At this moment, Beiming Iron Pot, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Why not target Jiang Zuozhi directly from the beginning?"

He didn't quite understand. Ji Chen knew that there was something wrong with Jiang Zuozhi from the beginning. Even he could see that there was something wrong with Jiang Zuozhi, so why didn't he attack him directly from the beginning. But wait until after the riot before taking action.

If he had attacked Jiang Zuozhi directly from the beginning, there would not have been a series of troubles later.

Isn't this asking for trouble?

Ji Chen glanced at Beiming Iron Pot. He was indeed a scholar. His thinking was different from others, and he immediately saw the key.

"Tigers are easy to fight, but flies are hard to catch. Qinghe County is rotten from top to bottom. Otherwise, how could there be so many idiots jumping out? Since we want to take action, we must uproot these idiots."

"Jiang Zuozhi is the county king and is many levels older than me. If there is no conclusive evidence, even I would not be able to take action directly."

Recklessness and recklessness are two different things.

Only when they take the initiative to expose themselves can we quickly cut through the mess.

Bei Ming suddenly realized that Ji Chen was playing a big game of chess. No wonder he asked Ding You to send people to travel through various streets and alleys these days to collect various clues and intelligence. This is to catch everyone in one fell swoop.

The other leaders finally understood the reason why Ji Chen and Ding You were so mysterious these days.

Ji Chen took off his green shirt, revealing the black brocade robe underneath, the official robe of the Zhenhei Banner.

This time, he will appear as Xiaoqi of the Demon Suppressing Department.

Everyone was suddenly surprised, and they were so surprised that this guy kept wearing his official clothes.

This is the real night walk in brocade.

Ji Chen explained: "When investigating things, you can't understand the real truth by wearing official uniform."

This was the first time for everyone to see Ji Chen wearing official clothes, and the headmaster even reached out and touched him.

"This dress is not cheap. The fabric and workmanship are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"What do you think!" Beiming Iron Pot next to him said: "It can protect against poisonous fires and swords. Only people from the Demon Suppression Department have this kind of treatment, not even the Patrol Department."

"But the death rate of the Demon Suppression Department is also higher than that of the Patrol Department."

Murong Tiechui's words left everyone speechless.

Indeed, the death rate of the Demon Suppression Department is many times higher than that of the Patrol Department.

On the street, public anger became more and more fierce, especially Xing Gaoxi, who was scolded as a dog official. Even if he has a good personality, he can't help but feel a little angry.

Kind words and advice were met with insults in return. His expression darkened and he scolded loudly.


"You know, your behavior is illegal!"

"We don't know what the law is. We only know that Ji Chen is not a son of man. Our actions today are just to seek justice."

Someone in the crowd said coldly.

"Justice, whose justice is sought for whom."

Xing Gaoxi frowned and asked, looking around the crowd. He knew that there were many malicious intentions hidden here, deliberately stirring up trouble, and he wanted to find out.

But there were too many people, and it was difficult to find these people saying random things here and there.

"I'm going to fight for the hundreds of dead souls in the Zhao Mansion, I'm going to fight for the innocent souls who died at the hands of Ji Chen, and I'm going to fight for the tens of thousands of people in Qinghe County."

"Ji Chen, as the bannerman of the Demon Suppression Department, keeps the demons in Black Wind Village alive and allows them to poison the people and bring disaster to Qinghe County."

"He neglected his duties, clashed with the previous flag officer, killed the flag officer, framed the Zhao family, and destroyed the whole family of the Zhao family. He was so ambitious and wanted to be the son of a man."

"We suspect that he did this deliberately to cause panic in Qinghe County, and then colluded with the Chamber of Commerce to drive up prices, corrupt the law and make money wantonly."

"We even suspect that Ji Chen has a bigger conspiracy. If Ji Chen doesn't come out and give an explanation today, and confront him face to face, we will never leave."

"That's right, let him get out, we will eliminate harm for the common people."

In the crowd, everyone was talking, distorting facts and forcibly slandering.

But I have to say that these people are really good at picking things up. In just a few words, they cleansed the Zhao family and made them look innocent. However, Ji Chen became derelict in his duties, corrupted the law, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. He successfully put Ji Chen on the opposite side of everyone and aroused hatred and contradiction.

The person who wronged you knows your injustice better than you. When everyone thinks you are guilty, you are really guilty.


Xing Gaoxi shouted angrily, "When you speak, you must provide evidence, and you can't just talk nonsense!"

"Evidence, the so-called evidence is that your officials protect each other."

In the crowd, someone shouted loudly.

However, at this moment, Ji Chen appeared, leading several bosses and several police officers over with murderous intent.

Seeing Ji Chen appear, Xing Gaoxi's expression changed slightly. He knew something bad was coming.

Ji Chen came over and stood in front of everyone. His fierce eyes glanced back and forth at all the marchers, and he sprayed out cold arrogance with the smell of blood. One second he was a meek young man, and the next moment he transformed into the Shura God of Killing, with arrogance. Cover the whole place.

The originally excited crowd suddenly became quiet. Many people's faces turned pale and they felt inexplicably timid.

Especially the person who faced Ji Chen directly at the front felt inexplicable fear in his heart.

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

Ji Chen's reputation as the God of Killing was there, and he overwhelmed the entire audience just by appearing on the scene.

"Don't mess around!"

Xing Gaoxi mentioned something from the side.

These are common people, not practitioners. He was afraid that Ji Chen would draw a sword and kill someone if he disagreed with him.

Ji ignored Xing Gaoxi and looked around at everyone.

"Whoever takes the lead in making trouble should stand up!"

His tone was cold, he opened his mouth with questions, and with one sentence he turned the tables and turned the parade into a riot. After all, the two are very different in nature.

"Lord Ji!"

A down-and-out scholar stood up. At this time, he chose to be brave. Firstly, the person behind him gave him a generous reward; secondly, he wanted to gain a reputation for being outspoken and not afraid of the government; thirdly, he was a scholar, and scholars have special privileges, and they are not allowed to use torture even when handling cases and interrogations.

That's why he was the first to stand up at the cusp of the storm, choosing to take action and gain a reputation as one who dares to be the first in the world.

"We came here today not to cause trouble, but to seek justice. The world is as big as the word "reason". Reason can travel all over the world, even if the Holy Emperor comes in person. But Mr. Ji, holding a murder weapon in his hand, colludes with others Practitioners, what’s the purpose of stopping here? Do you want to imprison righteous people like us?”

Ji Chen's eyes flashed coldly, "So, you are their representative?"

"What I represent is public opinion, justice, truth, and..."

Ji Chen looked around and saw a riding crop in Jiang Zuozhi's hand. He grabbed it and whipped it out.


The whip struck the scholar on the face and then swept off his chest.

Ji Chen's strength was so great that he slapped Xiu's face until the skin was torn apart. Half of the flesh on his face exploded. The clothes on his chest exploded, revealing a blood groove as wide as a thumb, and blood gushed out instantly.

The scholar couldn't bear the severe pain and fell directly to the ground. The bone-piercing pain made him roar violently.


The pitiful roar, like a slaughtered pig, resounded throughout the street.

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