I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 624: You killed me and let go of my people!

"You...who are you!"

The black-robed fairy was inexplicably horrified, feeling weak and unable to move at all.

He never thought that he would have such a day!

I thought that he had controlled a fairy monarch and was hiding beside him so that he would not be discovered by outsiders.

But now it's under the soles of the feet!

"Who am I?" Jiang Ao sneered, and said: "You are not qualified to know who I am. You only need to know that you can split your fairy soul with one thought!"

As soon as this remark came out, the black robe evil immortal suddenly came across!

That's right, isn't the evil spirit in his body destroyed by this person?

Just as he was surprised, Jiang Ao exerted his feet slightly.

"call out!"

A touch of supernatural power exploded from the soles of his feet, and then his black robe was torn apart, revealing his haggard face in the hall!


An evil spirit that is as if there is no such thing is scattered!

It turned out that he didn't reveal any evil spirits. In addition to his own immortal concealment, this black robe also played a great role!

"Evil fairy, it turned out to be an evil fairy!"

All the gods of Luo Tian, ​​who were present, exclaimed!

I thought that the black robe immortal was at best just a strange immortal.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an evil fairy!

At this time, everyone's eyes cast at Jiang Ao, and suddenly there was a slight change!

Actually, with a big Luojin fairyland, he could see through an evil immortal that neither of them Xianjun and Luo Tianshang could see through!

This is simply too powerful!

"Damn, damn! You obviously only have one big Luo Jinxian! Impossible, impossible!"

The black robe evil fairy yelled frantically, but soon he laughed again!

"Jie Jie Jie," the voice was extremely cold, and his face showed a mortal heart, "Even if you can hold me alone, what if there are dozens of people? I don't believe it anymore, someone can ruin my teaching ability. !"

"You really are from that evil immortal church!" Jiang Ao squinted his eyes, apparently knowing that this evil immortal would not tell him if he was sitting in the imperial palace, but whether it was the evil immortal monarch.

Since you don't tell me, there are so many evil immortals behind, there will always be one who is afraid of death!

"You want to die, but I just can't fulfill you! Go and stay with that surname Shang!"

Jiang Ao shouted sharply, pressing his feet again.

This time.

The black robe immortal's bones were shattered, and without the immortal power, even if Jiang Ao didn't step on him, he would not be able to move and make any movements!

"Hahaha, I teach powerful and unify the immortal world! By then, you stubborn immortals will all be enslaved by my teaching!"

The black robe fairy laughed wildly and didn't care about his situation!

Jiang Ao retracted his foot, waved his big hand, and after the next breath, he had already appeared in his body!

The first world, the sea of ​​chaos!

Nangong Yi suddenly opened his eyes again. In front of his eyes, there was an expressionless Shang Jianjun.

And Jiang Ao had also appeared in front of him with the black robe evil fairy.


Nangong Yi quickly stood up and said.

"Bring me another one? What are you doing now?"

Nangong Yi has become immortal, and Jiang Ao can feel the realm of the two obviously low.

But it seemed that Luo Tianshang was controlled by Jiang Ao.

"You don't have to worry about what I do, just help me look after them! These evil immortals, if you want to mess with the immortal world, I must get rid of them one by one!"

Nangong Yi shook his head, unable to see what he was thinking.

But Jiang Ao knew that it was impossible for Nangong Yi to betray him.

He was injured because of an emperor son of Emperor Ximen.

But now, the immortal Emperor Ximen is dead, avenging him.

Most importantly, he is also Nangong Mingyang's brother.

It's just that Jiang Ao didn't point it out, and Nangongyi didn't know that Jiang Ao and Nangong Mingyang were in two places long ago.

"Master, don't worry. If the powerful immortal is here, I have nothing to do. It is a pity that the two are not as powerful as my evil immortal, so they are nothing!"

In this regard, Nangong Yi is extremely confident.

"Well, I may have a batch of evil immortals here at that time. You can take care of it. When this happens, the immortal world is peaceful, you can come out!"

Jiang Ao laughed, his figure flashed, and he returned to the front of Wutian Xianjun.

at this time.

Everyone looked at Jiang Ao with dreadful eyes.

No one dared to speak, the needle in the hall could be heard.

"Are you a member of the Forgotten Clan?"

Suddenly, Jiang Ao faded out.

But Wutian Xianjun was shocked.

"I am a member of the Forgotten Clan. If you want to kill me and take away the things from me, kill me. I think I am not your opponent! But, I also ask you to let my people go!"

Wutianxianjun was also a bachelor, thinking that Jiang Ao came for him, but just killed a few evil immortals.

The evil immortal is in the immortal realm, and everyone is punishable by it.

But they have forgotten a family, but they have a treasure.

The flesh and bones of every tribe can refine magic weapons.

Ordinary immortals don't know.

But immortals with great supernatural powers and high realms know it.

Therefore, Wu Tian Xianjun thought that Jiang Ao came for himself!

"Kill you? What did I kill you for?"

Jiang Ao froze for a moment, then laughed, and said, "I don't know that you belong to the Forgotten Clan. Even if I know it, I won't kill you. I have been in the Lower Realm. I have been blessed by the Forgotten Clan. I promised them if they were in the Immortal Realm. If you encounter it, you will caress it. But I didn't expect that your forgotten clan would hide under the hands of Emperor Ximen."

Hearing this, Wutianxianjun was stunned.

He thought of countless possibilities.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ao would say so!

"You won't kill me?"

He asked rhetorically.

Jiang Ao shook his head, seemingly relaxed, but revealed an unquestionable meaning.

"Then what are you doing on my flying boat?"

Xianjun Wutian sighed and looked at the people in the hall.

"I only came to the evil immortal, but I didn't know that you were from the Forgotten Clan. But now that I know, I can't ignore it. What you want to do next, I can help you! Even if you sit in the position of Western Emperor , It’s okay!"

Jiang Ao seemed to be talking about very ordinary things.

But to everyone, it was like a blast of thunder on the ground, blasting in their ears, which shocked them.

"To be the emperor?"

Wutianxianjun also had the same expression.

"Of course, as long as I want, you can be any immortal emperor of the immortal realm! As I said, I have been blessed by the Forgotten Clan. Without them, there would be no me who I am today!"

Seeing this, Jiang Ao didn't seem to believe in himself, so he repeated it again, adding to his tone!

"God, it's all God's will! Unexpectedly, our Forgotten Clan finally has someone who will not kill us!"

Suddenly, the elder Wutianxianjun burst into tears, and Jiang Ao looked dazed!

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