"I don't know either. I just know that many saints went to Guixu in the end. If you want to understand the secrets, you probably have to reach the saint realm to be qualified."

The two were walking in the academy, and students greeted Xia Ziran along the way.

This shows how high his prestige is in the academy.

Under the leadership of Xia Ziran, we finally arrived at the back mountain. Ji Chen also saw the legendary holy monument.

This is a dark stone, more than three feet high and one foot wide, with a smooth surface.

Before he even got close, Ji Chen felt a vast righteousness surrounding him.

There are many students near the holy monument, some want to try to make a speech, and some come to pray for the blessing of the Literary Saint.

Some people study near the holy monument. It is said that reading under the aura of the holy monument can help you concentrate without distractions and gather the awe-inspiring energy more quickly.

"If you have thought about what words to make, go ahead. There is a pen over there, left by the previous dean. It is specially used to make words for others. Just pick up the pen and write down what you want directly on the holy monument. Just say it."

"Also, what are you going to use to carry your words? If you become a saint in the future, the vessel that carries your words will be your sacred vessel."

"An instrument that carries the words?"

Ji Chen was confused. He really didn't know that Liyan still needed something to carry it?

"you do not know?"

Xia Ziran was very surprised. He was about to make a statement, but he didn't even know what he needed to carry.

Ji Chen explained: "No one told me that Li Yan needs utensils to carry it."

"What did your husband teach you?"

Xia Ziran was a little puzzled that such an important matter was not informed. After all, these were just basic things.

Ji Chen said: "Sir, maybe you didn't expect me to make a statement so early!"

Xia Ziran did not continue to ask, but patiently explained:

"Making a promise is equivalent to an oath. Once you make a promise, you cannot break it in this life. The words you make need to be carried by an object. It can be the Four Treasures of the Study or other objects. But most people choose the Four Treasures of the Study to make a statement. For example, this holy stele is where Wen Sheng made the statement. The utensils, such as the pen, are the utensils used by the previous dean."

Ji Chen thought for a while and said, "Can I do it myself?"

"Yourself?" Xia Ziran was a little confused, thinking that he heard wrongly.

Ji Chen nodded, "Since Liyan follows his true heart and unites knowledge and action, then I will use my own body to carry Liyan. In this way, I can always remind myself to unite knowledge and action."

Xia Ziran's eyes widened and he was shocked. He used his body to speak out, always alerting himself to the unity of knowledge and action.

At this moment, he finally understood the gap between himself and Ji Chen.

The two people's realms are not on the same level at all.

Xia Ziran said: "I don't know if it's possible, but using one's own body to carry the words is unprecedented."

"But I want to try!"

Ji Chen's choice to carry Li Yan with his body was not impulsive, although he did not know that he needed to carry objects.

As he refines his Qi every day, cleanses his body with the true fire of the sun, and perfects the foundation of the Dragon Subduing Technique, his own physical strength is comparable to that of a weapon.

So Ji Chen had a crazy idea in his mind. He wanted to try becoming a saint in the flesh.

Since the utensils of Liyan have become sacred vessels, can the physical body become the holy body?

Ji Chen walked towards the holy monument. He had already thought about what words he wanted to make.

When the surrounding students saw someone approaching the holy monument, they knew they wanted to make a speech.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, wanting to see if he could succeed in his words. At the same time, I am also very curious about what exactly he wants to establish.

Ji Chen walked up to the holy monument, calmed down, picked up a pen, and started writing on the holy monument.

As he picked up the pen, the handwriting fell on the holy tablet.

This life is an accident. I was born into an Orion family. There was nothing unusual when I landed. I am not from a scholarly family, nor is I a poor scholar. I rely solely on my father’s hunting to make a living. I have survived until now and benefited from my father’s love. Only then can we curl up in the world of mortals. It took ten years to build a literary palace in a cold window, but it has been wandering for half a year and now it is established. I am a guest in the mortal world, and I have no intention of being the king of the world. I just want everything to be as it is, with green grass and clear water, with filial piety for my children, for my wife to be married to a good daughter, and for those who died fighting for the country to be buried with splendor. Read Those who are poets and calligraphers should put the books they read to use. Those who pay wages to others will not freeze to death in the wind and snow, and those who are brave enough to pioneer will not be trapped in thorns. When the candle of justice lasts forever, and the evil of darkness retreats, what I wish for in this life is enough!

————Ji Beigui

Everyone around the holy monument was looking at Ji Chen.

When he wrote the first word, everyone was exclaimed, "What a beautiful font!"

However, when the last word was written, the holy monument suddenly burst out with bright light, reaching into the sky, and the rays of light like a tsunami submerged the entire back mountain.

In an instant, the entire Liangzhou Academy turned into a sea of ​​red clouds, and the endless awe-inspiring aura submerged Liangzhou Academy.

In the aura of greatness, there is also a golden light that shoots straight into the sky.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

"This is the aura of vastness like the sea!"

"Oh my god, what happened?"

Everyone near the holy monument was stunned. Just saying something actually caused such a big noise.

It is not that no one has claimed that there have been visions before, but this is the first time that Ji Chen has seen something as earth-shattering as this.

Xia Ziran opened his mouth wide and looked at this shocking sight in shock, his whole body was numb.

This movement is too big!

In the academy, all the students and masters all looked in the direction of the holy monument on the back mountain.

"what happened?"

"'How could there be such a terrifying wave of Haoran's righteousness that submerged the entire academy."

The vision not only alarmed the entire Liangzhou City, but could even be seen thousands of miles away.

Some sect monsters were discovered immediately.

"This is the Holy Body of Confucianism and Taoism!"

"Oh my god, the innate Tao body!"

"The martial arts hegemonic body is actually the martial arts hegemonic body!"

"That's the direction of Liangzhou City. Get ready quickly and go to Liangzhou City to rob people."

In the academy, after careful observation, everyone found that someone was making a speech, so they immediately rushed to the holy monument.

Dean Yao was the first to arrive at the holy monument. He took a step forward and came to the holy monument. He looked at Ji Chen in shock.

On the holy stele, the words written by Ji Chen emitted thousands of rays of light, causing the entire holy stele to erupt with bright and awe-inspiring righteousness.

The terrifying Haoran righteousness spread within three thousand miles, making all the demons tremble.

This is Holy Power.

Ji Chen's body also emitted a bright light, soaring into the sky.

He originally wanted to suppress it, not wanting to make such a big noise, but found that he couldn't suppress it at all. His whole body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth, and the endless awe-inspiring energy fell from the sky, drowning him in the awe-inspiring righteousness. It was also mixed with a golden light.

Ji Chen's literary palace has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The words he wrote appeared in his literary palace, and every word exuded bright holy light.

He uses his body as a vessel to carry his words, and at this moment he is about to receive the baptism of Haoran's righteousness.

ps: I originally wanted to adjust the tight plot of killing people all the time, so I wrote this pretentious plot. As a result, no one liked it. Maybe I was a little too excited by what I wrote. If you feel that it is really toxic, you can skip it directly. For the next few chapters, it won’t hurt if you skip to Chapter 120 and read again. This is just a pretentious plot. Even if you skip reading, it will not affect the subsequent reading experience.

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