I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 685: Authentic vassal

As the warden of Dian Prison Mountain, Qing Hexian was not ignorant of the law.

However, it is still somewhat difficult to repair the formation laid by the formation king.

Although the formation king just waved his hands into formations, how could ordinary immortals understand his formation?

It is Qinghexian who also loses, otherwise others will definitely be helpless!

As time passed, the gap in the formation was slowly repaired by Qinghexian, and the formation gradually became one.

The empress smiled even more.

When the last small hole was about to be repaired, the voice of the empress came out.

"The emperor tells you that if there is something strange in this formation, the emperor will kill a woman. If there is a gap, the emperor will kill two people directly! So, you should guard here well, hope there will be no Others come and destroy it, hahaha!"

As the empress arrogantly claimed to be the emperor, the laughter stopped abruptly as the formation was restored.

Qing Hexian stared straight at the place just repaired, and thought to himself: "It seems that if you want to understand this formation silently, you can only go to the formation king! But the formation king is again Where is it?"

Because she was sure that the Formation King and the Thunder King were separated, even if she knew that the Thunder King and Jiang Ao had entered the Chaos Secret Realm, she couldn't find it.

She can open the entrance of the Chaos Secret Realm.

But this is not the opening time, so the cost is quite high.

But right now, there is no way...

Thinking of this, Qing Hexian was very entangled, and finally decided to go to Jiang Ao!

"Hope, no one will bother you here!"

After Qing Hexian sighed a few secretly, he took out countless fairy crystals from his body.

Mostly above the mid-range.

But there are some superb fairy crystals.

She wants to line up!

That's right, it is necessary to lay a large defensive formation outside the formation of the formation king.

So that people cannot directly touch the formation inside.

If it caused a misunderstanding by the emperor and others, it would be dangerous.

Qing Hexian acted immediately and proceeded step by step.

It took a full day and night to set up the formation.

And he was also exhausted and limp to the ground.

Arranging an array is a tiring task, especially for a large array, which requires the entire array of the formation king to be included, which consumes a lot of money.

"Finally, it's finished, now go to Jiang Ao!"

She dragged her tired body and flew towards the sky.

The purpose is to return to Dianhe Mountain!

at this time. In the Secret Realm of Chaos, Jiang Ao and the Thunder King did everything, and after confining the magic soldiers in them, they continued to walk on the prison star.

The immortal world is in chaos, and they don't want any accidents here.

Because there are still many evil immortals who have been locked up here, if a character like Tianxiexianjun appears to escape from here, then the immortal world will once again set off a **** storm!

When there are no worries here, they will kill the Chaos Hall and kill the Lord of Chaos!

The two sides have no enmity.

But the Lord of Chaos wanted to take away Jiang Ao's One Hundred Thousand Heavens Taoism, and even instigated the formation king.

Jiang Ao didn't have the heart to kill the king.

But Jin Wang was held hostage because of his family, and there was no way at all.

After walking on the prison star and making sure that all the prison formations were not accidental, Jiang Aocai, led by Kong, walked into another prison formation.

This formation is the gathering place of all the space monster races.

"Come here all and meet the master!"

The air was majestic and prestigious, and said to his people.

The monster races looked at the human race in front of them, and couldn't feel anything strange about him.

Obviously only the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, but became the master of his own Demon King Patriarch.

Therefore, even though they have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, they have to follow the patriarch's words!

Jiang Ao also looked at these monster races curiously.

The strength is really weak.

However, since Sora obeyed his orders, and Sora was loyal to himself, then these monster races were equivalent to being his own.

"It's okay, they may have just come to Immortal Realm, and they are not used to it."

Jiang Ao laughed, then waved his hand!

Countless space stones suddenly covered the entire space in front of you!

Feeling the power of the huge space, the faces of all the space monster races suddenly changed!

Although there was a little greed in his eyes, none of the demon race made any untimely actions.

"Master, this..."

Although empty has already been prepared.

But seeing Jiang Yan and his people being so generous when they first met, I couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

You know, he was seriously injured, hundreds of space stones are enough.

And here, there are tens of thousands of space stones!

This is enough for his elders to also cultivate to the realm of the Demon King.

"It's okay, your people are my people! As long as you are loyal to me, these are all things outside of your body!"

Jiang Ao has the skills of the Heavenly Ghost Master, the more things he swallows, the more points he will earn.

Therefore, the space stone is only, he can copy almost infinitely.

"Thank you, Master!"

Sora was so touched that he knelt down, and then fell to the ground.

Hearing Kong's big thank you, all the clansmen also recovered from their shock.

Then, the same fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Master!"

It's not that they are greedy.

Rather, they have seen only a dozen space stones combined with so many people, but now they have a huge number.

How can I keep them from being shocked?

The patriarch was right.

As long as they come to the fairy world, their demon clan can grow!

As long as it grows, the ethnic group can continue.

So, what is the difference between the fairy world and the demon world?

"It's okay, you just practice hard!"

Jiang Ao said with a smile, and at the same time decided in his heart that after the Lord of Chaos was killed, the Chaos World was quite suitable for these monster races to survive.

After all, there are no immortals here, and even if there are, they can only come in once in a hundred years.

And Xianjun level cannot enter.

As long as there is a demon king here, what about those Luotian immortals?

"Thank you Master, I will definitely live up to my master's expectations!"

The great elder finally put aside all prejudices, and fell to the ground.


The number of space stones has long surpassed his imagination.

Because the demon world is too poor.

Otherwise, those monster races would not try their best to unite the Demon Realm to attack.

Jiang Ao nodded, and said to Kong: "Let's go, they should have no problem here, do you still need a space stone? We are about to fight."

Hearing this, Kong's expression also became colder, and said: "Master, I am in a poor state now, because the demon veins have just been broken and only recovered. Maybe..."

Jiang Ao pondered for a moment, and said, "If this is the case, then we will repair here for a few days, and when you are completely recovered, we will kill the Chaos Hall!"

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