I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 103 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

At this moment, someone in the crowd rose into the sky.

There is an innate master hiding among them, and he wants to run away when things are exposed.

Ji Chen took one step forward and slashed across the air with his sword, slashing towards the innate master who soared into the sky.


Blood spread across the sky, and the innate master's body was split in half and fell into the crowd, causing a panic.

[Killing points +2000]

Immediately afterwards, several more innate masters rose into the sky and tried to escape, but Ji Chen caught up with them and killed them in the air.

The long street was silent and silent.

The head master quickly caught all the instigators in the crowd.

There are sixty-three in total, most of them are scholars, down-and-out scholars, storytellers, and some gangsters.

When these sixty people were arrested, their expressions suddenly changed, and they secretly thought it was not good.

They never thought that these people had such sharp eyesight and could find them among so many people.

Ji Chen stared at these people and said coldly: "You were the ones who were instigating just now."

"Whatever the provocation is, what we say is the truth."

"It's wrong to speak out for justice. It's a joke."

It was two gangsters who spoke, and even though they were caught, they still spoke harshly.

As long as you refuse to admit it, you can do anything to me.

Ji Chen raised his hand and waved the knife.


Two heads flew up, and two headless corpses collapsed.

There is obviously something wrong with these two people. They have been found out and still dare to speak harshly. They have either been completely brainwashed or they have been raised to death.

Many big forces like to raise Deadpool and specialize in doing some shady things.

As these two people were killed, the bodies of the remaining people were shaking slightly, their faces turned pale, they were scared and stiff. There was still a trace of luck in his heart, and relying on his status as a scholar, he bet that Ji Chen would not dare to be a scholar with so many people killing him.

Even though Ji Chen had just killed several innate masters in the air, even though he had just killed two gangsters, these scholars still looked as if they were dead.

In Daxia, scholars think highly of themselves, and even those high-ranking practitioners are not looked down upon by them.

How can a vulgar martial artist be compared with a scholar like us?

Some people wanted to continue to argue and rebuke Ji Chen, but Ji Chen didn't give him a chance.

He raised his hand and waved the knife, and a sword light suddenly lit up. More than a dozen heads rose into the sky, and corpses collapsed one after another.

Ji Chen showed no mercy at all. Since these people dared to make provocations, they must have reaped the benefits.

Now that you have become a bitch, you still want to build a memorial arch. How can it be such a good thing?

At this moment, everyone was stunned and looked at Ji Chen in horror. He actually dared to kill the scholar.

The remaining scholars turned pale and began to feel fear in their hearts.

At this moment, the sword light lit up again, and more than a dozen heads fell to the ground.

The remaining thirty or so scholars finally couldn't hold it any longer, and most of them knelt on the ground, and some even collapsed.

"Spare your life!"

"I was wrong!"

Ji Chen looked indifferent.

"You were so stubborn just now! Now I know you were wrong, it's too late!"

He showed no mercy, the light of the sword flashed like a cold moon, and heads rolled down one after another. The corpses lay horizontally, the heads rolled, and the blood flowed down the street.

The remaining people were desperate, and someone roared wildly: "Ji Chen, you are a devil, cruel and unkind, collusion between government and businessmen, driving up prices, and imposing excessive taxes. You will be punished by God."

"It's a pity that you can't see that scene!"

Ji Chen's cold voice sounded, and then, the sword flashed and the head rolled down.

The entire long street was deathly silent, and everyone was numb and feeling cold. No one dares to stir up trouble anymore. Everyone looked at Ji Chen with horror and fear in their eyes.

Most of them were incited to cause trouble. All of them had a herd mentality and believed that the law does not punish the public.

But now people are dead, more than sixty dead. All the people who were the main instigators were killed, and everyone's morale was instantly shattered.

The law does not blame everyone, but it can kill typical people.

This is the effect Ji Chen wants, to kill one person and serve as a warning to others. Establish an absolute authority and completely dispel the concept that the law does not blame everyone.

Of course, this is not enough. This is only the first step. Ji Chen's ultimate goal is to eradicate all the troublemakers hidden in the crowd. He first cuts off Jiang Zuozhi's minions so that Jiang Zuozhi will be exposed automatically.

Ji Chen scanned the crowd and his cold voice echoed throughout the street.

"A bunch of idiots, ignorant! They are self-righteous people who think that if they read a little bit of books, they can imitate famous officials and speak out their opinions. They think that if they speak righteously here today, they can gain a good reputation and spread their reputation far and wide."

"You are a stupid person. You don't know two Chinese characters. You still learn to give advice. You don't realize that you are being used as a weapon. You still think that you are outspoken. You have the ability to give advice to the devil to see if the devil will spoil you. What?"


Ji Chen turned on the group trolling mode, and when it came to trolling people, he never lost.

There was a scholar in the crowd who couldn't bear the scolding and asked: "Then why don't you kill the demons? The demons in Black Wind Village are causing trouble. As a small flag of the Demon Suppression Department, you don't get rid of them. Instead, you target people like Zhao Mansion in Qinghe County." A family of good people has wiped out the entire Zhao family, are you abusing your power and killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Who told you that I didn't go to Heifeng Village, and who told you that Zhao Mansion is a good person?"

Ji Chen asked rhetorically.

"Everyone is saying that this is already a well-known thing in Qinghe County."

"Everyone, who are you? Whose name is it? Who is talking about it? Where did you hear it?"

"People say that your grandfather is your father, you and your father are brothers, and your mother is both your mother and your sister-in-law. Do you believe it?"

The scholar whose face Ji Chen directly responded to with several questions turned red.

"You, you are talking nonsense."

The scholar suddenly became angry. Ji Chen's remarks simply overturned his world view as a scholar.

Can you say this kind of thing in front of so many people?

Ji Chen said, "You also know that this is nonsense. You just believe what others say. Have you investigated it? Do you have any evidence?"

Another voice appeared in the crowd, trying to confuse the audience.

"Putting aside everything else, isn't there anything wrong with you? They may be excited with their words, but they are also doing it for the sake of the people. If you kill people without asking the facts, is there really nothing wrong with you?"

This is a typical example of starting to reason when you can't beat someone, and starting to talk about character if you can't be beaten.

"Throw away your mother's facts, fuck!"

Ji Chen was really angry. As expected, he couldn't give face to these scholars.

I’m giving you face, and I’m getting more and more enthusiastic about it.

"Shouldn't they be killed? They should not be killed if they are a bunch of rebels who gathered to riot."

"A chivalrous man disrupts the law with martial arts, and a Confucian scholar disrupts the law with literature. I think you bunch of rebellious people will not shed tears until they see the coffin."

"President Xing will put all these gangs in jail and assign them to lowly status. I will personally write a letter and submit it to the prince."

As soon as Ji Chen said this, everyone changed their expressions, especially the scholars, who were not calm at all. Once they have prison experience, most of their future futures will be ruined.

If you become a lowly citizen, your life will be completely ruined. Your identity as a scholar will be automatically stripped away, and you will no longer be able to take exams. You will even be inferior to a beggar. Beggars at least have the status of a commoner.

The same was true for those common people. When they learned that they were going to be imprisoned, they couldn't sit still. Especially when they heard that they were going to change their nationality, their expressions changed.

A low profile, worse than a dog.

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