I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 514: Who is this?

"Spike? Yes, yes, it is a spike! At that time, I was ready to die. You also know that although I am only proficient in formations, but with formations blessings on my body, I can remove all kinds of power. But, against him Four powers, but there is nothing to make up! Immortal power and demon power, but I can’t do it. But magic and meditation can directly break through my formation! Because my formation has never targeted the two powers. Sexual arrangement!"

"So it's like this..."

Jiang Ao was relieved in his heart.

He thought that Heavenly Xie Xianjun was crushing with the right strength!

I have a system, no matter what power you have, you will swallow it all at that time!

When he thought, the demon power in his body suddenly poured out.

Jin Wang was shocked and stood up suddenly, "Be careful, there are monsters here!"


Jiang Ao couldn't help but laughed, and said, "Don't panic, this is the demon qi that exudes from my body."


Jin Wang couldn't help staring his eyes wide, his face looked incredible.

"Jiang Ao, are you an immortal who cultivated after a monster transformed into a monster?"

In the tens of millions of years of cultivation, this is how the cognition is.

How can a normal human race cultivate demon power?

Only by transforming from the demon clan into a human, can they retain some demon aura because of the original power.

However, the evil spirit that Jiang Ao revealed just now...

It's too strong!

In this way, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong.

"It's nothing, I took a space beast, so it's not surprising that there is some evil spirit on the body."

Jiang Ao's eyes turned and explained.

"Sora... Jian Beast? You actually subdued the Space Beast?"

The King of Formation was shocked again.

"Is it weird?"

Jiang Ao was even more strange.

You can all catch the space beast and lock it up, why can't I subdue the space beast?

"Jiang Ao, is what you said is true or false? Space Beasts are so arrogant that they don't even look at the demon kings! You are just a mere Da Luo Jinxian, how did you subdue them? "

"Me? I just convinced him, and he agreed!"

Jiang Ao talked nonsense.

But it is true that he could threaten Kong's life at the time, and this made Kong surrender to him!

"Hahaha! Great! Jiang Ao, if there is a space beast, then... I'll be a little bit more sure, trap the Tianxie Xianjun! When your chaotic fire hits, he will die without death. Land!"

Hearing Jiang Ao's admission, Jin Wang couldn't help laughing wildly.


Jiang Ao didn't know anything about the formation method, and of course he didn't know why the formation king suddenly became crazy.

"Jiang Ao, you call out your space beast, let me see which state he has reached! I have to try my new formation quickly when I have time! I have always had a vision, but then it was Nothing more, because I don’t have a space beast by my side! Now that you have it, that’s great!"

The Jin Wang became extremely excited.

"Okay. I hope you don't disappoint me."

Jiang Ao shrugged, and then with a wave of his right hand, the space monster whose body had shrunk flew out of Jiang Ao's token and fell in front of him.

"Sora, I have seen the master!"

After seeing Jiang Ao, I saluted Jiang Ao for the first time!

"Empty... the space beast you said... is empty!"

This time, the formation king was stunned again!

"King of Formation, it's been a long time, but why did you become like this?"

Seeing the strength of the formation king, like ordinary immortals, Kong was also shocked.

Back then, he trapped himself with the Supreme Array, and then he was stunned by Lord Lei Fa.

Otherwise, of course they can't catch themselves and they are locked in prison!

"Become like this..."

The king was speechless for a while.

Humans and monsters have never had a peaceful scene.

And this one, the Demon Race that he had personally grasped back then, would even ask him?

That's ridiculous.

But no matter how ridiculous, Jin Wang knew that he still had more important things to do.

"No matter what I become, since you have already recognized Jiang Ao as the master, then this time...I need your help!"

"Help? How can I help?"

Kong knew that Jiang Ao suddenly called him out, there must be something to do.

Moreover, it must obey the arrangement of the formation king.

"I need to use your spatial ability to trap Tianxie Xianjun and buy us some time to kill him!"

"Xian Xie Tianjun? Is he here?"

Sora also gave a stunned sound, then looked around and exclaimed again!

"Here... is an independently established space? Is this... the world?"

"Yes, this is the world. In order to trap these evil immortals, I didn't kill them, but asked them to reflect here, but I didn't expect that Heavenly Evil Immortal would use the space stone to expand this place. Although it is not a single one. The whole world, but enough... is a stable world!"

The formation king's eyes dazzled, and then he said: "So, I need your power. While confining this space, it also limits some of the power of Heavenly Evil Immortal Lord!"

The formation king is very clear that the fifth power of the Heavenly Evil Immortal Monarch must be related to this world.

As long as this force is cut off, then they have hope and kill Heavenly Evil Immortal!

"I know. But I also need more space stones to strengthen my strength."

Kong looked up and looked at Jiang Ao.

"I have the space stone. Since there is still time now, you can take advantage of it to absorb it!"

Jiang Ao's expression also became solemn, and then he waved his hand.

Hundreds of space stones suddenly appeared in front of Kong and piled up into a hill!

Where did Jin Wang ever see such a situation, he was suddenly shocked!

Jiang Ao even has so many space stones?

He couldn't believe it, but seeing is believing.

How many secrets are there in this Da Luo Jinxian, he can't imagine?

at the same time.

Immortal Monarch Tianxie who was in the small wooden house in Tianxie City suddenly frowned.

Then he turned and looked to the south!

"Why is there so much space stone atmosphere there? It's strange!"

He pondered for a moment, and then walked out of the wooden house.

"Since you don't know, let's go and take a look! There must be a demon... I haven't seen the formation king before, can it be said that... the formation king ran over there to make a ghost?"

Thinking of this, Tianxie Xianjun jumped, and the whole person went straight into the sky!

The guardian Luo Tianshang saw with his own eyes the Tianxie Xianjun leaving, and then opened his eyes, took a closer look, and found that the wooden house was still open.

"The city lord is gone, the door is still open? Let's go and close it for him!"

One Luo Tianshang looked at his companion and said.

"Then you go shut it down, we are here to watch."

The others said.

"Okay, then you stay here."

After Luo Tianshang finished speaking, he stepped forward.

Through the wooden door, you can clearly see the spiritual card inside!

"Who is this?"

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