I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 160 (Revision) Another month of dark and windy nights

When the Iron Sword Sect was founded, the first master of the Iron Sword Sect was named Ximen Jian. He was once a concubine of the Ximen Clan, and his talent was astonishing.

In aristocratic families, the status of concubines is generally very low, but Ximen Jian's talent is astonishing. This has also aroused the jealousy of other heirs, and they have been frantically suppressed and feared.

Among the clans, no concubine is allowed to be better than Masakazu, as this will threaten Masakazu's status.

In order to survive, Ximen Jian judged the Ximen Clan, established the Iron Sword Clan outside, and realized the way of epee with his amazing aptitude.

Even so, Ximen Valve still has no confidence in Ximen Sword, and Iron Sword Sect has not escaped Ximen Valve's squeeze. Under Ximen Valve's compulsion, Ximen Valve must provide resources to Ximen Valve every year, and Ximen Valve has to dispatch troops every once in a while. Disciples of the Ximen Clan came to serve in the Iron Sword Sect, and even wanted to replace the leader of the Iron Sword Sect and take complete control of the Iron Sword Sect.

Ximen Jian broke through the Nirvana Realm in the 20th year after establishing the Iron Sword Sect. Just when he broke through, he was attacked by the Nirvana Realm masters of the Ximen Clan.

The Ximen Sword fought against the Nirvana Realm at its innate limit, successfully killing two Nirvana Realms and seriously injuring one person, and then ushered in a catastrophe. Finally, he successfully survived the catastrophe, entered the Nirvana Realm, and became a demigod.

After that, he left the chaotic place. In these years, the Ximen Clan has never dared to completely wipe out the Iron Sword Sect, and they are also afraid of the Ximen Sword.

Ji Chen didn't expect that Tie Jianmen and Ximen Clan would have such a grudge.

At this moment, Mo Feifei came to the hall.

"I've met the alliance leader, I've met the Ximen Sword Master."

Mo Feifei saluted Ji Chen and Ximen Huanran before sitting down on the chair next to them.

Ximen Huanran looked at Mo Feifei and said uncertainly: "You are Mo Yingnian's daughter."

Mo Feifei smiled and said: "I didn't expect Sword Master Ximen to still remember me. It's really an honor for Feifei."

"Mo Yingnian and I have met a few times. I am very sorry for Brother Mo's death."

"It is my father's honor to be remembered by Sword Master Ximen."

At this time, Ji Chen said: "Since we all know each other, there is no need for me to introduce you. Feifei, please tell me! What is the current situation of the Mo family? If we want to attack the Mo family, do you have any good suggestions?"

Mo Feifei nodded and began to introduce: "Originally, the Mo family was divided into four factions, the eldest lady's faction, the second uncle's faction, the third uncle's faction, and the fifth uncle's faction."

"There may be a mysterious person behind the eldest lady, and it is very possible that it transcends innateness. My grandfather's death, including the civil strife in the Mo family, I suspect is the mysterious force behind the eldest lady."

"Just yesterday, I got the news that I don't know what means the eldest lady used to almost completely control the Mo Mansion. The second uncle and the third uncle have reached an agreement with the eldest lady. The day after tomorrow is the eldest lady's birthday banquet. Madam is going to use the birthday banquet to officially announce her taking over as the head of the Mo family."

"So if we want to attack the Mo family, the birthday banquet the day after tomorrow is an opportunity. We can disguise ourselves as people celebrating the birthday and sneak in. The only trouble is the transcendent existence behind the eldest lady."

Ximen Huanran and Ji Chen looked at each other and both felt that this method was feasible. People congratulating Qiao Zhuang on his birthday sneaked in and caught them by surprise. As long as they severely damaged a few strong men at the peak of the ninth level of the Mo family, the battle would be stable.

But, that demigod is a problem.

"Leave that demigod to me!" Ji Chen said.

Mo Feifei and Ximen Huanran were surprised when they heard this.

The innate limit and transcending the innate are completely different concepts. Not everyone has the ability of the Ximen Sword back then, which can leapfrog the innate limit and kill demigods in the Nirvana realm.

In the battle at Yangchun Lake, although Ji Chen had the ability to kill the innate limit, it did not mean that he could kill the demigod above the innate. The two were not on the same level at all.

Ximen Huanran looked a little solemn: "This matter is of great importance, it is related to the life and death of Qiantian Sword Alliance and my Iron Sword Sect. How sure are you?"

Ji Chen said: "No one can be 100% sure about anything. Even if it is only 30%, it is enough to give it a try. Tomorrow night I will go to Mo's house to look for the demigod who transcends innateness. You will enter according to the normal plan the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, We should cooperate inside and outside."

Seeing that Ji Chen was so confident, Ximen Huanran didn't know what to say. Since the other party dared to risk his life, why didn't he dare to accompany him?

"Leader Ji is so heroic and dares to fight against demigods at his innate limit. I admire his courage. My Iron Sword Sect ancestor was able to kill demigods at his innate limit. As his descendant, how can I weaken his reputation? , I will fight with Alliance Leader Ji."

Afterwards, the three of them discussed some details. Ji Chen sneaked into the Mo family first, looking for the demigod who transcended innateness, and killed him.

Tie Jianmen and Mo Feifei brought a group of elites and strong men, Qiao Zhuangcheng, to sneak into the Mo family as a gift.

Zhao Zongchen, Zhang Tiannan, and Lin Junfeng guarded the Tiandao Alliance to prevent their home from being stolen.

After all, this is a raid and it is not appropriate to use a large number of people, otherwise the Mo family will be alarmed.

After discussing it, Ximen Huanran returned to Iron Sword Gate, and then went directly to the secret room.

This secret room is where Ximen Baichong retreats all year round.

Ximen Baizhong has gray hair and is wearing a gray robe. He sits cross-legged on a futon with an iron sword across his knees.

After Ximen Huanran came in, he stood beside him.

After a long time, Ximen Baizhong opened his eyes, and a sword shadow flashed in his eyes.

"How's it going?" Ximen Baizhong asked.

"Do it the day after tomorrow!" Ximen Huanran replied.

After Ximen Baizhong was silent for a moment, he said, "I have heard about the battle at Yangchun Lake. What do you think of Uncle Ji?"

Ximen Huanran thought for a while and said: "A genius from heaven!"

Ximen Baizhong glanced at Ximen Huanran in surprise.

"It's rare to see you speak so highly of a person."

Ximen Huanran said: "He can indeed afford the word "genius". Mo Feifei from the Mo family has taken refuge with Uncle Ji. According to Mo Feifei, the Mo family has a demigod who transcends innateness. Uncle Ji is planning to go ahead of time. Mo Mansion, ambush that demigod."

Ximen Baizhong was surprised, "He has the courage to attack and kill demigods at his innate limit. With his courage, his achievements in the future will be limitless. You can make friends with this person, but don't have a close friendship."

Ximen Huanran nodded: "Huanran understands!"

"After being suppressed by the clan for so many years, it's time to settle the score."

Ximen Baizhong stood up, took the iron sword, and walked out of the secret room where he had been in seclusion for decades.

It was getting dark and the wind was picking up.

It's another month of dark and windy nights, a good time for murder and arson.

Ji Chen, dressed in black, walked out of the small courtyard. With every step he took, his figure became darker. After a few steps, he completely disappeared into the night, as if he had merged with the night.

What disappeared with it was his aura.

Mo's Mansion was not far from the chaos, and Ji Chen didn't walk very fast. He arrived outside Mo's Mansion an hour later.

The entire Mo Mansion covers a very large area, like a castle.

Ji Chen was a little surprised that there was no guard formation in such a large mansion, but it was also convenient for him.

Ji Chen entered Mo's house without a trace of dust.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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