I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 158 (Revision) Don’t leave hatred until tomorrow

"Your Tiandao Alliance is now very powerful, and your family has a big business. It's not too much to give an extra 100,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan a year. By the way, I am representing the Li clan today, and what I say also represents the Li clan."

Ji Chen tapped the table lightly, "Is this considered protection money?"

"If you think this is protection money, it is protection money." Li Yuen said indifferently.

"Oh!" Ji Chen nodded and smiled relaxedly, "In other words, after I pay this money, I no longer have to be suppressed by other clans or forces. If I have any problems in the future, I can also come to you, the Li clan, to solve it."

"No, no, no!" Li Yuen said with a sneer: "This 300,000 yuan is what you should pay to our Li clan. As for whether other clans charge it or not, that is their business. How much they want to charge has nothing to do with my Li clan. .”

Zhang Shengxiao, who was next to him, also said: "How much you pay to the Li Clan is your business, but my Zhang Clan cannot pay a cent less, which is also 300,000, and I pay it on time every year. You annexed the Dahe Gang, and this is what you should pay. of."

Ji Chen turned to look at Xiyuequan, "What about Ximen Valve? I didn't move the Iron Sword Gate. What does Ximen Valve mean by coming to my place?"

Ximen Yuequan said: "Although you did not touch Tiejianmen, Tiejianmen's business was damaged because of you. You have to compensate for this loss, so Ximen Clan must not lose a penny, three hundred thousand."

"That's 900,000!" Ji Chen smiled and tapped the armrest of the seat gently.

Qian Ping knew Ji Chen had murderous intent as soon as he saw Ji Chen's action.

900,000, and that’s not even Mo Wen’s money. This is the pace that will drive the Tiandao Alliance to death. Moreover, the four valves appeared together and jointly exerted pressure. This was also a warning to them not to think about resisting, as the consequences were not something they could bear.

Qian Ping was a little worried. He was afraid that Ji Chen would choose to take action. With the current strength of the Tiandao Alliance, there was no way it could resist any one clan, let alone the four clans together.

Mo Valve has been offended to death. The most important thing now is to stabilize the other three Valves so that they can concentrate on dealing with the pressure on Mo Valve.

Although nine hundred thousand taels of silver is a lot, you can still get it by searching. At least we can get through this year.

So Qian Ping kept winking at Ji Chen, hoping that he would endure it.

Ji Chen finally stopped tapping and seemed to have made a decision.

"Now that you've made your demands, let me tell you my conditions."

"From today on, the Tiandao Alliance will no longer pay a penny to any of your families. On the contrary, you will have to pay 500,000 protection fees to the Tiandao Alliance every year."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room looked at him in shock.

Is this guy crazy?

Qian Ping also had a look of astonishment on his face. He also felt that Ji Chen was crazy. You said you didn't want to pay, but instead asked for money from the clan, five hundred thousand taels a year.

No, you are crazy!

Zhang Shengxiao even sneered disdainfully: "Ji, you are looking for death!"

Li Yuen's eyes narrowed slightly, with the same disdainful expression on his face.

"Bo-Chang Ji, let me remind you, think twice before you act, be careful of the trouble that comes from your mouth. Don't think that you are invincible just because you have killed two strong men from the Nine Heavens. I am not afraid to tell you that I, Li Clan, have the ability to surpass the Nine Heavens." Being alive, killing you is like killing a dog.”

"Let you control the chaotic land because I think highly of you. Don't be shameless. You are a dog. Since you are a dog, you should know loyalty and rules. Otherwise, we don't mind changing to another dog."

Ji Chen chuckled and reached out to stroke the single sword beside him.

"Just what you said, I think there is no need for the Li clan to exist anymore."

"Hmph! Arrogant!" Li Yuen snorted coldly, with a look of disdain on his face, "I really don't know whether I should say that you are a young and arrogant person, or that you have little knowledge. Even a thousand-year-old family like the Li family can be shaken by your weak legs."

"I will tell you what you said today back to Li Clan verbatim. And now I have changed my mind. The fee has been increased to 400,000. I will give you half a month to prepare, and I will collect it in half a month."

After saying that, Li Yuen was ready to walk out. He didn't want to continue talking nonsense with this mud-legged guy, so he directly issued an ultimatum.

"No need to trouble you to come back in half a month!" Ji Chen said calmly, "In half a month, I will go to Li clan to talk to them in person. As for you, I think you are very unpleasant, so you can go and die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whistle of the sword sounded, and a bright sword light illuminated the entire hall.

The broken army unsheathed itself, slashed Huashan with all its might, and the sword roared like a dragon's roar.

This sword was extremely shocking, with overwhelming killing intent.

Li Yuen was horrified. He was only at the eighth level of cultivation and could not resist this sword at all.

He dared to come to the Tiandao Alliance because of his identity as the deacon of the Li clan. Who would have expected that Uncle Ji would dare to attack him without fear of the clan clan behind him.

The sword slashed down, cutting off the long sword in Li Yuen's hand without any suspense, and splitting his body into two halves.

Killing points +8000

Ji Chen's eyes flashed with a hint.

At this moment, the entire hall was silent, and everyone was shocked. No one thought that Ji Chen would draw a knife to kill.

Even Qian Ping didn't expect that the reason why he kept winking at Ji Chen was because he hoped that he could endure it for a while and endure the calm for a while without offending several powerful people at the same time.

Next to them, Zhang Shengxiao and Ximen Yuequan were also shocked. They had no idea that Ji Chen would dare to kill a member of the clan.

Forget it about the Mo family, after all, the Mo family can't protect itself now.

But Li Clan is different. Li Clan has an existence that transcends innateness. How dare he draw his sword?

This person is indeed a crazy critic who kills people whenever he disagrees with them, regardless of the consequences.

The two of them were a little wary. After all, their cultivation levels were both at the eighth level. If Ji Chen was really desperate, they would both die here.

Zhang Shengxiao said quickly: "Bo-Chang Ji, the grudge between you and Li Clan is your own business. I will not interfere. I will take my leave first."

"I'll take my leave now!" Ximen Yuequan also said.

The two of them turned around and walked out of the hall, wanting to leave the place of trouble and wrong.

"Did I let you leave?"

Ji Chen's voice sounded.

The two stopped, their expressions a bit ugly, and they looked back at Ji Chen, "What do you mean, do we need your permission before we leave?"

Ji Chen flicked the saber and said, "What do you think of me and my Heavenly Sword Alliance? I can come and leave whenever I want."

"I don't like to be threatened, and I don't like to leave hatred until tomorrow."

The faces of the two changed, and Zhang Shengxiao warned: "Ji, you have already offended the Mo family and the Li family. If you offend us again, there will be no place for you in the entire chaotic land, and you don't want your Tiandao Alliance. Just as soon as it was established, it disintegrated overnight!”

Ji Chen sneered, "If I let you go today, will you two let me go? There is no room for relaxation between us, so go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, the light of the sword lit up, and the unparalleled sword energy slashed towards the two of them.

Terrifying murderous intent filled the air, and unparalleled coercion swept through the entire hall.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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