I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 381: Whistleblower Liu is busy!

Jiang Ao's plan is actually very simple.

Since there are only two big Luo Jinxian left here, then he can use his identity as a big man to provoke Liu Mang and Zhou Shi to fight.

When the two fight, they must die.

As for the person who survived, whether he was seriously injured or not, to Jiang Ao, there should be no more threat.

After Jiang Ao had a plan, he followed the big man and watched him dig out pieces of fairy crystals. After a few hours, he stopped.

"Brother, it's almost here, enough for the three of us to escape the Southern Territory!"

"Three people? Zhou Shi has to leave too?"

Jiang Ao was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, there are only two big Luo Jinxians left here, he and Liu busy. If you don't run at this time, there will be no chance!"

The big man nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, let's leave the mining area first. I will hand in some junior fairy crystals to Liu Mang to confuse him!"

Jiang Ao said casually, and the big man readily agreed.

Of course, there is no way he disagrees.

After the two left the mine, the big man stopped at the entrance of the mine and hid in a corner to the side.

But Jiang Ao strolled in the pavilion and walked into the cabin.

"Liu Daluo, I have an important message to tell you!"

Before entering the room, Jiang Ao quickly changed his expression and said to Liu Mang with a flustered expression.

"What important information, didn't you just go to the mine to mine?"

Liu Mang frowned slightly and said with a displeased face.

"That's it. I just met a miner who said it was Zhou Daluo's younger brother. They wanted to escape and hid many fairy crystals!"

Of course, Jiang Ao's acting level, needless to say.

"What, this happened?"

Liu Mang stood up directly, and then said with a gloomy face: "If there is no conclusive evidence for this kind of thing, don't talk nonsense! If it reaches Zhou Daluo's ears, no one can protect you!"

"It’s true, Liu Daluo, that man is still hiding in the entrance of the mine. I just discovered his secret and prepared to expose it, but I couldn’t beat him and he was forced to take a fairy oath. Wait, I can go there. I'll show you the temptation!"

Jiang Ao looked humble, but he was actually happy.


Liu Mang believed a little bit.

"Really! If you don't believe me, you can follow me now!"

Liu Busy pondered for a while and said, "Don't worry about it in the past, you will tell me the details of the matter!"

"Yes, Liu Daluo! It's like this..."

Before Jiang Ao came, he had already thought of how to say it, so this lie was a perfect fit, and he kept patting his chest to make sure that even if he made a mistake, he would not be involved. This made Liu busy. Believe.

"Huh, Zhou Shi actually eats the inside and out, the Southern Territory is about to go to war with the Northern Territory. Our mining area needs to provide the fairy crystal, and he wants to escape! If this is true, Jiang Ao, your kid has done a great job! I will definitely do it. Report it to the princess, and you will definitely be spared the pain of labor!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ao's face was overjoyed.

"Thank you Liu Daluo!"

"Well, this matter can't be delayed, you take me to see first!"

Jiang Ao nodded, turned and left the wooden house.

The wooden house is actually the office of the mining area, and there is one for every Da Luo Jinxian.

Zhou Shi's was farther away, and he didn't know what happened here.

"Liu Daluo, you stay here for a while, I pretend to have a conflict with that miner!"

Liu Mang nodded slightly, and used the fairy method to hide his figure.

"Come, here, here I am!"

Jiang Ao pretending to be panting, ran to the entrance of the mine, and said to the big man: "I have given those elementary fairy crystals to Liu Daluo. He is very satisfied, and said that he is going to rest now, so we thought If you want to go, it is the best time!"

"Great, I will call my elder brother now, you wait here!"

The big man started to leave, but was stopped by Jiang Ao.

"Zhou Daluo is Da Luo Jinxian, if he walks with us, will it be too dangerous?"

"With Da Luo Jinxian following, we will be safer! Moreover, when he comes, he can also unlock you and me!"

After speaking, there was a fierce light in his eyes!

But Jiang Ao swore not to kill him.

But he could kill Jiang Ao, but he couldn't do it right now, he needed Zhou Shi to come over.

Jiang Ao's thoughts moved. He didn't know what the big man thought, and deliberately said loudly, "Are you stupid? Let's act separately. This is safer!"

"No, if we separate, we will be divided and hit!"

After speaking, he didn't care about Jiang Ao, and ran towards Zhou Shi's cabin.

Anyway, he had to know that Liu was busy resting. This was the best time.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Ao sneered and rushed directly, kicking the big man to the ground with a kick!

"Do you dare to hit me?"

The big man was caught off guard, and got up from the ground while rolling.

It's not far from Zhou Shi's wooden house. No matter how powerful Jiang Ao is, his fairy body can still support it for a while.

"Boy, calling your eldest brother in the mine is compelling. Now my real eldest brother is there, you dare not kill me, let you be arrogant for a while!"

The big man said grimly.

Jiang Ao couldn't help laughing, and said, "Liu Daluo, you have heard it now, this miner is in collusion with Zhou Daluo!"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Mang showed his figure!

"I can't kill you, but it doesn't mean Liu Daluo can't kill you! Even Zhou Daluo has to die if you eat inside and out!"

Jiang Ao couldn't help being proud.

As long as there is only one Liu busy here, doesn't he leave if he wants to?

Liu Mang moved forward coldly, Dahan's face suddenly pale.

If he wanted to kill himself, he wouldn't even be able to save Zhou Shi.

What's more, Zhou Shi was dragged down by him!

"You, very good, let's not talk about anything else, everyone who wants to escape will die for Ben Da Luo!"

After speaking, Liu Mang patted him with a palm.

This palm condenses the power of heaven, and the big man can't stop it at this time!

"Ding... The system has detected the force of the wind, is the host swallowing it?"

Jiang Ao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Liu Busy's power of heaven to be wind.

However, before it was a high wind, this time it was a high wind.

Obviously, even the same elements are divided into many kinds.

"Swallow it first!"

Jiang Ao turned his eyes and chose to swallow it directly!

Suddenly, the palm strength fell on the head of the big man, but there was no blood light!


Liu Mang gave a startled suspicion, thinking that the man had used some kind of magic, he couldn't help being furious!

"With the power of heaven, I really have a bad heart! Xianshu, the wind is everywhere!"

In an instant, in this open space, as in the name of fairy magic, the wind was violent, and Jiang Ao couldn't help but close his eyes when he felt the immense power of immortality. He could already imagine what kind of tragedy the big man would be like!

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