The second master looked at Ji Chen in the sky above Zhao Mansion and the burning Zhao Mansion in surprise.

"Taofa, the fifth master actually practiced Taoism with him."

The head master next to him also sighed: "Martial arts, Confucianism, Taoism, three methods are practiced together, and the fifth brother's qualifications are outstanding."

"That's not Taoism!"

The Third Master on the side spoke, she was a Taoist, and no one present knew Taoism better than her.

"If it's not Taoism, what is it?"

Everyone was confused. In their opinion, Ji Chen was casting Taoist magic.

"His method should be the Qi Refining Method, also called the Qi-Refining Method. It is an ancient cultivation method, also called the Ancient Qi Refining Method. All kinds of Taoist methods nowadays, including martial arts, and even your Mohist family, are all derived from the ancient Qi Refining Method. It evolved out of it.”

The leader was surprised, "An ancient qi refining method, an ancient method that has been eliminated?"

It is common knowledge among all practitioners that the modern method is stronger than the ancient method. The method is constantly evolving, getting stronger and more perfect as it evolves, so the current method must be stronger than the ancient method.


Murong Tiechui said that she did not agree with the big boss's statement, although this statement is common knowledge today.

"The law has evolved so far, and although it has become more and more perfect, the modern law has the advantages of the current law, and the ancient law has the power of the ancient law. There is one law for each era. The modern law is suitable for today's people, the ancient law is suitable for the ancients, and the modern law is more detailed and divided. It has developed more detailed levels of cultivation, developed methods suitable for various physiques and attributes, and has even evolved into major factions such as Taoism, Martial Arts, and Confucianism. But this does not negate the advantages and benefits of ancient methods."

"The method of the Five Masters is an ancient Qi refining method that has almost disappeared in the long river of history. I also saw it in the master's classics, and then I understood it. This method is like a general outline, It is the origin of all laws, and there is no detailed division, but it is very tolerant and malleable, and you can evolve a law that suits you according to your own physique."

Everyone suddenly realized that Murong Tiechui's explanation gave them a deeper understanding of ancient and modern methods.

The modern method is no worse than the ancient method. The modern method was evolved step by step by many predecessors who paid countless sacrifices and overcame obstacles. There is already a road paved by the predecessors. The future generations only need to choose the one that suits them and follow the path opened by the predecessors. If you keep moving forward, you will soon catch up with your predecessors, or even surpass them, and continue to overcome obstacles. "

As for Ji Chen's method, you need to start from scratch. Not to mention how difficult it is to overcome thorns and thorns, how can you ensure that the path you create alone is stronger than the path opened by many sages working together.

This is a drawback.

But the advantage is that if you have great perseverance and can carve out a path that suits you, it will be the most perfect path.

In fact, no matter whether it is a modern method or an ancient method, there is no most powerful method, only the method that is most suitable for you.

The method that suits you best is the most powerful method.

Everyone had a moment of enlightenment and a feeling of enlightenment.

Especially the fourth master, Beiming Iron Pot, felt the deepest. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Communicating with others is also a kind of practice. This is also the reason why he went out to walk. There are some things that he can acquire by himself, which is far more valuable than what his teacher taught him. There is a deep meaning.

The fire burned more and more fiercely, lighting up half the sky. This was the second fire in Qinghe County. A faint panic spread invisibly in Qinghe County.

Ji Chen's move was to eliminate the corpses in the courtyard and also to burn the snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

With so much blood and corpses, coupled with the accumulation of resentment, evil will easily breed.

But his move frightened those watching the battle from a distance.

Not only did they kill people, they also set fire to other people's yards.

This is too cruel, it is simply leaving no one behind.

An invisible panic spread quietly in Qinghe County, like a large invisible net, quietly opening.

Ji Chen stepped forward and came across the sky to meet up with several leaders.

The head of the family, Nangong Tiejian, was the first to speak: "The matter in the Zhao family has been settled, what are your plans next?"

Ji Chen sighed slightly, "It's not over yet!"

Everyone was suddenly confused.

Ji Chen explained: "For me, it's not over yet, there are still many aftermaths to deal with."

There is one of the biggest behind-the-scenes people who has not been dealt with, Jiang Zuozhi, the county king of Qinghe County.

At this time, Beiming Iron Pot spoke, "Do you need our help?"

There was a reason why he took the initiative to speak. He also had doubts. If a county could allow a family to dominate the world with one hand, wouldn't the county ruler have any responsibility?

So he suspected that there was something wrong with the county king.

The Lord of Qinghe County was born in a Confucian sect and is from the same sect as him. If there is really a problem, as a member of the Confucian sect, he has the responsibility to clean up the sect.

Ji Chen said: "It's okay. If the leaders are not in a hurry, they can stay in the county for a while. Everyone can also communicate with each other and reflect on what they have learned."

Ji Chen clearly heard what Murong Tiechui said just now, and he also understood it.

He has shortcomings in Confucianism and Taoism. Among these leaders, there is a Confucianist, a Taoist, a Mohist, and even a body-trainer, so they can just ask for advice and exchange.

"That's exactly what I meant!"

The boss, Nangong Tiejian, nodded in agreement.

After the exchange just now, hearing Murong Tiechui's understanding of the Dharma left him unsatisfied. Ji Chen's words were exactly what he wanted.

The other people had no objections, so they decided to stay in Qinghe County temporarily, discuss things with each other, and see if they could help Ji Chen.

The battle in the Zhao Mansion brought them closer to each other.

The fire in Zhao Mansion burned for a whole day before it was extinguished, and the entire mansion was reduced to ashes.

The scope of the Zhao Mansion's involvement is very broad, not only involving Qinghe County and the surrounding cultivation circles, but also the market and chamber of commerce in Qinghe County are controlled by the Zhao Mansion.

With the fall of the Zhao Mansion, the market in QH County was turbulent, prices began to skyrocket, and public dissatisfaction arose.

With the thirty-three taels of silver policy, the people were already struggling to survive on food and clothing. The market turmoil directly affected their livelihoods, and naturally the people were dissatisfied and turbulent.

However, Ji Chen was keenly aware that someone was manipulating all this behind the scenes, driving up prices and inciting public dissatisfaction. It seemed like there was a big net being opened towards him.

His first suspect was Jiang Zuozhi.

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye. The turmoil in Qinghe County has become more and more serious, and public dissatisfaction abounds.

There is a panic among the people. There are rumors among the people that Xiaoqi Jichen, the Demon Suppressor, takes advantage of his identity to kill innocent people, run rampant and eradicate dissidents.

There have even been many voices targeting Ji Chen.

"Let Ji Chen come out and die!"

"This devil kills innocent people indiscriminately and deserves to be punished by God!"

"Ji Chen Gong avenged himself and killed Fairy Guangling. He should commit suicide to apologize."

"Ji Chen deserves to die. As Xiaoqi of the Demon Suppression Department, he didn't go to exterminate the demons of Black Wind Village in Weiwei Huaxiang, but he brutally destroyed the whole family of the good Zhao family. This kind of indiscriminate killing of innocent people should be punished by the world. "

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