I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 292: Now it's my turn!

"Elder Shang, there is one thing Huang doesn't understand!"

Huang Zhu politely said to the old Shang, "Huang is not familiar with the power of the Star Mu Xingke. So Huang wants to know, how does this sword... fly out automatically when no one is there?"

With that said, he also pointed to Jiang Ao's location!

Old Shang's eyes lit up, why didn't he expect it?

There are many doubts, whether they are artificial or there are formations designed here, as long as you go in and take a look, you can know!

Guessing here, you might guess right!

"In that case, you can go in. The old man is just looking for treasure, not fighting."

Elder Shang was very sure that this was a conspiracy of Mu Xingke, no matter if it was a formation or hiding people, he didn't want to participate in it.

He is a neutral person, maybe he will cooperate with Muxingke in the future?

Although they have a bad reputation, their strength... is not bad.

Wang Ping and Huang Zhu looked at each other again, and said: "Huang Zhu, this matter involves the pastor, the grievances between you and me, put aside for now."

"Huang has this intention! Let's go in and have a look. If necessary, we need to join forces!"

Both of them are masters of the Starlight Realm. Although they don't have a tacit understanding, they have rich combat experience.

No need to say more, he formed the horns and walked slowly towards Jiang Ao's position.

One is worried about the range of the formation, and the other is afraid of someone suddenly exploding.

Jiang Ao gave a wry smile, it seems that he can only attack now.

Originally, in his plan, only one person remained after the death fight between the two.

Then he will deal with it more easily!

But what I didn't expect was that the old businessman who unintentionally helped him out of the siege at first brought him trouble again.

If he hadn't noticed the abnormality of Ben Lei Sword, the two of them would have died.

The remaining one is probably in a state of serious injury.

Now, I have to deal with them with minor injuries.


The voice of the bush got closer and closer, Jiang Ao gently patted Zi Yan's lower back, motioning her to turn over.

If they get closer, it is estimated that Ziyan will be dangerous.

The current plan is to take the first shot and then lead them to other places!

Jiang Ao quickly locked the position of Ben Lei Sword, and could only rush over, holding the Ben Lei Sword and confront them again, only then would he have one more chance of winning!

Wang Ping and Huang Zhu's attention was extremely concentrated.

The moment Zi Yan turned over, they heard a strange noise, and the twin queens gathered strength at the same time, but they did not immediately blast out.

Regardless of that amount, Jiang Ao shot out with two palms in the air, taking all the power of the sun without any reservation!



Two voices exploded, countless weeds were blasted to pieces, Jiang Ao knew that he couldn't hide, one turned over and rushed towards Ben Lei Sword!

At this time, the power of Nirvana in his body was out of control, and he began to raging directly along his meridians. Jiang Ao screamed in his heart and vomited a mouthful of blood!

"The power of the sun, he is a shepherd!"

"To be precise, he is a master-level figure of the Muxing Guest Domain!"

The two spoke one after another, and after avoiding Jiang Ao's palm, they quickly turned around and stared at Jiang Ao firmly!


"How can this be?"

The two were stunned for a while.

Even Elder Shang couldn't believe it.

This kid clearly only has the cultivation base of the Xianchu Realm, why... just used the power of the sun?

"There is weirdness, let's be careful!"

Wang Ping said subconsciously.

Originally, he wanted to join forces with Huang Zhu to kill.

But the appearance of Jiang Ao at this time made them a little stubborn.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Ao couldn't help laughing, with scarlet blood on his teeth.

"Boy, who are you! Why can you only use the power of the Sun in the Xianchu Realm? You are a Mu Xingke person?"

Wang Ping said coldly.

"Speaking quickly, otherwise Huang will definitely want you to try my heavenly methods!"

Huang Zhu is not to be outdone.

Jiang Ao thought, and resisted the severe pain in his body, and said: "What kind of shit, the secret door, in the eyes of my shepherd, it is rubbish! Wait, sooner or later our organization will wipe you all out in Huanyu !"

There is no more power available in his body.

The only plan now can only irritate them to take a shot at themselves in order to swallow their power.

As a result, you can rise to the Starlight Realm!

The second is to transform their power into the power of the sun, even if they do not upgrade, they will at least have the power to protect themselves.

Otherwise, the uncontrollable force of Nirvana at this time alone will torture him to death.

When the two heard this, there was a trace of anger in their eyes.

"This kid is weird, let's try it out first!"

Wang Ping said softly, Huang Zhu understood.

The two raised their hands at the same time and patted Jiang Ao suddenly!

Jiang Ao was overjoyed, Lao Tzu's plan was successful!


As soon as the system's voice appeared, Jiang Ao gave a low voice without hesitation!

Suddenly, these forces all turned into the power of the sun, appearing in his dantian!

The already chaotic power of Nirvana, with the goal of pursuing it again, returned from the meridians and rushed toward the power of the sun!

Jiang Ao was familiar with the road and let Ri Zhili hide in the corner of Dantian.

The strength of the body has returned to the original balance, and he feels much more comfortable in an instant.

"Oh, didn't you guys have no meals? The fight didn't hurt at all."

Just when the two were strange, Jiang Ao deliberately took two steps backwards, pretending that he was hit.

"Boy, it's a mere Xianchu Realm, and I'm also worthy to pretend to be in front of the Starlight Realm like me! Take another palm!"

Wang Ping was a bit more grumpy. Seeing Jiang Ao’s sarcasm, he thought that this kid was still stubborn when he died. I don’t know I still need to guard against Huang Zhu, so didn’t I use my full strength?

Seeing Wang Ping's move, Huang Zhu also gathered his own strength and slapped it out with a palm!

Jiang Ao was overjoyed in his heart, but his face pretended to be dismissive.

"Come on, just relying on you **** forces, can you hurt me? If it wasn't for Lao Tzu's cultivation problem, Lao Tzu has a hundred ways to kill you!"

Jiang Ao made a mystery, and nothing in his words was true.

But I have to say that the effect is very good, and the hatred is full.

As soon as the two of them slammed out of the front palm, they gathered another palm in the back, banging towards Jiang Ao one after another!




Jiang Ao felt excited when he saw this.

Come again, come again!

I am about to level up soon, as long as I reach the Starlight Realm, I can use the power of Nirvana!

The two slapped dozens of palms and found that Jiang Ao was completely unscathed. Then they realized something was wrong and stopped!

But by this time, it was too late!

"Congratulations to the host, successfully breaking through to the Starlight Realm!"

After speaking, Jiang Ao looked up to the sky with a long smile, and his whole body was shocked, and the aura of the Star Realm exploded directly, blasting the surrounding grass to shreds!

"You have been fighting for so long, now it's my turn!"

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