I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 136 (Repair) Respect me as you would a god

Joining the Heavenly Sword Alliance is not as simple as one sentence.

Even if Lin Junfeng agrees, it does not mean that all stalls agree. Even if all the stall owners present tonight agree, the gang members below may not necessarily choose to follow him. Although more than 90% of the gang members support him, this is a betrayal of the Dahe Gang after all, and no one is willing to betray him. With the name of betrayal, some people will definitely hesitate or even resist him.

The first thing he has to do now is to suppress those more than a thousand people, convince them, and make everyone absolutely surrender and obey his command.

Lin Jundong left with all the stalls. Ji Chen did not stop him. He was not afraid of Lin Junfeng playing tricks. In the face of absolute strength, tricks were a joke.

But Qian Ping was a little worried and couldn't help but give a reminder.

"Leader, Lin Junfeng is from the Dahe Gang after all. He is very scheming and has many tricks. He took away all the stalls in case he never comes back...!"

Although he didn't finish what he said, his meaning was obvious. Once Lin Junfeng left without coming back, or even stabbed him in the back, they would be in big trouble.

Qian Ping knew very well that Lin Junfeng was different from them. They took refuge in Ji Chen when he was in danger. Now these people had survived the battle just now.

So among the fifty or so people they survived, all of them could be trusted.

But Lin Junfeng was different. He was a surrendered general. It was Ji Chen who used his strong strength to scare them into surrender. Once he left at this moment, he would be like a fish returning to the sea or a tiger returning to the mountain.

Ji Chen waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, he will respect me like a god."

This is the strong self-confidence derived from one's own strength.

All plans must be based on absolute strength. As long as he absolutely crushes Lin Junfeng in terms of strength, he will not dare to have any thoughts.

"You also go down and prepare. After tonight, you and the fifty or so people will be my personal guards."

Guards, absolute confidant. Currently, these fifty or so people are the people Ji Chen trusts the most.


Qian Ping responded and led the two stalls downstairs.

On the street, Lin Junfeng led more than a dozen hall leaders to rush to where they gathered their gang members, preparing to integrate their troops.

At this time, a stall owner spoke up: "Hall Master, do you really want to take refuge in that person named Uncle Ji?"

Lin Junfeng stopped, and everyone in the stalls also stopped when they saw this.

Lin Junfeng glanced at the stall owner and asked, "What do you mean...?"

The stall owner said: "I don't have any other intentions. Since we have all left the restaurant, it is up to us to decide whether we will go to him or not. Once we go to him, it will be a betrayal of the Dahe Gang. If the gang leader knows that we have betrayed Dahe, Help, I’m afraid none of us will survive tomorrow.”

"So what I mean is, why not inform the gang leader immediately, gather everyone in the Dahe Gang, kill Uncle Ji, and then take advantage of the chaos to attack the Canglang Gang and catch them off guard. Then the credit will naturally fall on us. My friend I will also become the number one member of the Dahe Gang. All brothers will benefit."

Lin Junfeng was silent for a moment, and after looking at all the stalls, he slowly said: "It's not impossible, but the risk is very high. I need to ask for everyone's opinions. If anyone else agrees with Chen Stalls' opinion, please raise your hand. , I respect everyone’s choice.”

"I think this is feasible!"

Another head-blocking hand raised.

"I think it's feasible. After all, it's a matter of betraying the Dahe Gang and I don't want to do it."

"I will listen to the hall master's arrangements!"

"I also listen to the hall master's arrangements!"

"I support killing Uncle Ji and attacking the Canglang Gang."

"I will listen to the hall master's arrangements!"

Soon, everyone finished voting, and eleven people expressed their willingness to listen to Lin Junfeng and support him no matter what choice he made.

Another seven stalls expressed their unwillingness to betray the Dahe Gang and hoped to kill Ji Chen.

Lin Junfeng looked at the seven people and sighed: "Your choice is actually not wrong, and I don't want to betray you, but do we have any other choices now, so I can only feel sorry for you. If you want to blame, blame this world!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, he unsheathed his single sword, and suddenly the sword light flashed out, and the terrifying sword energy enveloped the seven people.

The seven of them never dreamed that Lin Junfeng would attack them without warning, leaving them without any defense.

The cold sword light was like a chain, passing over the necks of seven people.

Seven heads rose into the sky.

Lin Junfeng put away the knife and nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry for you. I hope you rest in peace. I will take good care of your family."

He had no choice because he knew Ji Chen's strength very well. He even had an intuition that Ji Chen was stronger than the leader of the Dahe Gang. If such a person wanted to kill him, there was no way he could escape.

Therefore, when choosing between life and death, he must be decisive. Now that he is on Ji Chen's ship, he can only go to the dark side in one way.

What Ji Chen said was right. After seeing Ji Chen's terrifying strength, he respected Ji Chen as if he were a god.

The higher the cultivation level, the more aware of Ji Chen's terror.

The remaining eleven stalls said nothing. The corpse of the teacher on the ground was still the brother who was chatting and laughing with them one moment, and his body and head were separated the next moment.

This is their own choice. This is Jianghu. If you make one mistake, you will be doomed.

There is no time to be sad, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, a bloody night, and a sensational night.

After everyone left the restaurant, only Ji Chen was left.

The restaurant owner didn't dare to come up and disturb him.

Ji Chen then started to check the killing points.

Kill points: 730000

Excluding the previous 419,000, the battle just now resulted in 311,000 killing points.

After taking a look at the various skills in terms of attributes, Dragon Capturing Skill and Eight Steps to the Sky both showed that they could be improved.

Ji Chen decisively chose the Dragon Capturing Skill.

Eight steps to the sky are enough for now. One step is a thousand meters. This is the limit that his body can bear. The fourth step is a big hurdle. Even if the pace increases, Ji Chen is not sure whether his body can bear it. .

The fourth level of Dragon Capturing Skill requires 400,000 killing points.

Ji Chen didn't hesitate. With a thought, 400,000 killing points were consumed in an instant.

The Capturing Dragon Technique began to operate automatically in his body.

Endless spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered towards him.

Ji Chen's body was like a whirlpool, wildly devouring the spiritual energy, which was then refined into innate true energy by the Dragon Capturing Technique, and began to open up the tendons and acupuncture points in his body.

The majestic true energy was like splitting bamboo, like a torrent, flowing smoothly all the way, and quickly opened up all the tendons and acupuncture points. A brand new Zhou Tian was formed, which was also the fourth Zhou Tian in Ji Chen's body.

At this point, Ji Chen officially entered the fourth level of the innate realm.

When he was in the third heaven, he surpassed the level and killed the masters of the seventh heaven. Now, Ji Chen is sure that he can kill the eighth heaven with his sword, and even the ninth heaven can fight hard.

Take a look at the properties.

Lifespan: 700

Strength: Innate-Fourth Heaven

Kung Fu: Tai Xuan Jing

Kung Fu: Dragon Capturing Kung Fu - Fourth Level

Supernatural power: Eight-step kicking into the air - the third step

Supernatural power: invisibility

Secret Technique: Bloodthirsty Hand—Perfection

Swordsmanship: Nine Demon-robbing Swords

Sword Technique: Binding Tian Dao - Perfection

Sword Technique: Yanyang Sword Technique - Perfection

Sword Technique: Cloaked Sword Technique - Perfection

Boxing: Twelve Forms and Meanings - Perfection

Kill: 330,000

Reputation: 6000

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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