I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 132 (Cultivation) Killing is to protect lives, killing karma is not killing people

Ji Chen's side was invincible, and he fought all the way, no one could stop him.

Many monks in the foundation-building stage had numb scalps and soared directly into the sky, stepping on everyone's heads and running frantically for their lives.

They were completely frightened and terrified. This was not a battle at all, this was a one-sided massacre. This was a Shura field, a meat grinder.

The person opposite is not a human at all, but a god of death, a butcher, and an executioner.

Ji Chen didn't use his true energy to protect his body at all, but let the blood spill on himself.

The hot blood made him feel happy and intoxicated like never before.

Killing should be hearty, without scruples, stride forward, and kill one step at a time.

The gang members behind finally realized that some fifth- and sixth-level foundation-building monks and demon-slayers were running away frantically.

What kind of terrifying existence did they encounter in front of them that made these people choose to flee in panic at the same time.

"Why don't you run quickly? Hall Master Zhu is already dead. Why don't you wait here to die?"

someone yelled as they ran away.

With this roar, the momentum of the gang instantly dissipated, and even the hall leader died. When the leader died, people's hearts were shattered.

Fear gradually spread and everyone began to flee.

At this moment, I no longer care about brotherhood. The leader of the hall is dead. What a slap in the face.

In an instant, people on the whole street began to flee frantically.

Someone tried to break into the house next to the street, but no matter how hard they knocked, the people inside wouldn't open the door.

"Open the door, or if you don't open the door, I'll kill your whole family."

Suddenly, a long knife pierced out from the crack in the door, directly piercing the person who knocked on the door, and even slashed downwards, opening his intestines and stomach on the spot.

"I'll kill you first, Cao Nima, you dare to threaten me!"

A cold voice came from the house.

Living in a chaotic place, no one is an ordinary person, and no one is easy to mess with. Even the vendors setting up stalls on the street have knives hidden under their stalls, ready to pull them out and kill people at any time.

In this place, if a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firmly!

The shops on both sides of the street couldn't be entered, and everyone could only run frantically along the street for their lives.

At this moment, they just hated their parents for not giving birth to two more legs.

Ji Chen was like a god of murder, bathed in blood, chasing and slashing all the way, and the slashing speed was even faster than their escape speed. The sword was blazing white, like a blizzard, covering the streets, and running rampant.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, blood mist filled the air, and corpses were everywhere.

The killing point prompts in Ji Chen's eyes were like a barrage, flying past in dense numbers, layer upon layer, and there was no time to see them clearly.

At this moment, Ji Chen only had killing in his eyes.

Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people.

Soon, this street was penetrated by Ji Chen, and only a few foundation-building masters were left on the run.

Ji Chen used eight steps to ascend into the air, his body was like a phantom, pulling up afterimages on the street, catching up with those who escaped, and killing them one by one.

When he stopped, he turned around and saw a bloody road behind him. The road was covered with corpses. The blood mist filled the entire street. The blood gathered into a stream and gurgled.

This is a world of purgatory and a Shura field.

In the houses on both sides of the street, everyone who witnessed this scene turned pale, and some of the timid ones even trembled.

It was so tragic that the blood even flowed into the house along the cracks in the door.

Ji Chen glanced at the killing point, 309000

Excluding the previous 120,900, this battle resulted in 180,000 killing points.

There are more than 600 people, almost 300 each.

Ji Chen wiped the blood from his face, put the knife on his shoulder, and shot towards another street.

If he remembered correctly, there were three streets tonight.

Qian Ping and others were caught in a bitter fight. They were attacked from both sides. The brothers around them fell one after another, and even Qian Ping was injured.

If it weren't for the support of the sixth level of Foundation Establishment, I'm afraid he would have collapsed long ago.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the back of the street, and frightened screams and roars were faintly heard.

Even the Canglang gang members who were fighting a bloody battle with Qian Ping and others noticed it and looked behind Qian Ping in horror, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Qian Ping thought it was a scam, but he still looked behind him cautiously.

This sight immediately shocked him.

I saw a strange blood mist appearing at the end of the street behind me. The blazing white sword light caught in the blood mist was like a blizzard, moving quickly towards this side.

? ? ? ?

Everyone was frightened by this horrific scene.

The blood mist storm was like a monster, devouring the gang members on the street, and it was very fast. In just a moment, it floated behind Qian Ping's group. The blood mist floated like wind from between Qian Ping's group. Pass.

The strong smell of blood permeated the air, stimulating everyone's sense of smell. Everyone's clothes were instantly stained red by the blood mist, as if a drizzle had fallen.

Qian Ping and others finally saw clearly what was in the blood mist.

It was a person, a person bathed in blood. His face could not be seen clearly, but from the familiar simple knife, Qian Ping knew that this person was Uncle Ji.

The next moment, Chief Ji flew over the heads of Qian Ping and others and appeared in front of them.


The blazing sword light lit up the surroundings, making Qian Ping unable to open his eyes.

The sword light quickly went away, but Qian Ping felt that it was raining in the sky, mixed with hail.

He looked up at the sky, and a severed hand suddenly fell into his mouth. He hurriedly vomited out that this was not rain, it was simply a rain of blood, accompanied by broken limbs and broken bodies falling down.

Qian Ping looked forward and saw the blood mist mixed with the blazing sword light, moving away as quickly as a storm.

He was shocked to the extreme. Killing God was no longer enough to describe that man, and killing people was not enough to express his madness.

Including Qian Ping, the remaining fifty people were all frightened by this scene.

They were originally desperadoes who licked blood from their swords, and thought they killed without blinking an eye, but compared with this Ji Chen, they were as different as fireflies and bright moons.

At this moment, everyone unanimously understood the truth. This person cannot betray, otherwise the end will be too tragic for them to imagine.

Everyone stood and waited.

Ji Chen came back soon, carrying a simple knife and stepping on the bones and blood on the ground, like a Shura coming out of the Shura Hell. It's also like the god of death who came down from the meat-mincing battlefield. Patrolling his territory like a king.

Qian Pingping was shocked, as if welcoming a god, staring at the figure coming on the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

As Ji Chen walked over, flames ignited on his body, and his blood was burned and evaporated by the flames.

When he walked up to Que Qianping and others, the blood on his body had evaporated cleanly, and his messy hair was dancing lightly in the cold wind.

Ji Chen glanced at the killing point, which was 419,000.

In this battle, another 110,000 killing points were obtained


Qian Ping and others shouted in unison. They didn't even dare to look directly into Ji Chen's terrifying eyes. They all lowered their heads to show respect.

At this moment, they surrendered to Ji Chen from the bottom of their hearts.

Ji Chen nodded, "Just stay alive. After tonight, our names will resound throughout Chaos City, and you all are the heroes."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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