I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 134 (Revision) A glass of wine, a lifetime of love

The young man took one step and disappeared, then reappeared in front of everyone.

The young man held the knife and stared at Lin Junfeng and others indifferently. There was no pressure or murderous intention, just an ordinary look. Lin Junfeng and all the stall owners felt like a light was hanging on their backs. Great fear was born in their hearts. Their mouths were dry and they swallowed unconsciously.

"Dahe Gang Lin Junfeng?"

Ji Chen stared at Lin Junfeng and asked lightly.

Lin Junfeng nodded dryly, "It's me!"

"I heard you are looking for me!"

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

Lin Junfeng explained quickly, even stammering when he spoke.

Ji Chen's eyes were like blades, and the sharpness made his skin ache.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to Hall Master Lin like this."

A stall owner next to him pointed at Ji Chen and scolded him directly.

He had just joined the Dahe Gang not long ago, and he was busy trying to please these stall holders, so he didn't see the scene of Ji Chen pushing him on the street. Now seeing Ji Chen treat Lin Junfeng with such an attitude, he immediately felt that the opportunity to flatter him had come. .

Lin Junfeng and the stall owners knew something bad was going to happen as soon as they heard it.

Before Ji Chen could take action, Lin Junfeng took action first. With quick eyes and quick hands, he directly pulled out a single sword with a stall next to him and slashed at the man.

In an instant, a cold sword energy enveloped the stall owner.

The stall head was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, a flash of knife passed by his neck.

Blood spurts out and heads roll off.

For a moment, the entire restaurant was silent, and no one dared to say anything.

This guy is just looking for death. He has no vision, so he can't blame anyone. If he doesn't die, they will all die.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't discipline my subordinates well."

Lin Junfeng apologized quickly, with a respectful attitude. He knew very well that the young man in front of him had at least the fourth level of innate cultivation, or even the fifth level. One person could sweep them all away, and it was not something they could afford to offend.

Ji Chen didn't say anything more, but walked to a table and sat down, putting the knife on the table.

A quick-thinking stall owner quickly picked up the teapot on the table and helped Ji Chen pour tea.

Ji Chen chopped down several streets and happened to be thirsty. He took the tea cup and drank it down without any politeness.

"Come here and sit down."

Ji Chen said to Lin Junfeng.

"I don't dare, I can just stand." Lin Junfeng waved his hands quickly, indicating that he could just stand.

His attitude was very respectful, without any airs or magnanimity of a hall master, like a child who made mistakes, even though he was much older than Ji Chen.

"I told you to sit down!"

Ji Chen spoke again. Although his tone was calm, it revealed an unquestionable tone. Lin Junfeng was shocked and his body trembled unconsciously. He quickly pulled out the stool and sat down opposite Ji Chen.

Even so, he didn't dare to sit down completely. He only sat halfway down, with half of his buttocks touching the stool and half of his buttocks hanging outside.

Ji Chen said nothing and just continued drinking tea.

Lin Jun and others did not dare to say anything, only the stall kept pouring tea for Ji Chen.

After a while, Qian Ping and others went upstairs.

Qian Ping walked in front, followed by two blockers.

After the three of them went upstairs, they took the initiative to stand behind Ji Chen.

Lin Junfeng's heart has been hanging, a little uneasy, not knowing what Ji Chen is going to do.

Just when Ji Chen finished drinking the tenth cup of tea, he finally put the cup down and asked.

"How many troops did you bring?"

As soon as Ji Ta opened his mouth, Lin Junfeng trembled with fright and quickly laughed with him.

"Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding. I really want to cooperate with you. I asked Luo Sanming to bring those two letters to express my sincerity and help you to clear the emperor. Who knows that you are so wise and powerful that you don't need our intervention? Solve it yourself.”

He explained in a trembling voice, and also gave him a slap on the back.

Ji Chen still repeated the same sentence, "I asked you how many people you brought?"

Lin Junfeng's smiling expression froze and his body trembled slightly. He thought the young man was going to liquidate him.

According to the level of terror this young man showed just now, his few troops are not enough for him to kill.

Even the stall owner next to him turned pale with fright and quickly explained.

"Boss Ji, we really come here to cooperate with you. Luo Sanming may have a bad attitude. He offended you. He is seeking death himself and cannot blame anyone else. But we come here with sincerity tonight. Although there is a There are more than a thousand people, but they all stay at Lianghe Street. Without your permission, we will never dare to cross the Leichi."

Lin Junfeng also nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ji Chen didn't speak, but was thinking.

The restaurant was very quiet. Lin Junfeng and the waiters were all hanging in their hearts, waiting for Ji Chen's fate.

After a while, Ji Chen finally spoke.

"Since it's cooperation, we might as well deepen it a little more."

? ? ?


Lin Junfeng had organized dozens of explanations in his mind, but suddenly felt that they were no longer needed. He was a little confused. Ji Chen's jumping thinking made it difficult for him to keep up. For a while, he didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

The same is true for several stalls next to it, and they can't keep up with the pace.

Ji Chen said: "Take your people and be loyal to me. I plan to establish a Heavenly Sword Alliance and invite you to join. I wonder if you will give me this face?"

? ? ?

At this moment, Lin Junfeng and all the waiters were stunned. Ji Chen's thinking was so fast that it was difficult for them to keep up.

At that moment, he thought of many possibilities for cooperation. He thought that the cooperation mentioned by Ji Chen was to annex the territories of Zhao Hong and Zhu Tan, so he chose to force the Canglang gang leader to ask him to help. The only thing he didn't expect was that Ji Chen would forcefully create a fifth force among the four major forces and recruit him to join them.

His behavior is undoubtedly grabbing meat from the mouths of the other four major forces. This move will definitely not be tolerated by the four major forces, especially the Canglang Gang and the Dahe Gang.

Ji Chen continued: "The chaos in the Land of Chaos has come to an end. I want to re-write the rules, so I have to break the rules first, starting with the Canglang Gang. Tonight is just the beginning."

As he spoke, he took the wine bottle from the table, took five more glasses, and filled them with wine.

"A glass of wine, a lifetime of love. After drinking this glass of wine, we all become brothers!"

This glass of wine was Ji Chen's message. He had no time to talk nonsense. He had to agree or die.

After Lin Junfeng was silent for a moment, he finally picked up the wine glass.

"I am willing to serve you!"

Between life and death, it is actually not difficult to make a choice. As long as your head is not squeezed by the door, you will choose life.

Therefore, Lin Junfeng had to make such a choice, otherwise it would be difficult to get out of the wine alive tonight.

He was sure that if he dared to say no, the two-meter-long knife would hit him on the head, and all his stallholders, including all the gang members, would die on the spot.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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