The number one boss of Liangzhou Town Yaosi, Xu Yuanzhen, the governor of Beizhen.

There are five courtyards in Liangzhou Town Yaosi, representing the five general banners.

The compound where Xie Anbing is located is the North Courtyard, which governs the north of Liangzhou Prefecture, including Ji Chen's hometown Fenglin Town and the frontier fortress.

Ji Chen returned home and waited for the decision of the Demon Suppressing Division, including his merits, which could not be evaluated until the Demon Suppressing Envoy made a decision.

The credit this time should be considerable.

Returning to the small courtyard of the Zhao Mansion, after being away for more than ten days, Ji Chen felt like he was in another world. Now that he stepped into the courtyard, he actually felt like home.

"Brother Beigui is back!"

Zhao Pan had already prepared a table of food and wine to greet Ji Chen.

"Congratulations to Brother Beigui for completing the mission and returning safely."

The two raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Every time a member of the Demon Suppression Department goes on a mission, there is no guarantee that anyone will come back alive.

So as long as you come back alive, you have made money.

Zhao Pan didn't inquire about the details of this mission. Ji Chen said what he could tell, and inquired about what he couldn't.

At this moment, a figure came across the sky and landed on the roof.

"How can I be missing such beautiful scenery?"

This person was Xia Ziran. After returning to the academy, he felt bored, so he came out and planned to invite Ji Chen to go out to listen to music, but he happened to meet Ji Chen and Zhao Pan having a drink together.

Ji Chen waved his hand, "It's better to be in time than in the morning. I'm just in time. Brother Wen Zhong, why don't you come down and have a drink together."

"It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

Xia Ziran was not polite and flew into the courtyard.

Since he had already changed into the student uniform of Liangzhou Academy, Zhao Pan recognized him as a member of the academy at a glance and quickly brought a stool and asked him to sit down.

The people in the academy were arrogant and naturally superior to others, and Zhao Pan did not dare to neglect them.

"Let me introduce you. This is a student from the academy, Xia Ziran, whose nickname is Wenzhong."

"Wen Zhong, Xia Wenzhong, a student of the academy dean?"

Zhao Pan was very surprised. He did not expect that this young man was Xia Wenzhong, a student of Yao Changxiang, a great scholar in the academy.

Yao Daru accepted more than ten students, and Xia Wenzhong was one of the best. He had already established himself as a Confucian scholar before he was even ten years old. He was famous throughout Liangzhou Academy and was known as the proud student of Liangzhou Academy.

After Ji Chen heard Zhao Pan's introduction, he couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that this guy had such a big background. No wonder he would launch such a powerful campaign against him, and break the common sense and become the king of close combat in Confucianism and Taoism.

"A false name, it is nothing compared to Brother Beigui."

Xia Ziran is used to hearing too much flattery and has long been used to it.

"Excuse me, this is my colleague and landlord, Zhao Pan." Ji Chen introduced.

"Jiu Yang!" Xia Ziran took the initiative to clasp his fists.

If it weren't for Ji Chen, he wouldn't have said hello to Zhao Pan given his personality.

Zhao Pan quickly returned the courtesy, "Nice to meet you!"

"Didn't you go back to the academy? Why did you come out again?" Ji Chen asked curiously.

"I was bored in the college, so I thought of going out to listen to music with Brother Beigui. But since we have wine now, let's drink first, and then go and listen to music after three rounds."

The three of them sat in the courtyard drinking together and chatting about various experiences.

Xia Ziran is knowledgeable about the past and the present, and the export is a complete chapter.

Ji Chen occasionally interjected, always on the right ideas, making Xia naturally curious.

"What is this chicken essence that Brother Beigui is talking about? I have read ancient and modern classics and historical records, but why have I never heard of it?"

"It is a kind of condiment. It is very magical. It is made by extracting the essence from rice, salt, sugar, chicken and other items. With it, any ingredient can be delicious and juicy just by adding a little."

"Extract essence from many items to refine and do alchemy. Brother Beigui knows how to do alchemy?"

"Well, I saw people practicing it. In the wilderness village near the border, there were occasionally strange people and strangers. That year, when I was ten years old, I met a scholar. I saw him practicing it and eating it. The taste was endless and I will never forget it."

Ji Chen could only excuse himself by encountering an alchemist by chance. According to Ji Chen's understanding, alchemy is similar to experiments conducted by scientists in previous lives. It is just more metaphysical and magical than science, and involves a wider scope, from civilian to military, from the starry sky to the underground. It's all covered.

The end of science is actually theology, but there is no distinction in this world from the beginning.

"When you are free another day, Brother Beigui must refine this chicken essence for me to try. Then I will introduce you to some alchemists."

"I'll definitely do it when I have time!" Ji Chen said casually.

The moon is high in the sky, and endless silver light falls on the earth.

Ji Chen looked at the moon. The full moon was hanging in the sky. There were no stars around, only the loneliness and coldness accompanying him. It's so similar to my current situation. When I traveled through time, my only family was shattered, and I was left alone. The knife was my only companion.

For a moment, Ji Chen was filled with emotions, so he raised his wine glass and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

“A jug of wine among the flowers”

"Drinking alone without a blind date"

"Raise your glass to the bright moon"

"Looking at each other as three people"

As soon as he finished speaking, the vision in the sky changed, thunder exploded out of thin air, and awe-inspiring energy rolled above the cloud tops.

Such a vision made Xia Ziran sober. He was intoxicated in Ji Chen's poems, but was awakened by the vision of heaven and earth. He looked at Ji Chen and the vision in the sky in shock.

A poem actually resonated with heaven and earth, was recognized by heaven and earth, and caused a vision to come from heaven.

A wisp of awe-inspiring energy fell from the sky and entered Ji Chen's body.

In an instant, the vast ocean inside Ji Chen's body surged and grew many times larger. The energy inside was rolling and surging.

At this moment, Xia Ziran was shocked. How difficult it was to write a poem to resonate with the world. It was tantamount to enlightenment and epiphany.

There are only two ways to improve Confucianism and Taoism. One is to read, cultivate one's moral character, and cultivate one's righteousness. This is also the method of cultivation for most students.

The second is to write a poem or an article like Ji Chen, which will be recognized by heaven and earth, trigger resonance from heaven and earth, and bring awe-inspiring aura from heaven.

Xia Ziran didn't know what to say anymore. He had only known Ji Chen for a short time, but his proud heart was hit over and over again.

The strange phenomenon in the sky naturally alarmed the big guys in Liangzhou City.

The first was the academy. The masters and great scholars noticed it immediately, and they all ran out of the house and looked at the tumbling Haoran Zhengqi in the sky in shock.

The sky is clear, but the aura of awe is surging on the top of the clouds.

"This is because someone has written an eternal article or poem, and it has been recognized by Confucian sages."

In ancient times, Confucian saints died, their talents disappeared and returned to heaven and earth, and their will transformed into Tao, eliminating the gap between heaven and earth.

If someone writes an eternal article or poem and is approved by the will of the Confucian sage, it can cause visions in heaven and earth.

All the big guys in Liangzhou City looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky, guessing who had written the eternal articles or poems.

In the yamen of the state government, the governor looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

"Is it that guy from the academy? Looking at the entire Liangzhou Mansion, he is the only one who can write poems that resonate with the world."

Similarly, deep in the academy, Academy Dean Yao Changxiang looked at the sky, guessing which great scholar came to Liangzhou and composed this poem that resonated throughout the country.

At this moment, an aura of awe fell from the sky and fell somewhere in the city.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused there.

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