I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 354: After immortality

This matter does not need Qin Yanran to say, he will do it too.

Because the three sons of the Qin family are in one trinity.

They were originally an initial dragon, because the three appeared at the same time and used the power of the black hole to divide it into three.

Jiang Ao had already planned.

I don't know when to go to the immortal world, how can I have such a good opportunity, but I can find a beast that can be guarded in the immortal world?

It couldn't be better to have three people ready.

Qin Gaozhu felt quite relieved.

It's just that Qin Aotian is still slightly immature, and needs to be polished.

When the time comes, the third world will be guarded by him.

Jiang Ao had already assigned tasks to the three of them in his heart.

But the premise is that this Huanyu problem is solved first!

"Young Master, I went to your inner world, so the eldest brother and the third brother can only control 80% of the power of the universe. This way, the suppression of the fearless may be weaker."

Qin Yanran reminded.

Jiang Ao smiled slightly, a murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll go to Luan Xinghai in a while and get Shang Wuda out!"

A day later, Jiang Ao appeared again in Luan Xinghai!

After putting Qin Yanran into the world inside his body, Jiang Ao rushed over here non-stop.

With 80% strength, Qin Aotian and Qin Gaozhu could only last for one day at most.

Moreover, it is still in the absence of fear.

"Lan Xinghai, I didn't expect to go in again... But this should be the last time, right?"

Jiang Ao smiled slightly, a confident look appeared on his face, and rushed into it!

"Swallow, swallow, swallow!"

Jiang Ao frantically swallowed the immortal power in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, but only then did he realize that his dantian was gone?

Instead, it was a black round bead!

"System, what's going on?"

Jiang Ao was shocked, where would he put his dantian without the power I swallowed?

"The host doesn't need to worry, because you refine the inner world, and the immortal power you swallow will be stored in the inner world. The inner world will use these immortal powers to form a fairy path."


Jiang Ao was stunned, he knew that Immortal Dao was the gateway to Immortal Realm.

Of course, this immortal Dao is only for the martial artist in his body.

He wants to go to the immortal world, or ask Qin Gaozhu and the others to provoke the immortal robbery and let him break into the void and fly up.

Or, Jiang Ao left here from the fairy road in the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

"So does it affect my use of Xianli?"

Jiang Ao relaxed in his heart and asked quickly.

"The host doesn't need to worry, you can just use it as you used to. The black beads can be treated as pubic pubes, and it will not hurt."

Jiang Ao finally let go of his heart and continued to devour the power of immortality frantically.

Before becoming immortal, Jiang Ao felt that there were a lot of immortals here.

But at this time, I felt that I couldn't swallow enough.

He went all the way to swallow.

Before long, he walked to the middle of the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

Ahead is the fairy road.

Among the countless meteorite fragments, a figure, looming, is sitting cross-legged, fearless yet absorbing immortal power!

Feeling Jiang Ao's gaze, Shang Wuwei suddenly opened his eyes!

"Jiang Ao, I didn't expect you to come to die!"

It was an accident that Shang Wuwei.

He didn't hide well in Huanyu. When he came here, could he think that like Qin Wushuang and the others, secretly crossed the Immortal Dao and became a half immortal?

Jiang Ao smiled slightly: "Yes, I am here to send you to death, but I am to send you to death!"

"Hahaha," Shang Wuda laughed wildly, "In the quaint Soul Traveling Realm, if you are in the surrounding universe, you may still have a chance. But in the chaotic sea, I have endless immortal power as a backing, and grinding can kill you!"

After speaking, he pointed at Jiang Ao Void!

"Xianshu, the fairy will show the way!"

A light spot suddenly appeared on the fingertips, quickly condensing, without a breath, a beam of light radiantly blasted towards Jiang Ao!

Wherever the light went, countless meteorites were annihilated into ashes.

Jiang Ao stood still.

He is a real immortal, yet fearless, only a half immortal.

Even if you have fairy skills, so what?

Jiang Ao smiled slightly, letting the light hit his eyes.

Then his lips opened slightly, and he faintly uttered two words.


The light seemed to crash into the black hole, disappearing without a trace in an instant!

In the distance, Shang Wuwei's face was shocked!

"No, it's impossible, how can my fairy art not have any effect?"

Jiang Ao disdainfully said: "You are nothing but a half immortal, I am the real immortal!"

After that, Jiang Ao slapped in the air. He didn't know how to deal with immortals, but he didn't even need to deal with a half immortal!

The world in the body ran wildly, and the power of the original source rushed out from the black ball, and immediately drove the huge celestial power, which poured out of the body!

"Fell me down!"

The endless aura of immortality, under Jiang Ao's control, directly confronted Shang Wudae!

Before the palm arrives, the force comes first!

There was a color of horror in the eyes of Shang Wuwei, and he could not move!

"Impossible, you have become a fairy, you have become a fairy!"

He yelled like crazy!

But he has no resistance at all!

Jiang Ao didn't want to kill him at this time.

The palm strength has finally arrived.

Shang Wufei was pressed **** top of a meteorite, blood flowed across his mouth!

But immortals are immortals after all, even if they are half immortals, they just don't have the world inside.

The body, after being tempered by the fairy world, is still a fairy body.

Furthermore, Jiang Ao didn't use his full strength, he was fearless, just a slight injury, and it didn't hurt.

But he wanted to turn over, but it was also impossible.

"I haven't been a real fairy for hundreds of thousands of years. Why have you become a fairy in just a few decades!"

"Did you capture this Huanyu! You controlled the three initial dragons?"

Still fearlessly shouted unwillingly.

He exhausted all his energy and collected countless celestial treasures.

As a result, in vain!

Jiang Ao glanced at him indifferently, and said, "You now have two choices, death or life!"

As soon as these words came out, the fearless roar stopped abruptly!

No one wants to die, fearless yet, no exception!

"Will you give me a chance? I don't believe it!"

Shang Wuwei went crazy again.

The flaws of the warrior must be reported, especially the immortal.

"I swear by the world inside me, I won't kill you!"

A sly look appeared in Jiang Ao's eyes, but it flashed past.

Dawei hasn't found it yet.

"If I kill you, then the world inside my body will explode for no reason, what do you think?"

Shang Wuda was silent for a while, and then said: "After the Immortal Dao, it is a planet on the border of the immortal world."

In any case, he was also a fairy, he naturally knew what Jiang Ao wanted to ask.

"The fairy world is like Huanyu?"

Jiang Ao was taken aback.

Because fearless yet fell to the planet.

"Yes. The immortal realm is divided into five major domains, in the east, west, south, and north, each domain has an immortal emperor's position, and the place after the immortal path belongs to the western immortal domain."

"That's the case, then you can die now."

Jiang Ao used his hand to suppress the fearless palm and directly crushed the bones of his body!

He said that he will not kill Shang Wudae, but it does not mean that he cannot seriously hurt Shang Wudae!

After the serious injury, the rest can be handed over to Qin Gaozhu and Qin Aotian!

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