I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 123 (Repair) Cut down a street, drink a jar of wine, and make a friend


Lone Wolf looked at the blood line on his waist in disbelief.

In fact, the moment Ji Chen took the knife, he was prepared and his hand was already on the handle. In addition, he was standing and Ji Chen was sitting, so he should be faster than Ji Chen no matter what.

Who would have thought that Ji Chen's knife would be faster than him.

Ji Chen said slowly: "This is my rule!"

The lone wolf's body was broken into two pieces and fell to the ground. Blood spurted out and instantly dyed the floor red.

The surrounding gang members were all shocked when they saw Lone Wolf dead. They did not expect that this man would dare to take the lead.

How dare he?

"Brothers, kill him and avenge the lone wolf."

Someone shouted loudly, and the few people closest to Ji Chen picked up their knives and slashed at Ji Chen.

Ji Chen grabbed the Pu Dao with one hand and slashed it in a circle.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Like chopping vegetables, everyone within a radius of two meters was cut off at the waist, and their bodies fell to the ground with clatter.

For a moment, the entire hall fell silent.

This scene is truly terrifying.

All gangsters should be killed. Unless these people die, it will be difficult to live in peace.

Ji Chen stood up, swung his sword and slashed at the person next to him.


The man was cut in half directly.

The remaining people were all frightened, turned around and fled, swarming towards the door.

Ji Chen holds the sword in one hand and cuts with one step.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Several people were cut off from the waist.

To deal with this kind of thing, Ji Chen didn't even need to use his true energy, relying on his physical strength was enough.

Ji Chen slashed across with his sword, then slashed back with his backhand. In an instant, six or seven people were cut in half.

The remaining gang members were so frightened that they trembled and fled into the street in terror.

Ji Chen quickly rushed out of the restaurant, dragging his knife with him and started chasing them, hacking to death each one he caught up with.

Now that you have taken action, you cannot be soft-hearted. The more you kill, the more you will earn.

Ji Chen was very fast, slashing all the way until the last one was chopped down by him. Corpses were scattered all over the street.

There were onlookers on both sides of the street, a shocking scene.

Ji Chenyi was not stained with blood and walked to the restaurant with a simple knife on his shoulder.

This kind of simple sword was great for killing people, but it was not very convenient to carry. He didn't want to expose the existence of the ring, so he had to carry it on his shoulder.

But the visual effect is quite explosive.

A man dragged a two-meter-long plain knife and chased dozens of people to kill them. After the chop, he not only did not run away, but also walked back with the knife on his shoulder. This domineering scene amazed many people.

No one around dared to point a finger, and no one dared to jump out and say anything.

At first glance, this person is a fierce person, the kind that is not easy to mess with.

But everyone felt very relieved. Someone should have dealt with these gang cancers long ago.

People in the chaotic land have suffered from these gangs for a long time.

"Good kill!"

A young man in the crowd shouted, but was quickly covered by a middle-aged man.

As soon as Ji Chen arrived near the restaurant, he was stopped by a group of people.

The leader was less than forty years old, and was followed by a group of knife-wielding men.

"Brother, you are very skilled!" The leader took the initiative to say hello.

"Who is your Excellency?" Ji Chen was confused.

"I am the leader of Canglang Sect, Zhao Hong. I admire my brother's extraordinary skills. I like to make friends, especially friends with good skills like brothers. If you don't mind, brother, I will be in Wanhua Tower." Put it on the table and ask for a favor, just treat it like making a friend."

Ji pretended to be thoughtful and nodded after a moment.

"Brother, please!"


"You haven't asked for your brother's name yet?"

"My surname is Ji, and my name is Uncle Chang!"

Zhao Hong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and praised, "Boss Ji, this is a good name, it fits my brother's personality very well!"

Wanhua Tower is the largest and one of the best restaurants in the Chaotic Land. It combines restaurants and prostitutes, and is also one of the industries of the Canglang Sect.

In the spacious elegant room, the tables were piled with delicacies. Zhao Hong and Ji Chen took the main seats, accompanied by several of Zhao Hong's confidants.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Ji Chen wiped his mouth and said, "Brother Zhao, I've eaten well and drank well. It cost you money. I'm a straight forward person and don't like to beat around the bush." , you are inviting me to eat and drink, but you see I have nothing to repay you, so why not do this! I will kill two of you for you, if you have any enemies, just tell me."

Ji Chen behaved very boldly, with a strong personality and a talk of killing people. He looked like a wealthy man in the world.

"Hahahaha!" Zhao Hong laughed heartily.

"Brother Ji is bold and has a bold personality. He welcomes people from all over the world. Many friends lead many paths. I like to make heroic friends. Brother, you have good skills and a bold personality. You can chop with one person and a knife." It's so pleasant to walk around the street. I'm determined to be your friend. As a friend, eating and drinking don't mean anything."

Ji Chen smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, please be happy. I am a big boss and I can't say those polite words. Since I think highly of me, I will make you my friend. I live in an inn. If you need me, please come directly to me." I don’t have anything else, but I’m good at killing people.”

"No problem, if I have any trouble, I will definitely come to you." Zhao Hong said with a smile, then changed the topic and looked slightly serious.

"However, brother, the identity of the person you killed today is not simple."

"Is it!"

Ji Chen pretended not to care: "It's just a gangster. What's so scary? With the knife in his hand, I'm afraid they won't get revenge."

Zhao Hong laughed and said: "Of course I am not afraid of brothers with their skills, but after all, not everyone is as loyal as brothers. As the saying goes, it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows."

"Those people you killed were the men of Hall Master Lin of the Dahe Gang. That one-eyed man was his general. Hall Master Lin must avenge himself. You killed his men and beheaded so many of his people. This feud is settled." , as a brother, I can’t bear to see you being framed by them, so why don’t you come to me! Although I can’t cover the sky with just one hand in this chaotic place, I can at least make Hall Master Lin afraid of attacking you secretly.”

Ji Chen pretended to be thoughtful, and after a while he said in a slightly embarrassed voice, "I'm afraid it will bring trouble to my brother!"

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Hong said with a smile: "As brothers, we should share weal and woe. You are a capable person, and what I, Zhao Hong, admire most are capable people. It just so happens that you can help me when you are here."

"Hahaha, it's all said and done. If I don't agree with you anymore, I'm disrespectful."

Ji Chen went downhill and agreed to Zhao Hong's solicitation.

"I just don't know how Brother Zhao will arrange for me."

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "Brother Ji, you are a man of real ability. With your skills, even if you sit in my position as the leader, it is more than enough. However, gangs always have gang rules. Brother Ji has just joined the gang and has not yet made any achievements." I’ll give him a heavy responsibility, I’m afraid the other brothers won’t accept it.”

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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