prohibition by proclaiming yourself a mountain god. The laws of Daxia stipulate that anyone who proclaims himself a mountain and wild god will be killed without mercy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Chen slashed out with his sword, and the dragon fought against the sky.

The rolling knife energy rolled and turned into a real dragon. The momentum was surging and the dragon's power was vast. The roar of the dragon shook the sky. Thousands of rays of light shot out and turned into a rain of knives.

This kind of sword technique was so terrifying that it made the old man change his color. He let out a green roar, spit out a black light from his mouth, and turned into a black seal. He shot out spells in his hand and disappeared into the black seal.

The black seal swelled in the storm, turned into a mountain, and crashed towards Ji Chen.

This Black Seal is the essence of this mountain, the heart of the mountain, which was imprisoned and refined by the old man and became the Mountain Divine Seal.

Strictly speaking, the old man is indeed a mountain god. He has refined the heart of the mountain, but he is just a wild god with evil intentions. Such creatures are not qualified to become mountain gods.

"Firefly light!"

Ji Chen slashed down with his sword, and the real dragon flew across the sky, erupting with a shocking sword intent. It had incredible attack power. The real dragon penetrated the clouds, and the dragon's roar shook the sky. The entire mountain forest could be heard, and it was devastated.

The black mountain god seal exploded, was crushed into pieces, and turned into powder.

Such a terrifying attack power frightened the old man, and he turned around and ran away.

"Where to go!"

Ji Chen took one step forward, used eight steps to ascend into the air and chased after him. He caught up with the old man in an instant and slashed him down with his sword.

Dragons fight in the wild.

The vast sword energy exploded and rolled down. The real dragon rolled in the sword energy and turned into a dragon sword and chopped down.

The old man's body exploded and turned into powder. A black light rushed out from the powder and turned into a stream of light to escape.

It turned out to be the soul of a mountain spirit, borrowing a human body.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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