I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 374: You are not enough!

"Zhao Daluo, Zhao Daluo, it's not good!"

This miner is also named Zhao, Zhao Yu.

He knew one of them, Da Luo Jinxian, Zhao Ran!

In fact, there are still relatives between them.

It's just that ordinary miners don't know it.

"Zhao Yu, what's wrong?"

Zhao Ran slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Yu, who was embarrassed and bloodstained, with an unhappy face.

"Zhao Daluo, there was a miner who could use immortality in the mine. He wanted to kill people in it! All of Liu Guang's men were killed! Fortunately, I was clever and learned the technique of holding my breath. Robbery!"

Zhao Yu was panting and hesitated in shock.

"What's this?"

Zhao Ran stood up immediately.

There are countless miners in the mine.

Although many miners die every day, if there is a magic trick, they can't bear the losses in the mine!

"Go, you lead the way, I want to see who is so courageous, dare to get into the mine!"

Because every miner, before going in for mining, needs to pass through their Daluo Jinxian and confine their heavenly powers before putting them in.

And now there is a miner who knows the power of heaven, and it is obvious that someone has come in.

If this is the case, then it is a conspiracy, it is very likely that it was sent by someone on another planet who was not against the princess, or even the Southern Immortal Emperor!

Zhao Ran's expression suddenly became solemn, and he quickly ordered Zhao Yu to lead the way.

When they arrived in the mine, they saw the place where they had fought, all blood stained, and their faces became more solemn.

"Tell me, why did he kill you?"

Zhao Ran asked seriously.

"Zhao Daluo, you also know that we are in constant disputes here, but the people on our side had a conflict with Qin Zizai before, and we ran into it when we came here, so we decided to find him to settle the account. Knowing that a miner around Qin Zi was suddenly using the immortal method, with just one move, we were all hit hard. And, one by one, they made up for the knife."

Zhao Yu took off his clothes, and there was a wound on his chest, which was injured by the blade of ice.

"Frosty Heaven?"

Zhao Ran thought for a while, none of the miners he had ever dealt with had ever encountered a person with such a natural way.

Could it be that other big Luo Jinxian put it in?

He immediately thought of the seriousness of the matter.

This is equivalent to the other three Great Luo Jinxians may have been bought!

No, you can't let them know about this. If you ask them directly, they will definitely not admit it.

You can only catch the miner, and then confront him on the spot, and you will surely be able to catch this traitor!

When Zhao Ran thought, he immediately had a plan.

"Go, take me. If you find that person and surrender, even if you have done a great job, I can release you!"

Zhao Ran was overjoyed when he heard this.

He is different from other miners.

Others came in through labor, but he was arrested for committing a crime.

It is not so easy to want to go out.

So usually Zhao Ran wants to take care of him, but there is no way at all.

The four big Luo Jinxians, although they are colleagues, are also restraining each other.

"Thank you Zhao Daluo!"

Zhao Yu's face was happy, and he suddenly felt that his whole body was full of motivation.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's chase it! In the mere frosty sky, my Lieyan Tiandao is not only his nemesis, but also a higher level!"

Zhao Ran grinned. If he catches this person, he will definitely be appreciated by the princess, so he will be transferred away from here, and there is no need to stay in this place where birds do not **** again!

However, Zhao Ran was imprisoned in strength, and if he chased with him, it would become a burden to him.

Simply, Zhao Ran directly unblocked Zhao Yu's body.

Zhao Yu was overjoyed. In this way, he can not only recover from his injuries, but also get revenge!

"Thank you Zhao Daluo!"

But Zhao Yu still did not forget his current identity.

This hasn't done much yet, obviously he is still a miner.

It's just being requisitioned by Zhao Ran as a temporary subordinate.

Zhao Yu's previous realm was the Eighth Stage Immortal Realm.

At this time, the power of Heaven's Path came back, as if he had been reborn.

Immediately drive the power of heaven and chase inside.

Zhao Ran followed closely behind.

Not long after, they discovered the chaotic footsteps on the ground.

"Zhao Daluo, they must have gone inside. Before, we found that the middle-level fairy crystals are very rich in this mine. Maybe we can go deeper and find the high-level fairy crystals!"

A look of excitement appeared on Zhao Yu's face.

"Don't care about this, we must catch up with talents!"

"Yes, Zhao Daluo!"


On the other hand, Jiang Ao led the people all the way down, and the miners felt very strenuous.

But Jiang Ao didn't speak, they could only clenched their teeth and persisted.

Another reason is that Jiang Ao's killing precepts like this might have attracted the attention of the Golden Fairies in the mine.

At this time, they will be safer only if they are farther away.

They are like ants in front of Jiang Ao, and even more so in front of Da Luo Jinxian.

As everyone knows, Jiang Ao didn't think so much.

He just wanted to find a place and stay for a while before talking.

It's not that complicated.

It's just that he didn't know, someone was already looking for them behind him and followed all the way.

"Brother, how long do we have to walk?"

Li Desheng was still a little uncontrollable, and asked.

"I don't know how long we walk, we have so many people, we have to find a place where so many people can stay."

Jiang Ao said indifferently.


Li Desheng was speechless.

He was a reckless man, he didn't know what Jiang Ao meant.

"Brother, they can't hold it anymore..."

Qin Zizai stepped forward and said.

Jiang Ao looked back and felt boring.

But after another thought, they had the power of heaven, but they didn't.

Sora has a celestial power, but he can't play the biggest role.

I had to stop and said, "In that case, you can rest here for a while. By the way, you will find a direction to dig a hole and use it as our shelter."

After Jiang Ao finished his instructions, he sat on the floor, planning to take a break, and go down and have a look alone.

But before the **** was hot, I heard footsteps not far away.

Very fast.

"Zhao Daluo, it is that person!"

Zhao Yu's eyes lit up, and his eyes quickly locked on Jiang Ao.

At this time, he also regained the power of heaven, and he was extremely excited.

And Zhao Ran stared at Jiang Ao stubbornly, and then a flash appeared in front of Jiang Ao.

While reaching out to grab Jiang Ao's neck, a huge flame burst out all over his body!

Suddenly, the temperature in the mine went up a lot!

A group of miners screamed again and again, and hurriedly avoided to one side.

"Boy, kill my miner for no reason, just catch it!"

However, Jiang Ao's reaction was much faster than him!

"If you want to catch me, your ability is not enough!"

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