I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 358: End, set off for the fairy world!

"I don't understand why you were born from me, you can refine the inner world in such a short period of time."

"This is important?"

Jiang Ao also became strange.

The last wolf shepherd didn't have so much nonsense, it was just you.

"It's not important, I just don't understand."

Huangguxing seems to have some stubbornness.

Jiang Ao was speechless, thinking that it would be for nothing to pull it off, so it's better to change direction.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ao said: "In this circle, there are three initial dragons. Now one of them has reached my inner world. Do you think there will be any surprises and discomforts after the past?"

"What? You even took away the beasts you guarded?"

Huang Guxing was shocked.

"I don't have to lie to you," Jiang Ao said lightly, "If you don't agree, then forget it, I can't waste time here. My world was born and needs many planets to provide me with a breath of life, so that I can Become stronger. I can't wait for the bodhi tree in the world to grow up."

Jiang Ao is very clear.

When he arrives in the fairy world, he will still be the lowest existence.

If there is no certain strength as the hole card, he may not be able to stand up.

The system has clearly stated that his role will be weakened.

And Jiang Ao didn't want to rely on the system all the time.

What if the system is gone?

Could it be that he just caught blindly and practiced indiscriminately?

Only if you are strong can you be truly strong.

"I... would like to go."

Huang Guxing was silent for a long while, and finally agreed.

Jiang Ao let out a long sigh of relief.

After moving the ancient star into his body, Jiang Ao once again entered the body world from Huanyu.

Then brought Qin Yao back to Longting.

At this time, Huang Guxing had completely belonged to him.

Moreover, the power of the Bodhi tree began to flow here.

Jiang Ao also met Qin Yanran.

"how do you feel?"

Jiang Ao asked with a smile.

"Young Master, there are only two planets now, so the problem is not big. But Young Master, this is not the right way after all. If you want to become stronger, you need the world to evolve on its own."

Jiang Ao expressed his understanding, and the system also said it at that time.

It's just that he needs a certain amount of power as his hole card.

"Now that the young master knows, Yanran won't say more. Young master, when will the eldest brother and third brother also be brought here?"

Qin Yanran asked with a smile.


Jiang Ao also laughed, and then said: "From now on, you will call me Young Master."


A few days later, Jiang Ao successively included more than ten vigorous planets, feeling that his celestial power was almost over, and then he went to the top of the mountains.

Jiang Ao told him that when he builds the inner world of the second individual, he will be a guardian beast, which makes him very excited.

However, when he asked Qin Aotian, he was obviously rejected.

"you are not willing?"

Jiang Ao was very surprised.

"Young Master, I just want to stay here."

Qin Aotian shook his head, his expression a little unnatural.

"Third brother, following the young master is the right choice!"

Qin Gaozhu hated that iron cannot become steel.

"Brother, I have decided. For many years, I have been arranged by you and the second sister. Now, I am the dragon of the beginning, and my strength is stronger than you united. So this time, I have to make it myself select."

Qin Gaozhu was anxious, and when he was about to scold Qin Aotian, he was stopped by Jiang Ao.

"Gao Zhu, I, Jiang Ao, never reluctantly do anything. Since Aotian doesn't agree, let him stay here."

"But Young Master, this Huanyu may collapse at any time! I can feel the original master's body getting weaker and weaker!"

Qin Gaozhu said eagerly.

Although he inherited the original dragon, he divided into three, his strength was less, and his loyalty to the body owner was less.

What's more, he still retained his will.

"It's okay... the big deal, after I go to the fairy world, I will find the owner of this Huanyu, if I can... I will help him talk about the injury!"

With Jiang Ao's promise, Qin Gaozhu also reluctantly accepted the facts.

After all, Qin Aotian didn't want to leave, so Jiang Ao forcibly brought him into his own body world, but there would be many disadvantages.

After this happened, Qin Gaozhu entered Jiang Ao's internal world, and nothing happened here.

"Chaotic Star Sea, here I am!"

He did not intend to break the void through the tribulation.

After all, he didn't know where the void was.

On the contrary, it was at the end of Luan Xinghai, he had learned something from the fearless place.

The fairy world is a brand new world, who knows what it is like.

He needs to be careful and careful!

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the sea of ​​chaos.

Jiang Ao sighed, "I didn't expect that at this time, there would be a little bit of reluctance! Forget it, it's time to go, let's go!"

Afterwards, he rushed into the sea of ​​chaos and saw the immortal Dao still shining brightly.

Just like a door, there is a whole new world on the other side of the door!

Jiang Ao groaned slightly before rushing in.

The fairy light dazzlingly passed by, and Jiang Ao instantly lost his sight.

However, there are countless fairy lights attacking his body at the same time!

It feels like a tattoo.

"I haven't felt the pain for a long time, but these pains are tempering my body! Is this to become an immortal body?"

Jiang Ao muttered silently in his heart, and he could obviously feel his body became much stronger.

Moreover, Xianli began to circulate in the body.

If the body is pierced, Xianli will go to heal.


Finally, the fairy light began to fade, and Jiang Ao's vision returned to normal.

Not long after, he suddenly lost weight, fell from mid-air, and fell onto a solid ground.

The surrounding pavilions are obviously a brand new place!

Immortal power is flowing in the air, which is more than the scattered sea of ​​chaotic stars, I don't know how many times it has been solidified!

"Is this... the fairy world?"

Jiang Ao looked around for a while, tried to use the fairy power in his body, and found that it had grown a lot.

Not only that, the fairy body is also very powerful.

"Hahaha, am I a real fairy?"

Jiang Ao couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance!

"Who, who is making noise in our palace?"

Afterwards, several footsteps were heard neatly, obviously a team of people came!

I wiped, Jiang Ao was stunned for a while, Lao Tzu, is this a hell-difficult start?

How did you run into a palace?

Jiang Ao looked around and quickly saw a lake not far away with some aquatic lotus floating on the lake. He didn't hesitate to jump into it!

After entering the water, he quietly floated up, and under the cover of the lotus leaf, saw a group of immortal soldiers covered in armor, holding spears, and looking for him angrily!

He quickly held his breath and watched the fairy soldiers secretly, but fortunately, they didn't expect anyone to hide in the pool.

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